







在中東,沙地傀儡總理薩阿德.哈里里(Saad Hariri)被迫下台後,與伊朗有關的真主黨現在有效地統治了黎巴嫩。他辭職後,數百名王子、將軍、宗教領袖以及其他一些人被沙地國王穆罕默德.薩勒曼(Muhammad bin Salman)清洗。


根據一名骷髏會成員的妻子凱.格麗格絲(Kay Griggs)和其他人的爆料,這次清洗尤其重要,因為它切斷了布什/克林頓黑手黨金錢和權勢的最後一個主要來源。許多被清洗的王子都與布什家族的成員,以及他們在美國學習時的高級助手保持着同性戀關係。



這是五角大樓對鎮壓行動的描述:「沙地清除了布什-克林頓的孌童圈恐怖主義,包括本拉登的兄弟巴克(Bakr bin Laden)和反特朗普的阿爾瓦利德.塔拉爾(al-waleed Bin talal),這是在「天堂文件」洩露的時刻,



…托尼.波德斯塔(Tony Podesta)的逮捕,希拉莉和約翰.波德斯塔(John Podesta)的投降。托尼是一位強大的華盛頓說客,他的哥哥約翰是希拉莉(洛克菲勒)的競選經理,也是克林頓(洛克菲勒)的幕僚長。阿爾瓦利德購買了洛克菲勒銀行的大量股份。




特朗普商務部長威爾伯.羅斯(Wilbur Ross-羅斯柴爾德)被牽連其中。加拿大大亨斯蒂芬.布朗夫曼(Stephen Bronfman)也是如此,他的家族靠賣酒給阿爾.卡彭(Al Capone)賺錢。這些名字只是冰山一角。






從亞洲的角度來看,阿爾瓦利德王子的清洗很有趣,因為他是孫正義1000億美元沙地基金的幕後主使,孫是一位韓裔日本大亨,他買下與洛克菲勒家族有關的堡壘投資集團。這家投資集團擁有武藏工程公司(Musashi Engineering),該集團涉嫌操弄日本大選投票結果,是代表安倍晉三和他的政黨竊取選舉的不法機構。
















華盛頓特區公司的擁有者美聯儲,現在已不再屬於可薩暴徒了,因為珍耶倫、斯坦.菲舍爾(Stan Fischer)和現在的紐約聯邦儲備銀行(Goldmanite New York)首席執行官威廉.達德利(William Dudley)都被踢出局了。美聯儲的新管理層將由好人接管,看好銀庫,並且會把錢花在刀口上。因為不管陰謀集團願意與否,舊系統的崩潰已不可避免。


去年10月,美國政府未能在930日的付款截止日期前完成第一個月,公共債務在短短一個月內就增加了2000億美元,導致失業人數增加到96萬。同樣的,美國企業政府的自公司波多黎各,居然發生可笑的斷電事故,並非由於無錢還電費,而是因為颶風的原故。與此同時,儘管全球經濟持續崩潰,但股市仍繼續走高,很大程度上要歸功於羅氏家族的瑞士央行(Swiss central bank of Rothschild)的收購。








呵呵,乖乖不得了,打那以後,他們就似乎在使用假黃金以瞞天過海,因為加拿大皇家鑄幣局(Royal Canadian Mint)驚訝地出售了一個假金條。



不要忘記美國珍寶公司的秘書史蒂文.努欽(Steven Mnuchin),他在今年821日的日食時,從諾克斯黃金堡壘(Fort Knox)中發推文說,「黃金是安全的」,但卻沒有拿出一盎司(更不用說一克)黃金證明給大家看是真的。




無論如何,美軍和白帽自們將繼續打擊可薩暴徒。五角大樓消息人士稱,特朗普的前競選經理保羅.馬納福(Paul Manafort),以身為一名未註冊的外國代理者為由而被控,「這可能是一個新契機,逮捕未註冊的以色列外國代理為由,打擊美國以色列公共事務委員會等說客,和猶太可薩暴徒。」


