The Art of Jumping Time Lines
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon
透过Tom Kenyon所传递的Hathor行星信息
【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(1) 跨越时间线的方法
【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(3) 准备和训练/物理上和灵性上的幸存
【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(4) 时间线的汇合及可能性的改变
Tom’s Thoughts and Observations
Several things caught my eye in this communication. First of all they used a term, trans-historical, which I had never heard before. When I asked them about this, they said it described a way of looking at certain types of intergalactic influences that transcend linear time. Thus, the influences they were speaking about were generated outside of time, as we understand it, but then showed up in our time line from pre-history until the present moment. I don’t completely understand all of what they are saying here. I am just passing it on.
在这次通信中有好几件事情吸引了我的注意力。首先是,他们(The Hathors)使用了一个词语:超越历史性的,这是我以前从没听过的。当我问他们关于这个词语,他们说,这描述了一种方式,用以如何去看待某种类型的,超越了线性时间的银河(星际)间的影响。(他们说:)因此,他们所说的这种影响是发生在时间之外的--如我们所理解的,但是,这种影响从史前时期直到当下这一刻,却又一直显露在我们的时间线里。我不能完全理解他们在这里所说的意思。我只是把它传递过来。
Since they emphasized the significance of time nodes so many times and belabored the point of how to jump from one timeline to another, I asked them what the duration was for this current time node. According to them, this time node is highly significant because it contains multiple convergences of possible/probable timelines that will affect our planet and our destiny as a species. Two of the timelines they specifically mentioned were a timeline that fulfills the prophecies of planetary purification and destruction running along with a timeline that leads to a new more benevolent future, a timeline they referred to as the New Earth.
由于他们强调了时间节点的重要性这么多次,并且不厌其烦的解释如何从一个时间线跨越到另外一个。所以,我问了他们,当下的这个时间节点为期多长?根据他们所说的,这个时间节点是非常重要的,因为在其内包含了多种 可能的/很有可能的--将会影响我们的星球以及我们作为一个物种的命运的--时间线的汇合。在其中他们明确的提到了两条时间线,一条是引领一个新的更加仁慈的未来--他们所提到的所谓新地球,而与之平行运行的另外一条时间线兑现了行星的涤罪和毁灭的预言。
So when did this time node begin and when will it end? According to them, this particular time node of polar opposite destinies emerged into our 3D reality in July of this year and will continue in various permutations through July of 2013.
Please note, they are not saying that the New Earth timeline came into existence during this time node. In point of fact, according to them, this benevolent timeline has been going on for quite some time. But the polar opposite timelines of planetary destruction versus planetary renewal are now moving very close to each other (the time node aspect). Thus, if one knows how to jump timelines, it is much easier to do when the timeline you desire is so close to the one you are on.
The significance of this time node is that humanity is at a choice point regarding which timeline it will experience as a collective reality. And according to the Hathors, the reality that will prevail is being anchored through the choices we are now making, both as individuals and as a collective.
时间节点的重要意义是,人类正面临一个抉择,关于哪一个时间线将作为集体实相而被经验。并且,按照The Hathors的说法,那将会获胜的实相,是依赖于我们所正在做出的--既是个人的,也是作为集体的--选择。
In this message, the Hathors have imparted a basic method for jumping timelines, which, as they indicated, is primarily information for those of us who choose to live in a different and more benevolent reality than the increasingly surrealistic and life-negative reality that humanity is currently living in.
在这次信息中,The Hathors已经传授了一个用于跨越时间线的基本方法,如他们所称,这对于我们其中那些--去选择生活在一个不同的,并且更加仁慈的实相,而非目前人类所生活于其中的,人心日益现实(荒诞不经)的和负面生活的实相--的人来说是首要的信息。
The Training and Preparation section of their message can certainly be used as a method for personal manifesting. Indeed, those who are experienced with these types of matters would most likely consider this information to be Manifesting 101. But the simplicity of the method belies its profundity. The Hathors are masters at simplification of complex concepts and techniques, and this one is no different. However, their reason for sharing this basic method is not for manifesting desires, though it will work for this purpose; it is rather to present a method that will allow us to radically shift planetary realities— if not for the greater collective of our human family, then at least for ourselves.
