然而,五角大樓的官員們說,「自以色列總理本雅明想要刺殺肯尼迪,同樣的也涉及 911 事件。從那時起,特朗普便強硬的迫使中情局、摩薩德、聯邦調查局和布什陰謀集團等,釋放所有甘乃迪文的機密件。」
多虧了本傑明 . 費曼( Benjamin Freedman )的自白 ...
而另外,甘乃迪意識到有人欲發動三戰以消滅 90 %人口,再把其餘生還者變成奴隸的陰謀。在古巴導彈危機期間,猶太復國主義者幾乎成功地發動了全面的核戰爭,這就是肯尼迪決定從他們手中奪走主要力量的原因 -- 憑空狂印鈔票的能力。
老布什(他家族真正的名字是 Sherf 和 Pearce ,可追溯到羅馬 Pecce 貴族)和猶太復國主義者,為了阻止美聯儲的國有化而暗殺了肯尼迪。
一個很有趣的例子是,這些匪徒如何分配他們的法定貨幣,在下面的鏈接中可以看到,這顯示了亞馬遜股價的上漲與央行貨幣印刷的上升相匹配,並與亞馬遜實際結果相反。毫無疑問,傑夫 . 貝佐斯( Jeff Bezos )現在是「世界首富」,因為他被選為「虛假貨幣(美元)」的主要分銷商。
據學者研究顯示,大多數(如果不是全部)主要上市公司都是通過對沖基金,如先鋒( Vanguard )、貝萊德( BlackRock )、道富銀行( State Street )和富達( Fidelity )等,通過這個家族集團,現在被稱為「可薩暴徒」。
在最近的一次日本大選,是由羅斯柴爾德家族的代理米高 . 格林伯格( Michael Greenberg )和芭芭拉 . 布什( Barbara Bush )的表弟理查德 . 阿米奇( Armitage )領導的可薩暴徒陣營,竊取日本的大選成績。
前原誠司( Maehara )是朝鮮探員 Son Tae Chuk 的兒子,也被稱為「池田大作( Daisaku Ikeda )」。多年來,池田一直是創價學會( Soka Gakkai )佛教組織的絕對統治者,也是公明黨( Komeito )的控制者,其被騙的成員對維護日本的可薩暴徒控制權至關重要。
據接近日本天皇的消息人士說,由於小池百合子( Koike Yuriko )領導的希望黨( Koike Yuriko ),計劃將日本央行國有化,為了保護自己,可薩暴徒不得不在選票中使詐,以讓安倍連任。
美國總統特朗普計劃於 11 月 5 日至 7 日訪問日本,戰略與國際研究中心( Center for Strategic and International Studies-CSIS ,格林伯格和阿米奇的雇主)於上週末在東京舉行了大型會議,討論他們將向特朗普提交的議程。
在這次會議之前, CSIS 派出一名高級代理會見了白龍會的代表。在會議上,一名 CSIS 官員表示反對阿米奇。他說,在菲律賓達沃,菲總統杜特地派他去調查神秘的米高 . 梅爾博士( Michaela Van de Meer )時,他的雙腿被綁上炸彈,爆炸導致殘廢,當時杜特地還是一名市長。他認為炸彈是杜特地設置的,他相信杜特地是為老布什賣命的。 CSIS 官員說,杜特地否認參與了該次的炸彈事件。
它所顯示的是,由可薩暴徒控制的 G7 國家,控制了 64 %的世界債務。而日本和美國公司佔世界債務的 51 %。現在,可薩暴徒的大多數亞洲債權人都要求支付黃金,可見他們的帝國已完蛋。
為了盜取石油以償還債務,在 2001 年爆發 911 和後來入侵伊拉克事件,可薩暴徒贏得了時間。
例如,可薩暴徒講述了一個 13 歲的小野洋子的故事,他在 1977 年被朝鮮綁架,她的父母經常為「失踪的女兒」帶着眼淚出現在電視上。
事實上,小野洋子是金正恩的母親,金正恩的外祖父祖母以及他母親,經常在莫斯科和蒙古的烏蘭巴托( Ulan Bator )與日本軍事情報局、羅氏家族以及其他人舉行秘密會議。
在日本選舉中舞弊的傀儡政權,開始乖乖地高呼「朝鮮威脅」,都是可薩暴徒奴隸主所下令的。上週,山口勇( Yamaguchi-Gumi )殺手「 K 先生」告訴我,他認為日本選舉期間發生的自然災害並不是巧合,而是一個對日本的人為威脅,即觸發地震武器,以確保日本人對他們服從。
K 先生說,地震武器並不是單向的,上週,在大西洋的加那利群島之一的拉帕爾馬發生了突然的地震,引發 100 米高的海嘯威脅着美國東海岸和南歐。有人向他爆料,是可薩暴徒使用他們的地震武器所致。
無論如何,可薩暴徒在中東的統治,以及它和石油美元正在分崩離析。五角大樓消息說,在伊拉克,摩薩德的財產馬蘇德 . 巴爾扎尼( Massoud Barzani )“重新回到原主手上,因為庫爾德人反對他為以色列服務。”消息人士稱,俄羅斯已控制了地中海的庫爾德天然氣管道,並可能切斷對以色列的石油供應。
在美國,可薩暴徒的淨化繼續展開。上週,特朗普和史蒂芬 . 班農( Steven Bannon )在共和黨內部控制了反特朗普陣營的鮑伯 . 寇爾克( Bob Corker )、傑夫 . 弗萊克( Jeff Flake )和盧瑟 . 特蘭奇( Luther Strange ),他們都在美國參議院多數黨領袖米奇 . 麥康奈爾( Mitch McConnell )和共和黨的支持下和特朗普對着幹。
此外,在上週,可薩暴徒的企業媒體持續失控暴走,美國國家廣播公司( NBC )大爆馬克 . 哈爾佩林( Mark Halperin )「性騷擾指控」的新聞。類似的情況將會有出現更多,比如好萊塢和企業媒體集團現已脫離了可薩暴徒的控制,並向五角大樓和政府機構效忠。
這個中國組織將討論如何改善世界的治理,俄羅斯東正教的權力象徵着普丁,以及象徵着美國民族主義的特朗普軍事政府。如果世界是幸運的,那麼當特朗普在 2 今年 11 月 3 日至 14 日訪問亞洲時,將會做出許多重大而明智的決定。
【原文】2017-10-30 Benjamin Fulford
Is Donald Trump too scared to name George Bush Sr. and P2 Freemasons as Kennedy assassins?
U.S. Corporation President Donald Trump last week announced he would release all records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, 「other than the names and addresses of any mentioned person who is still living.」In other words, it appears he is too scared to mention the involvement of George Bush (Scherf, Pecce) Sr. and the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge fascist New World Order faction.
Pentagon officials, however, say, 「Trump muscled the CIA, Mossad, the FBI, and the Bush cabal to release ALL JFK files, since [then Israeli Prime Minister] Ben Gurion wanted JFK dead, and the same perps also did 9/11.」