此外,好萊塢的清潔也開始發生雪崩。據五角大樓消息說:「好萊塢哈維門事件(Harveywood)變成了戀童癖好萊塢,凱文.斯貝西(Kevin Spacey)被曝光為孌童癖,他與克林頓一起搭乘傑夫島(Jeff Epstein)的飛機「洛麗塔號(Lolita Express)」。為阻止可薩暴徒將同性戀、戀童癖和男同志正常化,斯貝西被迫以同性戀的身份出櫃,與戀童癖者混在一起。」


來源繼續指出,「哈維門之後,懲罰行動猶如「速度與激情」般,網飛(Netflix)把斯貝西斬首,踢出「紙牌屋」連續劇。哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)可能從電視劇「群眾的智慧(Wisdom of the Crowd)」裏頭砍掉可薩暴徒演員傑里米.皮文(Jeremy Piven),或者乾脆播出無期。另一名掠食者可薩暴徒布萊特.拉特納(Brett Ratner),以性騷擾醜聞纏身為由,失去了華納兄弟的青睞。」











【原文】2017-11-06 Benjamin Fulford

Purge of Khazarian mobsters intensifies as Trump is kept safe in Asia

There can be no doubt whatsoever that the worldwide purge of the Khazarian mafia now has reached a tipping point of no return, with arrests and purges in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.

In the Middle East, Iran-linked Hezbollah now effectively rules Lebanon after Saudi puppet Prime Minister Saad Hariri was forced to resign.  His resignation was followed by the purge of hundreds of princes, generals, religious leaders, and others by de facto Saudi King Muhammad bin Salman.

This purge was especially important because it cut off one of the last major remaining sources of Bush/Clinton mafia money and power. Many of the princes purged were homosexually bonded with members of the Bush family and their top lieutenants when they studied in the United States, according to confessions of Kay Griggs, wife of a Skull and Bones Society member, and others.


This is how Pentagon sources described the unfolding crackdown:  The Saudi purge of the Bush-Clinton pedo terror faction—including [Osama Bin Laden’s brother] Bakr bin Laden and anti-Trumper [Prince] Al-Waleed bin Talal—is timed to the Paradise Papers leak,


…the arrest of Tony Podesta, and the surrender of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.  Tony Podesta is a powerful Washington lobbyist whose brother John was campaign manager for Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller) and chief of staff for Bill Clinton (Rockefeller).  Al-Waleed bought large shareholdings of Rockefeller’s Citibank.

The ramifications of these leaks, arrests, and purges reach out in many directions.  Aftershocks, further arrests, and further purges are sure to be felt and seen in the Middle East, Japan, Europe, and the U.S. over the coming days.

Already, Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross (child) has been implicated.  So has Canadian magnate Stephen Bronfman, whose family made its fortune selling booze to Al Capone.  These names are just the tip of the iceberg.

The start of the purge was timed to coincide with Trump’s visit to Asia so as to be able to more easily protect Trump and his family from retaliatory action, say Pentagon and CIA sources.

However, the sign that the battle is far from being completed, two separate information was sent to me last week about Trump. One was a "source close to North Korea" and the other was a CIA veteran officer in Asia. The North Korean source said that if Trump provokes a war against North Korea, "it would not leave Asia alive." The CIA source, for its part, said: "I have been whispering in the shadows that there is a special surprise waiting for him in Vietnam and it is not the meeting with Putin."

Seen from an Asian perspective, the cleansing of Prince Al-Waleed is interesting because the main actor behind the $ 100 billion Saudi fund, is the tycoon Masayoshi Son a Korean-Japanese. Son is the guy who bought the Fortress Investment Group tied to Rockefeller. Fortress owns Musashi Engineering, the company that builds voting machines that stole the elections on behalf of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his party.

This is what the CIA in Asia said about him: "As for the Masayoshi Son, expect a heart attack or ritual suicide - for stress, of course. This could be a Christmas or New Year gift for the people Japanese ".

For now, however, the Japanese slave's political establishment, realizing that their survival is at stake, are working as hard as possible by licking their ass at Trump while visiting the country. Sources close to the imperial family say the Emperor has rewarded Trump with a value bond of One Quadrillion Yen (about $ 9 trillion), courtesy of Henry Kissinger.