他们信息中的练习和准备的那节,作为一个方法,当然能被用于个人实现。的确,那些已经经验过这些类型事情的人们,会更愿意把这些信息看成是“Manifesting 101”(译注:据我所查,应该是指Susan James所写的一些帮助人们自我实现的书籍)。但是,这个方法的简单掩盖了它的深奥。The Hathors在将复杂的概念和技术简单化方面是个大师,并且这次也一样。实际上,分享(给我们)这些基本方法的原因,并不是为了实现(我们个人的)渴望--尽管它也能达到这个目的;而是给出一个方法,用于允许我们从根本上改变行星的实相--就算不是为了我们人类大家庭的伟大的集体,至少也是为了我们自己。
I loved the metaphor they chose to describe our current situation—as a ship at sea. Indeed, our situation reminds me of what happened on the Titanic as it was sinking. The ship had hit an iceberg and the lower levels of the vessel were filling with water. At first they tried to hide the danger from those on the upper decks. And so the party went on, complete with orchestra, until the end was obvious.
In the manipulated media-hype of our consumer obsessed culture, few are pointing out that our ship, the S.S. Western Civilization, is severely listing to one side, or that it is sitting dangerously low in the water.
The Hathors believe that if enough people jump timelines, leaving the prophetic timeline of planetary destruction behind, and instead, enter the more benevolent and life-affirming reality of what they call the New Earth, many of the disastrous prophecies regarding our planet will not come to pass.
The Hathors相信,如果足够多的人们能够跨越时间线,把被预言的行星毁灭的时间线抛在后面,并且,的确进入了更加仁慈的,被他们称为新地球的,正面生活的实相,那么,很多关于我们行星的惨重预言就不会实现。(注:每个人都是造物者神性片段的一部分,我们如同造物者拥有创造的能力,相信末日的人们会创造属于他们本身的末日进入他们的生命当中,我们可以从内在选择并创造属于自己的实相反映到外在世界当中,心想事成的作用力取决于我们本身的意图,拥有正面意图的人们创造正面的实相,拥有负面意图的人们创造负面的实相。所以你想选择什么?)
But they are also clear that even if the collective does not shift into a higher destiny, something remarkable will happen for those of us who have the courage to live a different reality than the one that is being impressed upon us by our current culture. “It is possible to live in heaven while those around you live in torment.”
There is something else in this latest message that I consider to be of vital importance—especially for those of us who are actually going to attempt jumping timelines. And this “something” has to do with our human capacity for delusional or “magical thinking.” In case you aren’t aware of that term, magical thinking is a thinking disorder in which the person believes that just by thinking something, it is real or can be made real without any effort on his or her part.
There is, in my opinion, a highly toxic element in New Age thinking that encourages denial as a means to cope with certain difficulties in life (i.e., magical thinking). And to be sure, the current and escalating insanity of our world is increasingly difficult for many of us to cope with. But if someone reading this thinks that denial is an acceptable means to deal with the realities of our current timeline, I wish to point out that the Hathors are saying something quite to the contrary.
在我看来,在新时代思想之中,存在着一种非常有毒的成分,它鼓励将“否认/拒绝”作为一种手段去应对目前生活中的困难(例如:奇幻思维)。的确,我们的世界的目前的和不断升级的疯狂,对我们大多数人来说都越来越难以应对。但是,如果有一些读了(The Hathors)这些信息的人认为,“否认/拒绝”是一种合适的手段去应对我们目前时间线内的实相的话,那么,我想指出The Hathors所说的一些事情正好与之相反。
Part of the art of jumping timelines is to hold the vision and vibrational signature of the timeline we wish to experience. But at the same time, we need to pay attention to the actual realities of the timeline we are on. This is living between the worlds, and this is the type of mastery the Hathors are calling us to.
跨越时间线的艺术其一部分,是要维持住对我们想要经验的时间线的愿景,及其振动特征。但是同时,我们需要对,我们身处其中的时间线的活生生的现实,给予注意。这就是生活在(两个)世界之间,并且,这就是The Hathors邀请我们所要去精通的。
I suspect that many of us who choose to jump timelines (myself included) will encounter a learning curve, where we fall short of being able to leap to the new timeline and/or fail to sustain it. This is completely normal when learning a new skill, and yes, this is essentially a new skill—albeit a profound one. So my advice to all of us neophyte timeline-jumpers is to be gentle with ourselves, leave self-judgment behind, and enter into this type of learning experience with a good sense of humor. After all, the whole thing is, from at least one perspective, a grand cosmic joke.
How we navigate the realities of a transforming (some would say dying) civilization, while keeping our hearts and minds on the timeline we wish to live in, will undoubtedly become an art form.
And so… to my fellow Artists of the Living Mystery, to those of you who are enamored with the vision, and who have the courage to jump, I raise my cup to you.
I salute you and the great undertaking we are about to engage, which is nothing short of the ascent upward into our own highest qualities as spiritual beings living a human experience.
Blessings to you and your loved ones,
Tom Kenyon
c 2012 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved You may copy and distribute this message in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice.
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