These are the people who aim to create a world fascist government controlled by members of European royal families who claim descent from the Caesars and from King David, as revealed by forensic research over a period of many years. This research, including meetings with many members of this family group, has led us to the conclusion that these are the real 「elders of Zion.」
Thanks to the confessions of Benjamin Freedman…
and others, John F. Kennedy became aware of a plot to start World War III, wipe out 90% of humanity, and turn the rest into slaves. The Zionists very nearly succeeded in accomplishing this by triggering all-out nuclear war during the Cuban missile crisis. That is why Kennedy decided to take away their main source of power—the ability to create money out of thin air.
George Bush Sr. (whose real family name goes back through Sherf and Pearce to the Roman aristocratic Pecce name) and the Zionists had Kennedy assassinated in order to prevent the nationalization of the Federal Reserve Board.
These people are still in control of the creation of U.S. dollars, Euros, and Japanese yen out of thin air. Their main instrument of power in the U.S. these days is still the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller Zionist Federal Reserve Board, truth researchers agree.
A very interesting example of how these gangsters distribute their fiat money can be seen in the article at the link below that shows how the rise in Amazon share prices matches the rise in central bank money printing and moves in the opposite direction of actual Amazon results. There can be little doubt that Jeff Bezos is now 「the world’s richest man,」 because he has been selected as a premier distributor of fiat money.
Forensic research has shown that most (if not all) major listed corporations are controlled, via hedge funds like Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, etc., by this family group, known now to many as the Khazarian mafia.
In Japan, this writer has identified the quislings used by the Khazarian mafia, thanks to testimony by assassins formerly in their employ here. These people are now vanishing one by one as their former hitmen turn on them, the assassins say.
The quisling politician Seiji Maehara played a key role in the recent theft of the Japanese election by Khazarian mobsters led by Rothschild agent Michael Greenberg and Barbara Bush cousin Richard Armitage.
Maehara is the son of the North Korean agent Son Tae Chuk, also known as Daisaku Ikeda. Ikeda for years was the absolute ruler of the Soka Gakkai Buddhist lay group and controller of the Komeito political party, whose duped members are crucial to maintaining Khazarian control of Japan.
Ikeda has been in a vegetative state (probably dead) for several years, so Maehara is effectively in charge now, even though he ostensibly belongs to a different political grouping. White Dragon Society (WDS) sources in Japan say Maehara regularly walks into the U.S. embassy in Tokyo and is never asked to show any ID.
The Khazarians stole the Japanese election because the Party of Hope led by Koike Yuriko was planning to nationalize the Bank of Japan, say sources close to the Japanese emperor.
With U.S. President Donald Trump scheduled to visit Japan November 5-7, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, the employer of Greenberg and Armitage) had big meetings this past weekend in Tokyo to discuss what agenda they were going to present to Trump.