This allows you to buy time for Washington DC, which Trump is President, but his real fate is more likely to be decided in Vietnam when Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The Pentagon sources believe that Xi is now the real strong man of China, and has offered the following analysis of his post-congressional position:

"President Xi seems to be the main leader without successor and five-vote control over the PBSC, as Han Zheng is the only young man in the Shanghai or Jiang faction, and Prime Minister Li Keqiang is The other four young people are neutral and loyal to Xi, although they grew up under Hu and Jiang. Wang Huning seems to be giving continuity, since he also worked for Jiang and Hu. "

However, Chinese intelligence sources tell me that Xi Jinping has been chosen as a leader because it is high and a good impression in the photos at the G20, but it is actually a team leader, and this, by collective decision. The overall balance of the Politburo Permanent Committee is two votes for southern China (Guandong), two for the coast (Shanghai) and three for the north and the interior (Beijing).

In any case, the new Chinese regime is ready to act, and if the world is lucky, they will ignore Khazarian bluffs on the beginning of the 3rd World War and will force the world to fail, ruining and terrorizing DC Corporation. Let's see what's happening in Vietnam on November 10 and 11 and keep our fingers crossed.

DC Corporation's owner - the Federal Reserve Board - no longer has Khazarians in his board now that Janet Yellen, Stan Fischer and now Goldmanite New York Fed Chief William Dudley have been forced to flee. The new Fed's non-Khazarian management will be let go of the stock market because the system is hitting the collapse, whether they want it or not.

In October, the first month after the US government failed to meet the 30 September payment deadline, US public debt rose by $ 200 billion in just one month, while 960,000 people left the job for unemployment. This same government is pretending that its subsidiary Puerto Rico does not have electricity due to a hurricane and not because it is unable to pay its own electricity bills. Meanwhile, despite the collapse of the real economy, the stock market continues to reach new levels, thanks in large part to the acquisition of the Swiss central bank of Rothschild.




It also seems that Khazarians are running out of places to steal gold. Remember the announcement by the Canadian government that its gold reserves have been depleted in March 2016?


Well, it seems that they have been using fake gold since then, as the Royal Canadian Mint has been surprised to sell a fake gold bar.


Do not forget the secretary of American Treasure Steven Mnuchin who tweeted by Fort Knox on the day of the August eclipse of August 21, which is "gold is safe" without giving an ounce (not to mention a gram) proof that this was true.

First, the US forces and US agencies will reopen the entire structure of the American government, hopefully with Canadian help, the less pain will be ultimately.

In any case, white hats of US military and US agents continue to clean up from the influence of Khazarian mafia. Pentagon sources say that allegations against former Trump Paul Manafort campaign leader for not being a foreign agent "could be a new occasion to arrest Jewish lobbyists and Jewish organizations such as AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee ) as unregistered foreign agents of Israel. "

In addition, Hollywood cleaning is starting to avalanche. Here's how a Pentagon source sums up the situation: "Harveywood became Pedowood, while Kevin Spacey was exposed as a pederasta flying over Jeff Epstein Island," Lolita Express, "with Bill Clinton. Spacey was forced out of the 'wardrobe like gay to blend among LGBTs with pedophiles to stop Khazarian normalization of homosexuals, pedophiles and pederasti'.

The source continued to note that "after Harvey Weinstein, the punishment was" fast and furious "when Netflix pitted Spacey on House of Cards, CBS can remove Khazaran actor Jeremy Piven from TV drama" Wisdom of the Crowd "and cancel the show, and another predatory producer / predator Khazariano Brett Ratner lost his Warner Brothers that was launched as a sexual assault study."

According to the US Naval Intelligence, the real force behind Hollywood's cleansing was the NSA, which informed the victims of the Pederas who could provide evidence to support their accusations against their torturers.

Now that Washington DC, politicians, universities, and Hollywood are out of the satanic control of Khazarian gangsters, suppose the medical and pharmacidical facilities are the next on the list. A heavy raid at the American Medical Association headquarters, with particular attention to information related to cancer, would be a great starting point. On this front, it is understood that Bill Gatesabbia has already sung as a canary in special custody.

It is certain that the war against the Khazarian mafia that worships the satanic genocide is not over yet, but it is no longer possible to deny that they are losing and being condemned. They have been warned to "surrender or die".

