

翻译:丁泽宇   2017-10-25







Past Presidents of Bankrupt U.S. Corporation Go on “Beg-athon” for Godfather Bush




The dragnet is slowly but inexorably closing in on the Bush/Clinton (Scherf/ Rockefeller) Khazarian mafia clan and their Federal Reserve Board printing press. Multiple legal investigations, mass arrests of junior Khazarian mobsters, and public disclosure are now part of regular public discourse, and not just on blogs formerly maligned as “conspiracy” sites.




An interesting sign of the Khazarians’ desperation was the spectacle of George Bush Senior posing with four other former presidents (minus Donald Trump) of the United States Corporation as part of a “beg-athon.”




First, we must note that with computer graphics and body doubles it is hard to know if this event really took place. For example, multiple sources have told this writer that Bill Clinton (Rockefeller) died of AIDS early this year.




Nonetheless, assuming this event did really take place, this is what a senior CIA source in Texas had to say about it:




The “beg-athon” in Texas is pure BS. Notice that the money goes through the George H.W. Bush (Scherf) Foundation. They are scamming money any way they can get it. The Khazarian mafia cabal must be really desperate.”




The causes of their desperation have been snowballing in recent weeks. Perhaps most deadly have been the ongoing disclosures about Khazarian genocides. This has started with the release of documents showing that the U.S. government was involved in the murder of over 500,000 Indonesians in the mid-1960s.




 The Texas-based CIA source admits, “We removed [Indonesian President] Soekarno from power, and we put Soeharto into power.” He regrets that he was a part of the operation back them. His excuse: just doing what he was ordered to do by his boss at Langley.




President Donald Trump promised more disclosure in the following tweet, saying, “Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK files to be opened.”







Three separate sources—one NSA, one Pentagon, and one CIA—all said they did not believe Trump would release the real truth about the Kennedy assassination.




However, one senior Pentagon source who has been consistently reliable in the past said that “The Trump release of JFK files may implicate Bush Senior, Mossad, the CIA, and the deep state, and may be a prelude to an intel dump on 9/11, suppressed technology, the secret space program, and other disclosures prior to mass arrests.”




Long-term readers of this blog already know that JFK was assassinated because he was trying, using gold provided by Soekarno, to take control of the issuance of U.S. dollars away from the privately-owned Federal Reserve Board (FRB).




Pentagon sources are saying that in any case, “Khazarian control of the FRB is kaput, as Fed Governor Jerome (Jay) Powell may be chosen as the next FRB, beating the three Jews Gary Cohn, Janet Yellen, and Kevin Warsh, who is son-in-law of billionaire 9/11 conspirator and Israeli asset Ron Lauder…. Stanford PhD economist John Taylor may also be named to the FRB as Vice Chairman or Governor.”




The source continues by noting, “When the global currency reset happens, the FRB may be folded into [the U.S.] Treasury [Department] and issue gold-backed United States Notes (USN).




The Texas CIA source, who claims to hate Bush Senior but appears to be closely connected to him, says the Khazarian mafia was ready retaliate by taking drastic action, warning that “The entire Internet has a back door installed and the Khazarian mafia can and will pull the plug as a final act. Bingo; all computer global financial entries have vanished. Oops, sorry, it must have been the Muslims, North Koreans, Russia, Iran, or maybe the boogeyman did it… whatever flavor of the month suits their agenda.”




A CIA source in Asia agrees, noting:




They intend to collapse the system. It will most likely be triggered by the U.S. stock market collapse, followed by the Tokyo stock market. Why do you think they are both reaching new heights almost daily? A 50% correction in the Dow would wipe out at least $10-12 trillion. Bring in Tokyo, and you can add another $5-7 trillion. This would be enough to bring down the financial system, as these two markets, linked together like Siamese twins, will start a domino effect affecting the world’s stock markets. Europe will follow almost immediately.”




This source had the following warning about crypto-currencies, too:




As we both know, the real creators of Bitcoin (not the alleged Satoshi Nakamoto, the Japanese computer science inventor) built a back door into the system from the onset. When the time is right, they will empty ALL of the Bitcoin wallets as a start and walk away with more than $100 billion, which is the value of Bitcoin now. Probably it will be much more, especially if they hack all the rest of the blockchains. Who is behind the curtain, pulling the levers—the real Wizard of Oz? The same group (different alphabet-soup characters) that created the Internet so that sensitive data could be sent over cyberspace undetected, from base to base, quickly and quietly.”




These threats to cause chaos on the Internet are also definitely linked to the fact that Trump is appointing antitrust lawyer Joseph Simons to the Federal Trade Commission. This has led to speculation that Khazarian strongholds like Google and Facebook may also be nationalized and/or broken up.




A clear sign that the Khazarian-controlled financial system is bogus came in the release of a U.S. Corporate government deficit of “$666 billion” in Fiscal 2017. The real deficit for that year was closer to $1 trillion, but saying it was the satanic $666 billion was their way of flipping the bird at the world. They are bankrupt, so whatever numbers they put out are pointless.




 This probably explains why so many of the world’s ultra-rich have been buying physical gold, artwork, precious gems, and anything else that is tangible, valuable, and portable so that they can haul it off to the hideaways they have been building in remote places. If they think there is anywhere on this planet they can hide, though, they are naïve. Their best option is to surrender and hope for peace and reconciliation.


