*for immediate planetary broadcast to the starseeds of earth*
* 立即向地球的星际种子发射行星广播 *
Begin transmission.....
开始传送 .. 。
Great ones,
At exactly 11:11 am utc,tomorrow morning,
格林威治时间明天上午 11 点 11 分整
Billions of light beings on the surface of planet earth will unite in conscious union to achieve a state of global conscious cohesion and critical mass that has never been reached on this planet!
As the 11:11 great awakening super portal opens,and as 4.5 billion starseeds united in one accord,the largest force of light ever released on the surface of the earth,will be achieved!
随着 11:11 巨大的觉醒超级传送门的打开,随着 45 亿颗星球种子在一起,地球表面有史以来最大的光之力量,将会实现!
A multitude of divine beings are here with you right now for this grand moment in earth's evolution,standing by and assisting in this great event!
A critical mass of consciousness is about to transpire on earth that will trigger the final culmination of the long waited event and the appearance of a new golden age on this planet!
According to the universal directive of free-will and invitation by the light beings of earth:
根据地球光之存有自由意志和邀请的普遍指令 :
As of 11:11 am tomorrow,benevolent delta light forces will begin intervening directly in the global affairs of humanity for the first time in human history,and a cascade of events are going to follow in the coming weeks and months that will open up the final doorway for a new civilization on earth to appear!
从明天上午 11:11 开始,仁慈的三角洲光明势力将开始在人类历史上第一次直接介入人类的全球事务,在接下来的几个星期和几个月里,一连串的事件将接踵而至,这将为地球上新文明的出现打开最后的门户!
Special pleiadian delta operations,pandora and masterpiece will be merged into one final earth liberation mission as light forces begin to descend from every angle in the cosmos,creating a compression of light on the surface that will propel this planet and it's sentient beings directly into the 5th dimension!
Dear one,the great time of humanity has arrived!It is time and every angelic force in this cosmos is about to herald this grand news!
Communications and activity between benevolent light forces in earth's solar system and the earth alliance has escalated over the last 72 hours in preparation for the culmination of humanity's ascension event!
在过去的 72 小时里,地球太阳系和地球联盟中仁慈的光力量之间的通讯和活动已经升级,为人类提升事件的高潮做准备!
Every star nation in the universe has now arrived in this solar system to witness humanity's this ascension and to participate in the liberation of planet earth!
What is happening on earth right now is the most important event in the cosmos!
The galactics are monitoring every system in the solar system and around earth at this hour as things are about to move into high gear!
Tomorrow,the grand 11:11 stargate opens to mark the beginning of a new era of light coming to planet earth!
明天, 11:11 星际之门将会打开,标志着光明来到地球的新时代的开始!
As this celestial gate opens,massive amounts of central sunlight will pour into earth's atmosphere,further elevating the consciousness of the beings of planet earth to the 5th dimension!
This 11:11 is a special symbolic,cosmic code built into the blueprint of your being for the purpose of stirring your deepest cellular memories,a most sacred and divine awakening to the innate power of our soul!
这 11:11 是一个特殊的象征,宇宙密码,建立在你们存在的蓝图之中,目的是激起你们最深的细胞记忆,一个最神圣和神圣的觉醒到我们灵魂的内在力量!
Your heart is about to open to the eternal nature of spirit you shall now fully to awaken to your deepest truths and the highest vision of your soul's purpose here on earth!
This is about fully remembering who and what you truly are and about stepping into the being of this!
This 11:11 gateway is the most important cosmic portal in earth's history because of the imminent series of ascension events that are about to transpire here!This 11:11 portal is the final archetypal doorway that will open up an entirely new level of reality not experienced on earth in modern times!
这个 11:11 的门户是地球历史上最重要的宇宙入口,因为一系列即将在这里发生的扬升事件!这个 11:11 的入口是最后的原型门户,它将打开一个全新的现实层次,在现代地球上没有经历过!
The 11:11 gateway will create a high-vibrational opening where you will have final access to accelerated 5d ascension energies!
11:11 通道将创造一个高振动频率的开放,在那里你将有最终通往加速的 5 维提升能量的通道!
The vibrational significance of this special 11:11 gateway will be experienced by every light being on earth!
这个特殊的 11:11 门户的振动意义将被地球上的每一个光体验!
This moment and event is the key that will unlock access the realms of heaven on earth where you will begin to experience incredible clarity and connection with the highest realms of spirit and the divine,while you prepare for your entry into a new higher-vibrational world here on earth!
The 11:11 awakening codes that will start pouring through the portal tomorrow equate to activating the codes of mastery and awakening you've always carried within you but that will now be unlocked to profoundly shift your being into harmony and sync with the highest divine blueprint for your embodiment,and for fully thriving of your being.
11:11 觉醒密码,明天将开始通过入口涌出,等同于激活你内在一直携带的掌控和觉醒密码,但现在将被解锁,深刻地转变你的存在进入和谐,并与你的化身的最高神圣蓝图同步,并完全地繁荣你的存在。
Your being is about to be healed completely!