We expect this to happen more and more widespread, for before the nightmare ends and humanity is first released

轉自: 醒覺大勢頭










翻译:丁泽宇   2017-11-08



Purge of Khazarian mobsters intensifies as Trump is kept safe in Asia



There can be no doubt whatsoever that the worldwide purge of the Khazarian mafia now has reached a tipping point of no return, with arrests and purges in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.



In the Middle East, Iran-linked Hezbollah now effectively rules Lebanon after Saudi puppet Prime Minister Saad Hariri was forced to resign. His resignation was followed by the purge of hundreds of princes, generals, religious leaders, and others by de facto Saudi King Muhammad bin Salman.



This purge was especially important because it cut off one of the last major remaining sources of Bush/Clinton mafia money and power. Many of the princes purged were homosexually bonded with members of the Bush family and their top lieutenants when they studied in the United States, according to confessions of Kay Griggs, wife of a Skull and Bones Society member, and others.

这场清洗尤其重要,因为它切断了布什 / 克林顿黑手党获取金钱和权力的最后主要剩余来源。根据一名骷髅会成员的妻子——凯•格里格斯和其他人说,许多被清洗的王子们,都在留学美国的时候,跟布什家族和他们的顶级中尉们发生了同性恋关系。




This is how Pentagon sources described the unfolding crackdown: “The Saudi purge of the Bush-Clinton pedo terror faction—including [Osama Bin Laden’s brother] Bakr bin Laden and anti-Trumper [Prince] Al-Waleed bin Talal—is timed to the Paradise Papers leak,

以下是五角大楼的消息来源,对正在开展的镇压的描述:“沙特阿拉伯对包括 [ 奥萨马•本•拉登的弟弟 ] 巴克•本•拉登和反川普的 [ 王子 ] 阿勒•瓦利德•本•塔拉勒在内的,布什 - 克林顿恋童癖恐怖派系的清洗,恰好被安排在“天堂文件”的泄露、



What are the Paradise Papers?



the arrest of Tony Podesta, and the surrender of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.” Tony Podesta is a powerful Washington lobbyist whose brother John was campaign manager for Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller) and chief of staff for Bill Clinton (Rockefeller). Al-Waleed bought large shareholdings of Rockefeller’s Citibank.



:约翰•波德斯塔 / :托尼•波德斯塔

(图片來源: WordPress.com)


The ramifications of these leaks, arrests, and purges reach out in many directions. Aftershocks, further arrests, and further purges are sure to be felt and seen in the Middle East, Japan, Europe, and the U.S. over the coming days.



Already, Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross (child) has been implicated. So has Canadian magnate Stephen Bronfman, whose family made its fortune selling booze to Al Capone. These names are just the tip of the iceberg.



The start of the purge was timed to coincide with Trump’s visit to Asia so as to be able to more easily protect Trump and his family from retaliatory action, say Pentagon and CIA sources.



However, in a sign that the battle is far from over, two separate warnings were conveyed to this writer last week concerning Trump. One was a “source close to North Korea,” and the other a veteran CIA officer stationed in Asia. The North Korean-linked source said that if Trump provoked a war against North Korea, “he would not leave Asia alive.” The CIA source, for his part, said, “I heard whispers in the shadows that there is a special surprise waiting for him in Vietnam, and it is not his meeting with Putin on the sidelines.”



From an Asian perspective, the purge of Prince Al-Waleed is interesting because he is a main actor behind the $100 billion Saudi fund for Korean-Japanese tycoon Masayoshi Son. Son is the guy who bought the Rockefeller-linked Fortress Investment Group. Fortress owns Musashi Engineering, the company that makes the voting machines that steal elections for slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his party.

从亚洲的角度来看,阿勒•瓦利德王子所遭到的清洗很有趣,因为他是给朝鲜日本大亨孙正义 1000 亿美元沙特资金的主要幕后行动人员。孙正义买下了与洛克菲勒家族有关的堡垒投资集团。堡垒投资集团拥有武藏工程机械公司,这家公司所生产的计票机器,为奴才首相安倍晋三和他的政党窃取日本大选。


This is what CIA in Asia had to say about him: “Regarding Masayoshi Son, expect a heart attack or ritual suicide—from the stress, of course. This could be a Christmas or New Year’s gift to the people of Japan.”



