I AM your Mother God and I have quite the message for you to share with your Lightworker friends on this fair and cool evening. I am continuing my Tsunami of Love; sending love in waves and bursts to you, my children living on the surface. This benevolent onslaught will continue until all the dark entities are gone. They cannot handle my high vibrations of love and this is the most effective way to cancel out their existence on Gaia at this time.
At I said previously, I have given them more than enough time to give up their position of staying true to the dark, or their non-loving ways. They did not acquiesce, so I have pushed forward with my plan and continue to send love waves consistently until they are all cleared. Lightworkers must stay vigilant for they will strike out where ever they can. They will attempt to attach themselves to ones who they feel cannot harm them or ones whom they wish to harm.
I AM CALLING ON YOU, LIGHTWORKERS FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. Lightworkers, please be faithful in practicing your energy work and your healing and protecting practices for they are vital at this time. Blaze the violet flame for transmutation whenever you can; and also use your healing talents to send love, light and healing blessings to all your Brothers and Sisters on the planet. Of course, my Legions of Angels are always on call and wish you would call on them more often.
This current situation will not last much longer, dear Children. The dark cannot hold on as I continue to raise the frequencies of love on Gaia. Although in times past you have "battled" these lost ones, please try your best to send them love and help them go into the light of the great central sun for re-purposing. It is their time to let go and they need help from you to let go! This may sound preposterous to you, but it is your job as Lightworkers and Light Bearers to send even your enemies love.
Many have come before you and tried their hardest to send love to their enemies. It is not an easy thing to do, especially when they have caused so pain and suffering. But this pure act of loving even your enemy is powerful enough to blast your hearts wide open and allow even more love to enter. I will be there with you, dear Children as you practice this exercise. Forgive them. Send them love and help them on their way.
This One has heard her friend speak of this action which he and his son have been doing. Bravo! This is the way to 'be rid of them.' They are honestly coming to many of you for help in the only way they know how—by attacking. So, wrap them up in pink fuzzy blankets of my love and see them floating away in a big pink bubble of love.
Please pursue these actions, dear Children and it will be no time until all of Gaia will be cleared of the last remaining trouble makers. We must do it together! I am sending my love waves and you are sending them love also and assisting them in crossing over. My Angels and your Space Family are helping too. Do you see? We are all in Divine Partnership! All working together for the great good and for the further of Nova Gaia.
I send you bright pink moonbeams of love this fair evening, dear Children. I am your Mother God and I am ecstatic to be in Divine Partnership with you all. Together we cannot be stopped!
通灵:Dancing Dolphin
翻译:Nick Chan