You will gain amazing new strength,a deeper level of love,peace,and hope,and nothing will be impossible for you now!
What is coming for you great one is awe and beauty that has only been dreamed of,but we promise that when you experience it you will fully believe and accept that it is all very real!
Dear one,
亲爱的 ,
Heightened waves of ascension energy will begin flowing into earth tomorrow through this grand portal and new 5d codes of awakened consciousness will stream in for all the light beings of earth to be able to finally walk across the great rainbow bridge into a new and better world!
扬升能量的高潮明天将开始通过这个宏大的入口流入地球,新的觉醒意识的 5 维密码将涌入,为地球上所有的光之存有能够最终走过伟大的彩虹之桥进入一个新的更美好的世界!
It is important to mention that divine love is the primary energy that will begin flowing through this 11:11 super portal and twin flame love energy will pour into the earth starting tomorrow through the spring equinox,creating a powerful magnetic force that will merge all twin flames back into oneness!
值得一提的是,神圣之爱是主要的能量,它将开始通过这个 11:11 的超级传送门和双生火焰的爱能量将从明天开始通过春分注入地球,创造一个强大的磁力,将所有双生火焰融合回合一!
***earth alliance update,11-11-key intel about the event***-the dark draconian overlords that have controlled earth for the last 350,000 years have been completely defeated by benevolent light forces!
*** 地球联盟更新, 11-11- 关于这个事件的关键情报 ****- 控制地球 35 万年的黑暗严酷统治者已经被仁慈的光之力量完全击败!
-for the first time since the creation of this universe,areas completely free of quantum fluctuations primary anomaly have appeared inside the universe.this is the beginning of a new cosmic cycle!
-light forces are now 100%in control of all 3d matrix systems!
- 光明势力现在 100% 控制所有 3d 矩阵系统!
-any remaining deep-state,rogue forces and beings on the surface are under extreme pressure by delta light forces which will completely expose them and eradicate them quickly now!
- 任何剩余的深层国家,流氓部队和在表面上的生物正处于极大的压力之下,三角洲光明势力将完全暴露他们,并迅速消灭他们!
-all artificial time-lines created by nefarious powers have been completely merged back onto the one true gamma timeline which leads directly to the new earth!
- 所有由邪恶力量创造的人造时间线已经完全合并回到一个真正的伽马时间线,它直接通向新地球!
-a new earth,quantum global abundance system,is about to be introduced to the world for the first time,and thus new system will replace the old corrupt central banking system!
- 今天,一个全新的地球——量子全球丰盛系统即将首次面世,新的系统将取代旧的腐败的中央银行系统!
-all harmful and out-dated 3d matrix systems will be completely replaced with 5d,new earth systems that will greatly benefit humanity!
- 所有有害和过时的 3d 矩阵系统将被 5d 完全取代,新的地球系统,将大大有益于人类!
-advanced new technologies will now be released to assist and heal all the beings of the earth-the grand celestial alignment of 2020 will lead to the culmination of the event and the grand solar flash!
- 先进的新技术将被释放来帮助和治疗地球上的所有存有 -2020 年的宏大天体排列将导致事件的高潮和宏大的太阳闪光!
-the days of darkness and suffering that has held humanity in,poverty,sickness,prison,and servitude have come to their end and a new day will now dawn where all beings of the earth shall be free forevermore!
-the schumann resonance will begin reflecting this powerful 5d,gamma energy and sustained 40-hertz spikes will be witnessed and felt by all as these energies permeate earth!
舒曼共振将开始反映这个强大的 5d ,伽马能量和持续的 40 赫兹尖峰将被所有这些能量渗透地球见证和感觉!
Dear ones,
亲爱的 ,
This is the greatest time in human history to be alive on planet earth!
Things are about to become super exciting on your great mission to earth!
The energetic doorway that opens tomorrow will stay open through 3-21-2020 and then build to the final grand apex and energy release of 11-11-2020!
明天打开的能量之门将持续打开到 2020 年 3 月 21 日,然后建造到最后的宏伟顶点和 2020 年 11 年 11 日能量释放!
This 11:11 gateway is the true dawning of a new day on planet earth!
这 11:11 是地球上新的一天的真正曙光!
Things are going to change rapidly now and for the benefit of all humanity!
The great time of humanity has come and a new epoch of light begins tomorrow on planet earth!
Standby for global conscious super-cohesion and a blinding compression of light as pleiadian light forces make their first physical,public appearance on earth!
Are you ready?
Thank you for your great service to all of humanity!
Michael and the pleiadians
Special credit and acknowledgment to the earth alliance,the great white brotherhood,the white dragon society,pleiadian codename:cobra,the guardians of earth and the sphere being alliance.
对地球联盟、大白龙会、白龙会、昴宿星代号 : 柯博拉、地球守护者和球体联盟的特殊荣誉和感谢。
David wilcock corey goode eceti ranch
大卫·威尔科克、 科里·古德 、 eceti ranch
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/31083.html
( 图文来自网络,版权属于原创 )