On 11/11 you and humanity are entering an energy gateway. It is one of a number of gateways you will experience in the coming times. What do these gateways really mean and how can you prepare?
在 1111 ,你和人类会进入一个能量门户。它是你会在未来体验的众多门户之一。这些门户到底意味着什么,你如何做好准备?
People across the planet are waking up. As this awakening occurs, light shines on things that were previously in the dark. This is a natural process. You as a divine changemaker are an integral part of this process.
Your energy is crucial to what unfolds next – impacting your own spiritual evolution and the shifting of the Earth. Since your energy is such a pivotal factor, it is helpful to understand evolutionary cycles and gateways like 11/11.
你的能量对接下来会展开的事物来说是至关重要的 --- 会影响你自己的精神进化和地球的转变。由于你的能量是如此关键的元素,去了解像 1111 这样的进化周期和门户是有助益的
The awakening now under way has been in progress over time, gathering momentum as more people evolved spiritually. This process is faster now, in part because of humanity’s evolutionary development over the decades and also due to the acceleration of time.
The changes you are seeing now did not happen overnight – they have been unfolding, bit by bit. Change during the unfolding process can appear in such a subtle way that it is beyond mundane detection. It takes discernment, training, and practice to learn to decode the subtle elements of existence.
你现在看到的改变并不是一夜之间发生的 --- 它们一直在展开,一点一点地。在展开过程中的改变可以在非常微妙的方式中出现,超越世俗的检测。会需要洞察力、训练和练习去学习解码存在的微妙元素
A Knowing in Your DNA
你 DNA 中的一个知晓
Throughout the ages, symbolism has been attached to images and numbers and dates. You have recorded in your DNA a knowing of these things. In another time and place, you may have had an understanding of numerology, astronomy, or other esoteric studies involving energy cycles and dates. In your studies you may have learned about the symbolic communications of the spirit world.
贯穿时代,象征符号一直依附于图像、数字和日期。你在 DNA 中记载着对这些东西的一个知晓。在另一个时间和地点,你可能对命理学、天文学或其它深奥难懂的研究(涉及能量周期和日期)有着一个理解。在你的研究中,你可能熟悉了精神世界“象征符号”的通讯
The numbers 11/11 have long been associated with the idea of synchronicity, showing up on a clock or even within the mind’s eye as a kind of wake up call. It is like your inner being is reminding you that you are divine. When you see 11/11 flash on a clock as you go about your day, it is like spirit wants to bring attention to your divine self. You are, after all, divine! As you connect with that idea, your entire being is energized, you have a greater potential to progress spiritually, and therefore you can move into greater harmony and joy.
1111 数字一直都与“同时性”相关,出现在时钟上或甚至在心灵之眼中,作为一种唤醒呼叫。就像你的内心在提醒你你是神圣的。当你看到 1111 出现在时钟上,随着你进行你的一天,这就像灵魂想要你关注自己神圣的自我。毕竟,你就是神!随着你与这一想法连接,你的整体存在被充能,你有更大的潜能取得精神上的进展,因此你可以进入更大的和谐与喜悦
The number 11 is one of the master numbers and is related to spirituality, illumination, and a balancing of opposites. Examples of opposites include male and female, active and passive, love and fear. Adding an 11 to 11 for the date 11/11 creates a powerful opening for spiritual growth and awakening.
11 这个数字是其中一个大师数字,与灵性、阐明、两个对立面的平衡有关。对立面的例子包括男性和女性,主动和被动,爱和恐惧。把一个 11 添加给 11 就是 1111 ,为精神成长和觉醒创造了一个强大的开启
What does it mean to illuminate duality and how does this impact you and everyone you love?
The mega crisis you and the planet now face involves waking up to the destructive force of old paradigm approaches involving fear. Only when you can see the dysfunctional structures and ways of being for what they are can you change them. Anything that’s fear based is the polar opposite of what’s needed to create the love-fueled world you seek to inhabit.
Duality Must Become Visible
You must be able to see the dysfunction in order to know that it’s something you don’t want. The duality must become visible in order for you to address it. For you to see it clearly and fully, the unworkable must be illuminated. That illumination is happening right now all across the planet – showing you what’s not working in relationships, in business, in politics, in religion, and more. This unveiling is happening for you personally, for those you love, and for humanity at large.