For now, though, the Japanese slave political establishment, sensing that their survival is at stake, is working as hard as it can to suck up to Trump as he visits this country. Sources close to the imperial family say the Emperor rewarded Trump with a bond worth One Quadrillion Yen (about $9 trillion), courtesy of Henry Kissinger.

尽管现在日本奴才当局,已经感觉到他们的生存岌岌可危,但是仍然在尽力趁川普访问日本的时候去跪舔他。接近日本皇室的消息来源说,天皇奖励给川普一笔价值 1 百万亿日元(约合 9 万亿美元)的债券,亨利•基辛格的礼貌。


This may buy time for the Washington, D.C. Corporation of which Trump is President, but its real fate is more likely to be decided in Vietnam when Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.



Pentagon sources think Xi is now the true strongman of China, and offered the following analysis of his post-Congress position:



It appears that Chairman Xi is now paramount leader with no anointed successor and control of five votes on the Politburo Standing Committee (PBSC), since Han Zheng is the only guy from the Shanghai or Jiang faction, and Prime Minister Li Keqiang is from the Hu faction. The other four guys are colorless and loyal to Xi, even though they rose under Hu and Jiang. Wang Huning appears to provide continuity, since he also worked for both Jiang and Hu.”



However, Chinese intelligence sources tell this writer that Xi Jinping was chosen as leader because he is tall and looks good in G20 photo shoots, but that he is really just a figurehead for collective decisionmaking. The overall balance in the Politburo Standing Committee is two votes for Southern China (Guandong), two for Coastal China (Shanghai), and three for the North and the interior (Beijing).

然而,中国情报机构的消息来源告诉笔者本人说,习近平被选为领导人是因为他长得高,并且在 20 国集团的照片中看起来效果很棒,但他真的仅仅是领导集体的一个傀儡。中共中央政治局的总体平衡是,两张投票权属于中国南方(广东),两张属于中国沿海(上海),并且三张属于北方和内陆(北京)。


In any case, the new Chinese regime is ready to take action, and if the world is lucky, they will ignore Khazarian bluffs about starting World War 3 and will force bankruptcy of the world, disrupting and terrorizing the D.C. Corporation. Let’s see what happens in Vietnam on November 10 and 11 and keep our fingers crossed.

无论如何,新的中国政权已经准备好采取行动了,并且如果世界足够幸运的话,那么他们将会忽略可萨人发动第 3 次世界大战的虚张声势,并且将会迫使世界破产,干扰和威胁华盛顿特区的企业政府。让我们拭目以待 2017 11 10 日在越南将会发生什么。


The owner of the D.C. Corporation—the Federal Reserve Board—has no more Khazarians on its board of directors now that Janet Yellen, Stan Fischer, and now Goldmanite New York Fed Chief William Dudley have been forced out. The new non-Khazarian management of the Fed will be left holding the bag, because the system they are taking over is collapsing, whether they wish it or not.



In October, the first month after the U.S. Corporate government failed to meet its September 30th payment deadline, U.S. government debt rose by $200 billion in a single month, while 960,000 people left the workforce. This same government is pretending its wholly-owned Puerto Rico subsidiary has no electricity because of a hurricane, and not because it is unable to pay its electricity bills. Meanwhile, despite a collapsing real economy, the stock market keeps reaching new highs, thanks in large part to buying by the Rothschild-owned Swiss central bank.

10 月份,也就是美国企业政府未能兑现 9 30 日最后支付期限后的第一个月,美国债务在一个月之内就增长了 2000 亿美元, 960000 人失业。这个政府全资拥有的子公司波多黎各,同样也正在假装它之所以没有电,不是因为无法支付电费,而是因为一场飓风。与此同时,尽管真实的经济正在崩溃,但是罗斯柴尔德家族所拥有的瑞士央行购买了大部分股票,股票市场仍在保持屡创新高。






It also appears the Khazarians are running out of places from which to steal gold. Remember how the Canadian government announced its gold reserves ran out in March of 2016?

可萨人似乎同样也正在耗尽他们偷黄金的地方。还记得加拿大人是如何宣布他们的黄金储备在 2016 3 月份耗尽的吗?




