The Sphere of All Possibilities无限可能性的天球
A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon
由Tom Kenyon所传导的Hathor行星信息
Amplification of the Magnetic Attractor/Future Self
You can accelerate and amplify the manifesting of this new reality in your life if you add the element of appreciation to your manifesting action. By this we mean for you to add the feeling of appreciation for the future reality when you sense the flow of energy from your solar plexus into the solar plexus of your Future Self. As you experience yourself in the future, living this reality (that you are creating), you experience appreciation for having that in your life. The addition of appreciation in the matrix of creation is a powerful amplifier for your intent.
The topic of appreciation and the act of creation is a very rich one, and it is something we hope to explore in the future, but it is too complex to go into here.
Suffice it to say that in terms of human consciousness the two most powerful catalysts for imprinting neurological realities and the creation of new external realities is either through fear or love. Within your collective humanity fear has been, and continues to be, used as a means to control and to direct present and future outcomes. Love, or in this case appreciation, is also a powerful means for creating external realities. This duality, as it has expressed itself in your collective history, is indeed a territory worth exploring.
We now wish to turn our attention to an advanced stage of the method. If you are unable to engage the advanced technique, do not worry about it. The basic method is a very rapid means for creating outcomes. It is simply that the advanced technique accelerates this process even further.
If you work with the basic technique long enough you will gain the mastery required to engage the advanced technique.
There is one last stage we wish to bring to your attention before discussing the advanced technique. This crucial stage is required for both the basic and the advanced technique. It is simple, and yet simplicity often eludes humans.
You must do something in the realm you wish to manifest. You must take an action. If it is something in your 3-D life you wish to change then after you have worked with the method you do something—take an action in your life that is aligned with the outcome you wish to create. Perhaps it involves gaining information about what you are wanting, or perhaps it is actually changing how you do things in your life to align with the reality you wish to create.
If it is something in another realm of consciousness then you must take the action in that realm. We will address how you do this in some future message, but not now. The fundamental truth is that in order to create a new reality in any realm of consciousness or existence you must take an action in that realm.
A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon
通过Tom Kenyon传导的Hathor行星信息
- 【推】【Hathor信息】《意識的過渡狀態》 (下) ♥ ﹝附音頻﹞
- 【九次元HATHORS訊息】《超靈的創造》
- 【Hathors信息】《視覺化人類的體驗,和高緯度存有的聯繫,人類原始的身體模板》
- 【Hathors行星信息】《一条来自更高世界的溪流》
- 【Hathors行星信息】《神光晶体》
- 【Hathors行星信息】《第五视角之“超越空间与时间”》(上) ♥ ﹝附音頻﹞
- 【推】【Hathors行星信息】《第五视角之“超越空间与时间”》(下)
- 【Hathors行星信息】《天使们的本质》
- 【推】【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(1) 跨越时间线的方法
- 【推】【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(2) 扬升
- 【推】【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(3) 准备和训练/物理上和灵性上的幸存
- 【推】【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(4) 时间线的汇合及可能性的改变
- 【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(5) 通灵者Tom的感想与建议(完)
- 【Hathors行星信息】《内在太阳》