If you want to come down from the head, you will have to pass through the heart--that is the crossroads. You cannot go to the being directly; you will have to pass through the heart. The heart has to be used as a method.
Thinking,feeling, being-these are the three centers. But certainly feeling is closer to being than thinking, and feeling functions as a method. Feel more, and then you will think less. Don't fight with thinking, because fighting with thinking is again creating other thoughts of fighting. Never fight with thoughts; it is futile.
Rather than fighting with the thoughts, move your energy into feeling. Sing rather than think, love rather than philosophize, read poetry rather than prose. Dance, look at nature, and whatever you do, do it through the heart.
The heart is the neglected center: Once you start paying attention to it, it starts functioning. When it starts functioning, the energy that was moving in the mind automatically starts moving through the heart. And the heart is closer to the energy center. The energy center is in the navel - so to pump energy to the head is hard work, in fact.
That's why all the education systems exist: to teach you how to pump the energy from the center straight to the head and how to bypass the heart.
So no school, no college, no university, teaches how to feel. They destroy feeling, because they know that if you feel you cannot think.
But it is easy to move from the head to the heart, and it is even easier to move from the heart to the navel. In the navel you are simply a being, a pure being - with no feeling, no thinking; you are not moving at all. That is the center of the cyclone.