Well, it appears they have resorted to selling fake gold since then, given that the Royal Canadian Mint has been caught selling a fake gold bar.




A metal streak from a counterfeit gold bar, right, dissolved in acid, failing a test of purity



Don’t forget about U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin tweeting from Fort Knox on the day of the August 21st solar eclipse that he is “Glad gold is safe,” without offering an ounce (let alone a gram) of proof that this was true.

别忘了美国财政部长斯蒂文•明奇,在 2017 8 21 日的日食期间,从诺克斯堡发推特说他很“高兴黄金是安全的”,却没有提供一盎司(更不用说克了)来证明这是真的。


The sooner the U.S. military and agencies reboot the entire U.S. government structure, hopefully with Canadian help, the less the ultimate pain will be.



In any case, the U.S. military and agency white hats are definitely continuing their purge of Khazarian mob influence. Pentagon sources say the charges leveled against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort for failing to register as a foreign agent may be a new normal to shut down lobbyists and Jewish [Khazarian] organizations like AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) for acting as unregistered foreign agents of Israel.”

无论如何,美军和机构部门的白帽子们肯定在持续清洗可萨暴徒们的影响力。五角大楼的消息来源说,以没有注册为一名外国特工为由,对川普的前竞选经理保尔•马纳福特的指控,“或许是一个新常态,去以未经注册的以色列外国特工为由,关闭美国以色列公共事务委员会等说客和犹太 [ 可萨 ] 组织。”


Also, the purge of Hollywood is starting to snowball. Here is how a Pentagon source summed up the situation: “Harveywood morphed into Pedowood, as Kevin Spacey was exposed as pedo who also flew on Jeff Epstein’s plane, ‘the Lolita Express,’ with Bill Clinton. Spacey was forced to come out of closet as gay to conflate LGBT with pedos to stop the Khazarian normalization of homos, pedos, and pederasts.”

同样,对好莱坞的清洗正在开始滚雪球。以下是五角大楼对情况的总结:“哈维•韦恩斯坦的好莱坞变成了恋童癖好莱坞,因为凯文•史派西被曝光为一名恋童癖者,他同样也和比尔•克林顿一起搭乘了杰夫•艾珀斯坦的飞机,这架飞机被称为‘萝莉塔快线’。史派西被迫以同性恋的身份出柜,去将 LGBT 组织和恋童癖者混为一谈,来阻止可萨人将同性恋、恋童癖、和男同性恋正常化。”


The source continued by noting that, “After Harvey Weinstein, punishment was ‘fast n furious’ as Netflix fired Spacey from ‘House of Cards,’ CBS may remove Khazarian actor Jeremy Piven from the TV drama ‘Wisdom of the Crowd’ or cancel the show, and another Khazarian predator producer/director Brett Ratner lost his Warner Brothers deal and was kicked off the studio lot for sexual assault.”

消息来源继续指出:“在哈维•韦恩斯坦事件之后,惩罚行动已经变得‘速度与激情’,因为美国付费视频网站 Netflix 将史派西开除出了《纸牌屋》,美国哥伦比亚广播公司可能会从电视剧《群策群力》的剧本中移除可萨演员杰瑞米•派文,或者取消节目的上映,并且另一名可萨性捕食者制片人 / 导演布雷特•拉特纳,失去了他的华纳兄弟公司的订单,并且以性骚扰为由被踢出工作室。

 《紙牌屋》海報 (圖片來源:india.com)


According to U.S. Naval Intelligence, the real force behind the purge of Hollywood has been the NSA, which has been quietly informing victims of pederasts that they can provide proof to back up their accusations against their tormentors.



Now that Washington, D.C. politicians, academia, and Hollywood are being purged of satanic Khazarian gangster control, we assume the medical and pharmacidical establishments will be next on the list. A heavy-duty raid on the American Medical Association headquarters, with a special focus on cancer-related information, would be a very good place to start. On this front, we understand that Bill Gates has already been singing like a canary under special custody.



It’s certain that the war against the genocidal satan-worshipping Khazarian mob is not over yet, but it is no longer possible to deny that they are losing and doomed. They have been warned to “surrender or die.” We expect both to happen in increasing quantities before the nightmare ends and humanity is freed.






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