预言的作用是让你对可能的未来尝鲜,之后你必须自己决定预言中的未来是不是真的你想要体验的。预言不只针对未来,预言也可能是连结到你的过去。像是未来地球会毁灭这样的预言,有一大部分之于你来说,是连结到你的过去,是为了让你体验过去你活在雷姆利亚大陆或是亚特兰提斯的感觉。 (注一)
Prophecies & Predictions – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
Prophecies often do not come true, and any prophecy can only be given from the place of where the current energies reside. So a prophecy about the future is not given from the energies of the so-called future. Therefore, no prophecy can be one hundred percent accurate, and yet, all prophecies are one hundred percent helpful.
What a prophecy does is give you a taste of a probable future. You then get to decide, individually, if that is a future that you would like to experience. A prophecy may also be serving you in that it connects you to your past. A prophecy about the destruction of planet Earth, or a large section of it, gives you a taste of what it was like to live on Lemuria or Atlantis.
And predictions given to you as an individual about your personal life are sometimes meant to trigger you in the same way. They may awaken within you a desire that you did not know you had. They may be the final push that you need to make a decision, or to focus more clearly on that which you want.
The best prediction, or prophecy, is the one that empowers you, that acknowledges your ability to rewrite your contracts, to create your own experience, and to enable you to see a possibility that you did not know existed. So listen to the prophecies and the predictions with curiosity, and give special attention to how they trigger you. Use them, benefit from them, grow from them, and select your future accordingly.