When you are feeling happy, loving, floating--these are the right moments when the door is very close. Just a knock will be enough.
It almost always happens that when people are miserable, anxious, tense, and nervous, they try meditation-but then it is hard to enter. When you are feeling hurt, angry, or sad, then you think of meditation, but that is almost going against the current and will be difficult.
When you are feeling happy, loving, floating--these are the right moments when the door is very close. Just a knock will be enough. Suddenly one morning you are feeling good, for no visible reason. Something must have happened deep in the unconscious. Something must have happened between you and the cosmos, some harmony; maybe it happened in the night, in deep sleep. In the morning you are feeling good; don't waste that time. Just a few minutes of meditation will be worth more than a few days of meditation when you are miserable.
Or suddenly at night lying on the bed, you feel at home ... cozy surroundings, the warmth of the bed. Just sit for five minutes; don't waste that moment. A certain harmony is there-use it, ride on it, and that wave will take you far away, farther than you can go on your own. Learn how to use these blissful moments.