你必须能够看到不正常,才能知道这是你不想要的东西。二元性必须变得明显,你才能处理它。要清晰、彻底地看到它,不切实际的必须被照亮。这个照明正在世界各地发生 --- 展示你什么并不在人际关系、商业、政治、宗教等等领域中奏效。这个揭示正在为你个人、你心爱的人和整个人类发生
The 11/11 is like a magnification of the illumination effect that has been under way for some time. It therefore is a gateway – an opportunity for you to join with others across the planet to focus on love and light-filled ways of being.
1111 就像是对进行了一些时日的照明效果的放大。因此它是一个门户 --- 一个机会,让你加入世界各地的其他人去专注于爱与光的存在方式
Doing so on 11/11 and on other dates like solstice will allow you powerful opportunities to shine your light – in ways that can catapult you and humanity into a more loving configuration. Each time you focus your energies in this way you are contributing significantly to the shift in consciousness.
在 1111 和其它像至日的日子里去这么做会给予你强大的机会去闪耀你的光 --- 会将你和人类弹射到一个更加有爱的结构。每一次你们这样专注于自己的能量,你就在显著地为意识的转变做贡献
To supplement that, you add to these positive energies by how you live your daily life. Each time you make a choice to be more loving and more kind, you raise your frequency and contribute to creation of a new type of reality based on love. Consider what you can do today to add to this momentum – this is the perfect moment to begin.
还要补充一下,你通过如何度过你的日常生活添加这些积极的能量。每一次你选择去变得更加有爱和友善,你提升你的频率并贡献去创造一个基于爱的新现实。思考你今天可以做什么来添加这个势头 --- 这是完美的时刻去开始
False Notions about 11/11
关于 1111 的错误观念
False notions about 11/11 and other upcoming dates include a number of ideas based on prophecy, superstition, and wishful thinking. Learn to be mindful and discerning of media messages about dates such as the 11/11. The Internet is full of articles linking 11/11 with outcomes that cannot be substantiated.
对 1111 和其它即将到来的日子(包括基于预言、迷信、一厢情愿想法的数字)的虚假观念。学习留意和辨别媒体对 1111 这类日子发出的信息。互联网充满了把 1111 与无法被证实的结果联系在一起的文章
Here are a few examples of false notions to question:
Everyone on the path of light will ascend on 11/11.
每一个处于光之道路的人会在 1111 扬升
When you ascend you leave behind loved ones who are not yet ready.
You will be united with your twin flame on 11/11.
你会在 1111 与你的双生火焰重聚
All of your work is done – the 11/11 is the culmination of your mission.
你所有的工作已经完成 ----1111 是你使命的高潮
Get into the habit of questioning more deeply what you hear and what you read. Do you really think that everyone on the planet, including those who have yet learned to love themselves, will automatically be united with a twin flame on 11/11? This is nonsense.
养成习惯去更深地质疑你所听到的和读到的。你真的认为地球上的每个人,包括那些还未学会爱自己的人,会在 1111 自动与双生火焰重聚?这是无稽之谈
Also, there is no automatic ascension. The great shift now in process is a gradual one and does not happen on a single day. Each person has his or her own spiritual path. You can help others and show the way but from a higher spiritual perspective you are not responsible for how quickly they develop spiritually. No one is left beyond – each person has a divine spark and it is his or her eventual destiny to remember that and to live as soul.
还有,没有自动的扬升。正在发生的伟大转变是一个渐进的过程,不会在一天之中发生。每个人都有自己的精神道路。你可以帮助他人,展示道路,但从更高的精神视角,你不用为他们多块地发展负责。没人会被抛下 --- 每个人都有一个神圣的火花,忆起它并作为灵魂生活是他 / 她最终的命运
You Are Not in a Race
You are not in a race. There is a divine timing for everything and for each person’s path. As you open to your own inner wisdom and act on it, you connect with your own divine timing. This is what you want to focus on now and in the times to come.
As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.
翻译:Nick Chan