The Inner Sun内在太阳
A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon
通过Tom Kenyon传导的Hathor行星信息
The Inner Sun
According to the Hathors, our life force (or sekhem) is “birthed” in the solar plexus (the Third Chakra), and from here this subtle life force radiates throughout the body while simultaneously descending into the First and Second Chakras where it becomes a primal power for the ascent of consciousness as well as “sexual” energy.
This sound meditation energizes your solar plexus and gently elevates the quality of your own life force, which has a direct bearing on your consciousness.
Shortly after hearing that NASA had confirmed the magnetic pole reversal of our Sun, the Hathors encouraged me to visit the sound archives and listen to a sound meditation they had given during a Hathor Intensive in 2009.
They guided me to edit out the beginning and end of this meditation, leaving the middle section saying that these particular tonal patterns would be of great benefit when working with the solar plexus especially now that the Sun has shifted its magnetic poles.
The idea that the Sun is pivotal to the transformation of our human consciousness has been promulgated by the Hathors from the very beginning of my interactions with them.
They are of the opinion that this particular solar shift has vast implications for our future, and it is an ideal time to work with our own Inner Sun (the solar plexus).
This sound meditation is a potent ally for those of us wishing to amplify our life force and to explore the interface between body/mind and spirit.
The Inner Sun Meditation
There are a few steps to this meditation.
1. Place your focus of attention in the region of your solar plexus, which is located below your sternum, back behind your stomach and in the vicinity of your diaphragm. This is a major nerve plexus and also the location of the third chakra.
2. Imagine a ball of gold light in this area, like a miniature Sun. Sense this ball of golden fire in whatever ways that seem natural to you. There is no need to “see” anything.
3. As you focus your attention on this ball of light, enter a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude. When you join your focused attention on the ball of golden light with feelings of appreciation or gratitude, you will greatly amplify the effectiveness of this meditation.
4. Begin listening to the sound piece, which is 4:40 minutes long. When your mind wanders from either the ball of light or the feelings of appreciation/gratitude, bring your focus back to your Inner Sun and the coherent emotion(s) you chose to work with.
5. Allow the sound patterns to acoustically “massage” your Inner Sun—the ball of golden light that is in your solar plexus. As you allow this to occur, you may notice all types of phenomena taking place, including intense flows of golden light throughout your body and a morphing of the ball into various shapes and sizes. Your Inner Sun might also expand and engulf your entire body. When this happens, every cell of your body will be bathed in the golden light of your Inner Sun, which has unique healing and transformative properties.
6. When you finish the meditation, take a few moments to be with yourself before rushing into outer activities. If you had a particularly powerful experience with the meditation, it would be a good idea to allow some time to rest. This would be especially the case if your Inner Sun, the ball of golden light, expanded to engulf your entire body.
The Hathors
January 11, 2014
音频文件名:The Inner Sun.mp3
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