是什麼能讓一個體重只有 45 公斤的女性可以為了救她受困的兒女而將汽車抬起?你已經 18 小時沒睡了,是什麼讓你有精力繼續專注在感到熱情的事物上?是什麼讓你有能力療癒?那永遠是愛!愛就是那燃料,愛是讓你提升到更高頻振動的推進器!
Unlocking Your Abilities ∞Archangel Michael
“The inner workings of the human being are quite complex. You are intricate beings. So much so that your scientists have only begun to understand how it is that you truly interact with your world. Your brains are mostly a mystery. What makes you all tick and what makes your hearts beat has less to do with physiology and more to do with spirit, and with will, with consciousness, and with intention.
So given your complex and intricate nature, you must be capable of much more than you have ever imagined. Everything that you need is already inside of you. That is why it is very puzzling to those of us who watch over you when we see you place so much emphasis on technology getting you to where you want to go.
By unlocking the abilities within you, you are able to access vast amounts of power and creativity. All that you are and all that you seek pales in comparison to the ability that you have to love. Love is not complicated, intricate, or complex. And it just so happens to be the fuel for all of these abilities you are unlocking and uncovering.
What is it that allows the 98-pound woman to lift the car when her son or daughter is trapped underneath? What is it that gives you the energy to continue on with what you are passionate for when you haven’t slept or eaten in 18 hours? What is it that gives you the ability to heal? It is always love. Love is the fuel and love is what propels you into higher frequencies.
Love is what unlocks your abilities, giving you more of who you really are and allowing you to play on a much bigger scale. And when you decide that Love is what you are all about, you step into a potential that will take you into the fifth dimension.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”