这很可能就解释了,为什么如此多世界富翁们,已经在购买实物黄金、艺术品、珍贵珠宝、以及其它任何有形的、有价值的、和便于携带的东西,以便他们能够运到他们正在遥远的地方所建造的隐蔽处的原因。如果他们以为这颗星球上有任何地方是他们可以躲藏的,那么,他们就太天真了naive Θ..Θ。他们最好的选择是投降并希望和平与和解调停。


In any case, the Chinese, Russians, and others have already prepared for a Western financial system collapse scenario with their CIPS international payments system. This means they will weather the financial storm fairly smoothly.




In the West, there will be a need for cash, paper ledger books, and logistics for groceries, gas, and other essentials until the financial system can be rebooted minus the Khazarians. Written deeds and titles to land, physical share certificates, and other financial paperwork will then be input into the new reality-based replacement. Debts will not be input into the new system.




These threats to shut down the financial system have an air of desperation about them and reflect the steady and unstoppable takedown of the Khazarian mafia on so many fronts, especially in the U.S.




The investigation of why the Clintons sold 20% of U.S. uranium supplies to Russia in what appears to be an exchange for donations is one front on which the Khazarians are losing badly. The complicity of former FBI head James Comey in protecting Hillary Clinton is another.




The U.S. military is closing in on the folks who carried out the massacre in Las Vegas as well. U.S. military-connected sources in Japan say G4S, a UK-based security company with 600,000 employees, “were all over Las Vegas” and that these guys were involved:




This investigation will lead to the Chicago branch of the Khazarian mafia, and from there to Italy.




The Harvey Weinstein (HW) investigation is also becoming a major beachhead into ending Khazarian control of Hollywood. Here is what a Pentagon source had to say about it:




The Hollywood drama ‘revenge of the goyim’ is a blockbuster, as member of the tribe HW was expelled not just from the Motion Picture Academy but also the TV Academy, the Producers Guild of America, the Directors Guild of America, and Harvard University was forced to strip him of his medal.”




Also, many thousands of pedophiles have been arrested around the world, and the arrested people are pointing out more senior pedophiles and satanists. In Hollywood, the FBI arrested 120 traffickers and rescued 84 sex-ploited juveniles. In Brazil, meanwhile, 108 people were arrested in Latin America’s largest takedown of pedophiles.




The Pentagon sources say the FBI is investigating HW for ties to pedophile and Mossad agent Jeff Epstein. The Epstein investigation is heading inexorably towards people like Bill Clinton and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, as child victims now feel safe enough to name their torturers.




Meanwhile, the Khazarian-mob-ruled nation of Israel just suffered a major setback when Russians and Iranians took over oil fields in Kurdistan that were one of that nation’s main sources of income. More will follow.




In Europe, the Czech Republic became the latest nation (following the UK, Hungary, Poland, and others) to distance themselves from the EU fascists by electing the nationalist Trumpian billionaire Andrej Babis as prime minister.




In Japan, however, Khararian mob forces, led by Barbara Bush cousin Richard Armitage, engineered what the Japan Independence Party and others call a fake election to keep their puppet Shinzo Abe in power.




This is what an Asian-based CIA source had to say about him: “Richard Armitage is definitely the right-hand man for Bush Senior. This guy goes way back to Vietnam days. His specialty: drug and weapons smuggling, with a little human trafficking thrown in for a change of pace. He was also Assistant Secretary of Defense at one time. A lot of off-ledger Au was moved during his tenure at the Pentagon.” Other sources have told this writer in the past that treason by Armitage is one of the main reasons the U.S. lost the Vietnam War.




So when the takedown of Armitage boss Bush Senior is complete, Armitage and his network of cronies will face justice as well.




Meanwhile, as the West remains preoccupied with the cleanup of gangsters who infiltrated the top levels of power, China is going from height to new height. In their ongoing once-in-five-years Party Congress they are working out exactly how to realize their dreams for their country’s future. They are looking not just five years ahead, but 10, 20, and 30 years into the future.




If the West does not want to be left behind, it must finish the cleanup of corruption, and hurry up and reboot its financial and political systems.












被天羅地網覆蓋的可薩暴徒家族布什/克林頓(阿什肯納西猶太-Scherf/洛克菲勒),和他們狂印鈔票的的美聯儲機器,現在正被慢慢的收網。多起刑事調查、大規模逮捕可薩犯罪份子以及公開披露,現在已成為公共輿論的一部份,已不是經常被網友稱為「陰謀論」的東西了。這裏有個有趣的跡象,絕望的可薩暴徒,美國公司的布什家族和其他四位前總統(除了特朗普),出席卡卡女神的慈善義演籌款後,齊齊來個「冚家福」合照,他們不過是在「beg-a thon(乞求施捨)」。


 (Lady Gaga和五位元前總統的合照變成病毒)




















五角大樓消息人士說,無論如何,「可薩暴徒旗下的美聯儲已是過時的,為擊退時任的三個猶太主義者加里.科恩(Gary Cohn)、葉倫和凱文.沃什(Kevin Warsh)等人,美聯儲現任的理事杰羅姆.鮑威爾(Jerome Powell),可能將來會成為美聯儲的主席。凱文也是億萬富翁911同謀者以及大以色列貨色羅恩.蘭黛(Ron Lauder)的女婿...。而斯坦福大學的經濟學博士約翰.泰萊(John Taylor)也可能被任命為副主席或州長。












線人還對數位貨幣作出了以下警告:「我們都知道,比特幣是日本電腦發明家中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)的真正創造者,根本從一開始就在系統中裝好了後門。




毫無疑問,互聯網上的這些混亂和威脅,與特朗普的人馬約瑟夫.西門斯(Joseph Simons)有關,他眾所周知的是大富豪壟斷機構-美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission)的死對頭。一些人推測,像谷歌和非死不可這樣的可薩堡壘也可能被國有化,或者被細分為更小的單位。

