原创 2017-11-10 库图弥 新纪元扬升之光
Kuthumi via Ann Dahlberg, November 8th,2017
I amKuthumi and I rejoice over being able to speak with you today. It has been along time that I have walked here on Earth, both in my physical body and in mynon-physical body. Yes, I have been with you dear Earthlings. I have watchedover you during thousands of years so it is for me a great joy with which I canlet you know that Earth now finally is ascending to her beauty and dimension ofyesteryears. You who wish will ascend with her. We have come to the end oftimes, which means that we have reached the point in time when Earth will leavethe heavy dimension and join a lighter one, and once again rejoin her brothersand sisters of the light. It is grand happening in the Universe. Things willhappen also there – I want you to know. It will be a wave of light that willtravel all through our galaxy. This is what we have worked for during manythousands of years and now we have reached the triumph of our victory. It is avictory for the light and a victory for Mother/Father God who now can bring homehis/her near and dear again. You are all equally near and dear to Mother/FatherGod. There is no distinction for her/him.
We are nowabout to take the last important step on Earth. It is the step that gives usthe freedom that we so well deserve. It is the freedom to follow our heart, thefreedom to do good for our fellow humans and the Earth that so long hasnourished us. All people have deep inside a longing to only be in what is goodand to feel that we are one with everything and that we all care for eachother. I have seen it so many times that when people are exposed to somethingoutside of their control this compassion and decisiveness emerges. Theyvolunteer and do all they can to help another human being that is in need. Thiscan also extend to the animals. I think you recognize this. It is then thatgoodness emerges and one lets go of the everyday pattern. A whole differentenergy of strength and goodness can then be felt in the air. It isthis energy that now vibrates on Earth and is starting to get a hold into manysouls. People feel how strength is growing within them selves and they dare to seewhat it is that is happening around them. Some take small steps and some takelarge steps once they start to change the picture of the reality that they nowexperience. This can lead to new and drastic things that happen in their lives.This can be in regards to work, family, living, or a large transformation ishappening within them so that what they now have taken for given theynow need to reevaluate. These are large and sensitive steps. Youhave all at one time gone through this, but now it is happening on a broaderfront for a larger number of people at the same time. Can this create chaos,yes maybe a little. This depends on where you are in your maturity. Largelyhumanity has risen in its maturity so that you will be able to manage thistransition now without too many problems. It can however simmer here and thereas you are a large amount of humans on Earth today with varying degrees ofmaturity.
Be openfor all that is happening and feel in your heart what feels as right or wrong.If you have not found the voice of your heart it is time to search for it now.It is the heart that is helping you on the way. It is the heart that is guidingyou along the best path. It is the heart that is best for you right now. It isthe heart that can discern what is right and best for you now in this sea ofpossibilities that can pop up from nowhere. What is right for your best friendmight not be right for you. It is then that it is important to listen and dareto follow what is coming up and coming up…. It has a tendency to repeat itselfuntil the message is received. It is important to go within yourselves now andto access the important information you can find there. You all have importantinformation to fetch from your heart. I will be glad to be of service so callon me if you need help with listening or do not know where to go. I will giveyou clues so that you more easily can find the path that is yours. I havefollowed you for so long and during so many thousands of years so I know whatyour hearts feel and long for.
I am sending you all my love!
I am Kuthumi and it has been a joy to get to talk to you again.
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XR11XPxE3Q