Prior to this gathering, CSIS sent the chief agent to meet with the representative of the White Dragon Society. At that meeting, a CSIS official personally disapproving of Armitage said that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterter had sent him to investigate the mysterious Dr. Michaela Meiring, who had both legs bombarded in Davao, Philippines, when Duterte he was the mayor. The officer said Van de Meer believed the bomb had been set by Duterter, who he believed was working for George Bush's senior. The CSIS official replied that Duterte had denied any involvement in the bombing.
When asked what Van de Meer was doing in the Philippines, he was told he was looking for gold. Van de Meer represented what was called the "family" and needed gold in order to avert bankruptcy. The "family" he was referring to was none other than the people claiming to descend from King David, the Khazarian mafia.
To understand the terrible situation the Khazarian mafia faces, just look at the world debt chart in the above graph of the link reported.
What it shows is that the G7 nations controlled by the Khazarian mafia control 64 percent of world debt. Only Japan and the US Corporation account for 51% of world debt. Most Asian creditors in the Khazarian nations ask for gold payment, which Khazarians have finished.
The Khazarians gained time in 2001 by exploding the World Trade Center and the invasion of Iraq in order to steal the oil to use to pay their debts.
This time the Khazarian hysteria Zionists are desperately trying to get out of payment obligations by fixing an Armageddon event using North Korea, which is why it was so important for them to steal the Japanese elections.
That is why it is crucial that Donald Trump should not be deceived by a fake story of "North Korea's threat" when he comes to Asia next week. Donald Trump has already been deceived by the story of "victims of North Korean abduction."
For example, the Khazarian mafia is revealing the story of the 13-year-old Megumi Yokota who was kidnapped by North Korea (in 1977) and regularly their parents go to the TV with tears for their "missing daughter".
In fact, Megumi became the mother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and her parents regularly had secret meetings with her and their grandson Kim Jong in Moscow and Ulan Bator in Mongolia to the Japanese military intelligence service, Rothschild family members and others.
The Japanese puppet regime, just stole the election, began obediently shouting about the "North Korean threat" as ordered by Khazarians slave masters. Yamaguchi-gumi killer "Mr K" told me last week that his predictions of a natural disaster in Japan during the election period were based on Khazarian threats of triggering earthquake weapons to ensure Japanese obedience to their rule.
Mr. K said that earthquake weapons are not a one way street and that a sudden swarm of earthquakes in La Palma, one of the Canary Islands of the Atlantic, threatened a 100-meter-high tsunami against the US eastern coast and Southern Europe last week. It was said to him that that was the real reason the Khazarians had made use of their earthquake weapon.
As long as the situation in North Korea is under control, this time the world has a real chance to see it once and for all these Khazarian criminals. In a hint that could happen, a WDS source in Canada says, "In the next eight days, Canada, Europe, Japan, America and the United Kingdom will host all central bank meetings. Something is ready for sure." This could be the end of credit authorization, which is inevitable. When exactly that happens, however, we will see it.
In any case, the rule of the Mafia's mafia in the Middle East, and with it and petrodollars are falling apart. In Iraq, Mossad's property, Massoud Barzani, "was seized by the owners because the Kurdish people turned against him to serve Israel," Pentagon sources said. Russia has now taken control of the Kurdish gas pipeline in the Mediterranean and could break the oil supply to Israel, sources add.
The Saudi Arabian Khazarian slave state is desperately trying to show a moderate face, and seeks investors, while the money from selling oil continues to decline. But as long as the Saudis do not learn to work really and do not rely on foreign servants, they will have no interest in their plans.
In the United States, Khazarian depuration continues to unfold. This was seen last week when Donald Trump and Steven Bannon took hold of the Republican Party with the outbreak of anti-Trumper senators Bob Corker, Jeff Flake and Luther Strange, who were backed by US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP (republican) establishment.
In addition, khazarian outbreaks in corporate media continued last week with the launch of NBC's Mark Halperin by the Washington Bureau of the prosecution of sexual harassment. There will be much more to the current one, such as Hollywood and corporate media groups, now out of the Khazarian control, promising the Pentagon and agency officials.
The Pentagon sources also received the following comment on the new government in China: "[Anti-Corruption Car] Wang Qishan has created many enemies and may depart from the board of constant politics, so a new type of Zhao Lei can eradicate corruption, but he still Xi's financial type and return channel for Trumpa because he owns so many real estate in the US. "
The new Permanent Committee of the Chinese Politburo has two representatives of the faction of Shanghaidalla part of Jiang Zemin, two by the Guangdong faction of Hu Jintao, and three by the North Division of Xi Jinping. This means that at least two of the major power centers have to sign important decisions and no single faction can exercise dictatorial control.
This Chinese group will discuss how to improve the governance of the world, with Russian Orthodox Christian power symbolized by President Putin, and the US nationalist stratocracy (military government) symbolized by Trump. If the world is lucky, many big and good decisions will be made when Trump visits Asia from November 3rd to 14th, 2017.
轉自: 醒覺大勢頭