[A sannyasin, returning to the West, says he feels energy in his throat and belly. Osho checks his energy.]
Mm mm... it is there, but nothing to be worried about. Start doing two things.
One is: whenever you feel a choking in the throat start chanting loudly. Any sound that you feel like, any gibberish will do, mm? Or if you feel like singing a song, sing, but in that moment you should start using the throat.
It is good to just create sounds, they are more helpful, because with meaning, things become very very limited... so 'ahhhahhh' or anything that comes at that moment. Just feel the body and allow it and sway. It will go.
When you feel it in the stomach do another thing. Just close your eyes, put your hand where you are feeling it, and start moving upwards with your hand slowly and bring it to the throat.
It is the same thing. Sometimes it is not coming to the throat -- bring it to the throat, and when it has come to the throat, make a meaningless sound. If it is in the throat, it is good, make the sounds; otherwise first bring it to the throat.
It will come up. Just direct it, say to it 'Come on!' Call it upwards and bring it to the throat. Collect it there and then burst into a song.
This will disappear: it will take at least three, four weeks to go, but it will disappear, and once it is gone you will feel very very free.