The Art of Jumping Time Lines
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon
透过Tom Kenyon所传递的Hathor行星信息
【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(1) 跨越时间线的方法
【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(3) 准备和训练/物理上和灵性上的幸存
The Convergence of Timelines and the Alteration of Probabilities
Let us now turn our attention to the primary reason for this communication. Everything we have said up to this point is background and suggestions for the training of your own consciousness to jump timelines.
But now we turn our attention to two highly significant timelines that exist independently of your creation. They are of a different order of existence. They are not created out of your personal choice. And they exist in diametric opposition to each other.
You exist, as we have said on numerous occasions, in multiple timelines and probabilities simultaneously. One of the timelines you and humanity are living in at this moment is a fulfilling of the prophecies of doom and planetary destruction. This is a very real timeline. But, this is only one possible timeline. You are at a convergence point, a time node, where it is possible to jump from the doomsday probabilities into a new type of Earth and a new order of existence.
This timeline, which we call the New Earth, is a very different dimension of experience than your current reality. In this timeline, Earth is deeply honored and held in gratitude by the bulk of humanity, which understands and appreciates the truth that all life is interconnected.
Here, Earth is not ravaged and exploited for the sake of profit—at the detriment of her very ecosystem. Technologies have been transformed through the elevation of human consciousness. Gone are the life-threatening technologies and life damaging mindsets of your current era. Wars are a thing of the past. The Controllers who exerted negative forces upon your destiny through their manipulation of religion, economics and international affairs have relinquished their power. Life itself is held as sacred, and a new understanding of the sacredness of matter is embraced by humanity. There is no war between Heaven and Earth in this new world.
There are more things that we could say about this timeline, but you have a sense, we hope, of the difference between this timeline and the other that ultimately leads to doom and destruction. There is one more thing we wish to say about this timeline of the New Earth. It is an attribute that we particularly appreciate. In this new timeline, the veils between the worlds are thin, and there is greater interaction between humans and intergalactic beings—such as ourselves—and with what you might call the devic and spirit worlds.
关于这个时间线我们还能说很多东西,但是(我们不想再多说了),我们希望你们会对,这个时间线和另外一个最终会导致毁灭和灭亡的时间线之间的不同,有一个感觉。关于新地球的这个时间线,我们还有一件希望要说的事情。(那个时间线)它还有一个我们特别赏识的属性。在这个新的时间线里,世界和世界之间的面纱是单薄的, 并且在人类和星际间存有们--例如我们( The Hathors ),你们可以称之为德维克以及灵性世界--之间有着更大的相互影响。
It is here that we must say it is not our intention to sway you, for we believe in non-intervention. We will not interfere with your free will. However, we are free to point out to you what we see.
In ancient Egypt there was a goddess called Maat, who held a set of scales, and upon death the heart of an Initiate would be placed upon the scales, and a feather would be placed on the other side. If the heart was as light as a feather the Initiate would be given entrance to the heavenly worlds—meaning higher states of consciousness. But if the heart was laden with negativity, regret, and sorrow, the Initiate would have to return to the lower worlds.
在古埃及,有一位女神被称为 Maat ,她有一套天平,死后刚来的人的心将被放在这个天平上,并且一片羽毛将被放到另外一边上。如果这颗心轻如一片鸿毛,这刚死的 人就会被给予,通往天国一样的世界的入口--这意味着,进入意识的更高状态。但是如果这颗心充满着消极,懊悔和悲哀,那刚死的人将不得不返回到较低意识层次的世界(注:回到较低意识层次的世界重新学习灵魂尚未学会的课题)。
In a very real way humanity is at its meeting point with Maat. Every person who believes in the timeline of doom, destruction and horror will add to its reality. Everyone who holds as real the timeline of the New Earth will add to its reality.
在一个非常真实的道路上,人类正处在与 Maat 的会面处。每一个相信毁灭、灭亡以及恐惧时间线的人将会将之加进他们自己的实相里。而每一个坚信新地球的时间线的人也会将之加进他们自己的实相里。
You are not powerless in this situation. You hold in your very nature the power of radical change for yourself and the planet—especially for humanity. If you feel a resonance with this timeline of the New Earth, and if you choose to live in this new order of being, you will be adding your weight, so to speak, and helping to tip the scales.
你们在这个局面下并不是无力的。在你们最根本的本质上,你们具备着,为了你们自己以及这个星球--尤其是为了人类--彻底去改变的力量。如果你们对新地球的时间 线感觉到共鸣,并且如果你们选择去生活进入这个存在的新决议里,那么你们要去增加你们的重量,好比说,去帮助倾斜/翻倒那个天平(译注:这里的天平并不是指 Maat 的天平,而是指打破平衡,帮助人类走到另外一个时间线)。
We wish to say something we said earlier, for it is of vital importance. It is possible to live in heaven while those around you live in torment. This has little to do with your location in time and space, but more to do with your vibrational state.
If you feel the truth of what we are saying and choose to align with this New Earth, we welcome you to a new timeline and a new destiny.
Our suggestion is to go over the steps of how to jump timelines we gave earlier, and to begin the grand experiment. Enter the timeline of the New Earth and prepare yourself for the miraculous.
Finally—let the Earth speak to you. Let her caress you and transfer to you her deepest knowledge and wisdom. She shall be a great ally in the coming changes.
We shall give further information about jumping timelines and the New Earth in future communications. But for now, we hope you have a basic understanding of how to proceed.
As always, even in the midst of such great difficulties as you now face, we hold a higher vision for you, the human family. We see your hidden greatness, even though you may not see it yourself. We hold a light in this hour of darkness. It is just a reminder of the great light you hold within yourself. It is time to free this light within you. Future generations will be blessed by your ascent. May it be so.
The Hathors
August 3, 2010
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