Dear Ones, the beautiful thing is you do not need to have all the answers. All you must do is willingly move with whatever is being tangibly supported and trust that everything else is in an energetic phase of creation. There is no need to fight or figure it all out at once. The path of unfoldment is perfectly paced to be gentle and magical as it reveals itself to you one now moment at a time. It is your level of resistance and judgment or surrender and acceptance that dictates how comfortably you navigate the journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
It is your trust that allows you to experience congruency with the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
What if thinking you’re blocked is the blockage? We understand you wish to be diligent, but believing you are blocked is demonstrating judgment and resistance toward the perfection of your now moment. It also denotes a lack of faith and trust, both in yourself, and in the universe.
Dear Ones, your focus is your blessing of continuation. Your energy is much better spent looking at what IS working for you and trusting the beauty and wisdom of both yourself and the unfoldment. You can rest easy knowing that if there is something you need to address it will come up into your awareness with the full energetic support of the universe for its healing and release.
That is the beauty of working with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model which is the Divine Combination. It is such an efficient and supportive system, it takes the guesswork out of everything for you which allows you to settle deeper into your acceptance, presence, and beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻译:Nick Chan