The Art of Jumping Time Lines
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon
透过Tom Kenyon所传递的Hathor行星信息
【Hathors行星信息】《跳跃时间线的艺术》(1) 跨越时间线的方法
Preparation and Training
The first step is to identify the timeline you wish to create, that you wish to live in. In this case it is a timeline of loving kindness. The second step is to move into the vibrational state that matches the timeline. In this case, it is the feeling state of loving kindness, so you would, yourself, reside in this state as much as you are capable of. By this we mean you would exhibit loving kindness to others and to yourself.
第一步是辨认出你们想要去创造,并且生活于其中的时间线。在我们这个例子里,就是个充满仁慈之爱的时间线。第二步是移动进入与这个时间线相契合的振动状态。在这个例子里,就是仁慈的去爱--这种感受的状态,然后,你们应该要让你们自己尽可能多的--以你们自身能力大小--停留在这个状态之中。通过这样,我们说,你们将对其他人,以及对你们自己展现出仁慈之爱。(注:The Hathors的信息曾说:无论是什么,在你们的生活或围绕在你们周围的生活的面前展开,我们建议,你们要练习让你们的感恩与赞赏用于你们生活中最微小的事情之上。分享你们的爱和你们那,你们对感到亲近的人(才会)给予的感情。)
The third step is locking in the vibrational field, so it does not waver. This is an important aspect of jumping timelines because the old vibrational state has a life of its own. Just because you have chosen to create a new timeline and have stepped into a vibrational state that matches the timeline, is not a guarantee that the timeline will manifest or continue. You must lock the vibrational field in place, for this is what sustains your access to the new timeline.
The first two steps involve your sovereign will. You choose a timeline you want to experience. You choose a vibrational state that matches the timeline. And in the third step—locking in the vibrational state—you use the second treasure of your nature: your capacity to feel.
By feeling the vibrational state you wish to be in, you amplify it; you strengthen it. And if you also include a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude for the vibrational reality, you will hasten its birth.
This simple act of appreciating, or feeling gratitude, for the new timeline catalyzes its reality in ways that boggle the mind. So it is that the two treasures of your nature are joined together in these three steps. The next step requires your sovereign will again. You must persevere, to hold the vision of the new timeline and the vibrational state, regardless of what your senses are telling you. This is the passage where many fail.
The manifesting of a new timeline into your three-dimensional reality requires accumulated energy. If you persist in holding the vision of the new timeline, with the vibrational field (or feeling of it), along with gratitude for it already existing, you will accumulate energy.
The task here is to be true to your vision while paying attention to what the current reality is showing you. It is not about pretending. It is about facing reality as it presents itself to you while simultaneously holding a higher vision. In other words, you deal with the reality of your life while simultaneously holding the vision of a different life. This is the art.
Using our example, if you desire to create a life with more loving kindness, you would move into that vibrational state by exhibiting loving kindness to others. If you were able to also feel gratitude for this vibrational state, it would accelerate the creation of the new timeline.
In reality, there will be a period when you will recognize that not everyone is capable of loving kindness, nor of receiving it for that matter. Your vision will then be refined by the realities of life, and this maturation of your consciousness will take place naturally, as you deal with the realities of your current timeline along with the emergence of your new timeline.
One result from this way of proceeding is that you will become a master of loving kindness and a master in dealing with those who cannot express such vibrational states. Eventually you will experience a life of more loving kindness, where more people express that quality to you and you to them. And when you encounter someone unable to express this quality, you will be more able to deal with him or her without losing this quality in yourself.
Thus would you seed the new timeline and new reality for yourself.
Let us now return to the collective timeline.
As we said earlier time nodes are juncture points where multiple timelines converge, and you can jump from one to the other if you understand how it is done. We just explained the basic principal as it applies to individual timelines. Now let’s discuss how you can jump to a different timeline than that of any given collective.
As paradoxical as it may seem it is quite possible to live a separate timeline, having a different experience of life than those around you.
Let us say that again another way. It is possible to live in heaven while others are living in torment. At the deepest levels of consciousness it is simply a matter of choice.
We do recognize that you have been, and are continuing to be, manipulated by forces that desire to keep you imprisoned. But our choice in this communication is to give you keys to jump out of that imprisonment, not dwelling on the history of it, or the identities of those involved. For, in truth, the true Controllers are unseen by you. They are the Puppet Masters.
As chaotic events escalate you will have many opportunities to jump timelines. Our suggestion is to remember the steps we discussed earlier. You might experiment with this method by choosing to conduct an experiment. Choose something that you would like to unfold as a reality in your life and using the steps we discussed, see what you can create.
Physical and Spiritual Survival
Our essential reason for imparting this message involves something of greater consequence than creating personal desires. This “something” literally has to do with your survival, both physically and spiritually.
As chaotic events escalate, your powers of intuition will be more important to you than ever before.
Some people call them “hunches.” Without knowing how you know, you suddenly know what to do in a situation.
This is how intuition works. In these moments of intuition you are at a juncture point—a time node—where you can jump into a different timeline and a different outcome.
This increase of intuitive receptivity is one of the hallmarks of personal ascension, or the movement upward in consciousness. A more developed intuition has obvious physical survival benefits.
A moment ago we said something that may be paradoxical to some individuals. We said that the ability to jump timelines had both physical and spiritual survival benefits.
What we meant here is that the ability to jump a timeline into a different outcome can result in physical survival in certain situations. By spiritual survival, we mean that there are threats to your spiritual awakening. If you lose track of your own truth, if you lose the two treasures that you possess in your nature—your sovereign will and your capacity to feel—then you are spiritually in danger. Do not lose sight of these treasures in yourself. As chaotic events increase, and they shall—for this is the birthing of a new world—the Controllers will increase their efforts. Be leery of mind-control and of any thought form that limits your sovereign will and your ability to feel, regardless of its origins—even if it comes from one of your “sacred” religions.
Any thought form, no matter how dressed up in sacred garb or political correctness that would limit your sovereign will to choose or your capacity to feel should be avoided. This is a vital necessity for those of you who wish to survive this passage spiritually intact.
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