The Sphere of All Possibilities无限可能性的天球
A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon
由Tom Kenyon所传导的Hathor行星信息
【Hathors行星信息】《无限可能性的天球》(2) 磁性吸引子/未来的自己的放大
The Advanced Technique
After you have energized your Future Self as described above, you shift your self-identity from your current self to your Future Self. This means that you move your awareness, or a part of your awareness to be more exact, from your physical body into the body of your Future Self. You are now experiencing embodiment in your future reality. As you sense yourself fully embodying this reality, you “look” back at your physical body from the vantage point of the future. As you accomplish this task you will sense an oscillation or a vibration as the two realities converge. It is as if waves of energy from your Future Self, which you are now identified with, collide with the waves of your present self, which you are not identified with in this moment.
The energetic point where the waves from the future collide with the waves of your present creates a void point (or more accurately a “void region”), and it is through this void point (region) that your present reality can rapidly shift into your future reality. For all intents and purposes you will have jumped timelines.
We strongly suggest that you read a previous message we have given, called The Art of Jumping Timelines to create a greater context for the advanced technique. While this method can be used for personal desires, we are sharing it in the hope that you will use it during the World Meditation on November 4, 2012 to seed new benevolent realities for humanity.
Preparatory instructions for those who wish to participate in the World Meditation—from wherever they may be physically located on the first Sunday of November 2012—will be posted by October 1st.
You are seed planters of new realities, whether you like it or not, whether you are conscious of it or not. Our intent in sharing this information is to increase the probability of a benevolent future for humanity. For those of you who choose to join us in the World Meditation, either in person at the workshop in Seattle, or at a distance, we ask that you experiment with this method before the event. Choose something in your life you wish to change. Use the method every day.
Once a day is all that is required. Test it. See how it works. Understand from direct experience how effective this method is. You will then be able to step up in service to humanity, having mastered this method. We are calling upon those of you disciplined enough to step up to this level of mastery.
A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon
通过Tom Kenyon传导的Hathor行星信息
- 【推】【Hathor信息】《意識的過渡狀態》 (上)
- 【推】【Hathor信息】《意識的過渡狀態》 (下) ♥ ﹝附音頻﹞
- 【九次元HATHORS訊息】《超靈的創造》
- 【Hathors信息】《視覺化人類的體驗,和高緯度存有的聯繫,人類原始的身體模板》
- 【Hathors行星信息】《一条来自更高世界的溪流》
- 【Hathors行星信息】《神光晶体》
- 【Hathors行星信息】《第五视角之“超越空间与时间”》(上) ♥ ﹝附音頻﹞
- 【推】【Hathors行星信息】《第五视角之“超越空间与时间”》(下)
- 【Hathors行星信息】《天使们的本质》
- 【推】【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(1) 跨越时间线的方法
- 【推】【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(2) 扬升
- 【推】【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(3) 准备和训练/物理上和灵性上的幸存
- 【推】【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(4) 时间线的汇合及可能性的改变
- 【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(5) 通灵者Tom的感想与建议(完)
- 【Hathors行星信息】《内在太阳》