“ 你在任何一天都会做很多选择。你决定了很多关于你的生活的事情,这是你连接使用你真正的创造潜力的一种方式。你看,当你做出决定时,你会给自己权威( authority )。你是决定你生活中很多事情的人,关于你如何去度过你的一天 — 你吃什么、你穿什么、你开车的方式 / 方向(译者注:不确定原文的 way 指的是方式还是方向)、你的闲暇时间做些什么。
你每天都会做出如此多的小决定,而现在你意识到这一点是很重要的一件事情。我们希望你自己去感受自己有多强大,而如果我们仅仅只是告诉你你是无所不能的人( all-powerful Beings ),不会有同样的影响如同给你举例说明你如何在你的生活中展示你的真实力量( true power )。
注意你一整天做出的许多决定,你都是习惯性做出的。你做出与前一天相同的选择。你还没有给你自己机会去注意到你有那么多的选择。这也可以让你连接使用自由的振动频率。自由和力量( Freedom and power )是我们知道你们许多人觉得你们缺乏的两个振动频率。
这就是为什么我们利用这个机会来指出你有那么多的力量( power )和自由( freedom ),但你没有使用( exercise )。利用你在每一天中所有的这些小选择作为你连接使用这些振动频率的借口,并且注意那是多么美好的感觉去认识你自己是你一直以来并现在正在进入认识之中的强大和自由的存在( powerful and free Beings )。 ”
Accessing the Frequencies of Power and Freedom ∞The Creators
“So, there are a number of choices that you make in any given day. You decide a great many things about your lives, and this is a way for you to access your true creative potential. You see, when you make decisions, you give yourself authority. You are the one who gets to decide many things about your life, about how you go about your day — what you eat, what you wear, which way you drive your car, what you do with your leisure time.
You get to make so many little decisions every day, and this is an important thing for you now to acknowledge. We want you to feel how powerful you are, and simply telling you that you are all-powerful Beings, does not have the same impact as giving you examples of how you display your true power in your lives.
Notice that many of the decisions that you make throughout the day, you do so out of habit. You make the same choices you made the day before. You have not given yourselves yet the opportunity to notice how many choices you have. This also allows you to access the frequency of freedom. Freedom and power are two frequencies that we know many of you feel you lack.
That is why we are using this opportunity to point out how much power and freedom you have, but you do not exercise. Use these little choices that you have throughout your day as your excuse to access those frequencies, and notice how good it feels to recognize yourselves as the powerful and free Beings that you have always been and that you are now stepping into the knowing of.”