原创 2018-01-16 圣哲曼 新纪元扬升之光
Saint Germainvia Nancy Tate, January 15th, 2018
Today I come togive this one a message to share with you all. I am here, St Germain, to tellyou that the prosperity that you seek is already in your hands. You are in thethroes of being able to receive it in a way that is appropriate and ready foraction. The one thing that you see as missing is that you do not have it inyour hands, or bank account. I tell you now that it is awaiting the clearancethat is on the threshold, and as soon as that is in place completely, you willbe able to recognize what it is to be able to see and use the funds that youhave been awaiting for your lives and all of mankind around this world.
I am here this dayto assist you to see what I mean as to the fact that it is already in yourpossession. Realize that in your possession means that you have a hold on it inan energy that is within you. As you continue to know that you have it, and doso in the peacefulness of knowing that it will come forward when it is in thefreedom of you being able to use it in ways that not only serve you, but othersas well, then you will be able to feel it, see it and distribute it in a waythat is compliant with the way that you know will benefit all of you.
As I say this to youand feel the response that you have to what you are hearing within yourselves,I recognize that you understand what I am saying. I am reminding you that youknow how many times the ease of the release of it to the people has been heldback because of the ones who have tried to gain it all back in their hands fortheir use only. That is not going to happen, for you have expressed stronglyenough that what they have been doing with the funds and all of the treasureson earth has come to and end. It is time for it all to come to the pointwhere there is no injustice on the earth. It is in so many of your hearts thatthe suffering and hardship has overcome all of the pleasure on earth, and nowit is flowing free toward all of your hands in the knowledge that you do havethe power to receive it. It is a matter of all of you realizing that there havebeen so many ways in which the funds have been manipulated and cast over thewalls of justice. So now it is time to bring it all back to the reality thatmeans the freedom of Peace, Love and Joy is here with you all. You have thepower from within to go forth and complete the heaven on earth that you havebeen awaiting.
It has been such a journey, andas we see how it is coming to a beautiful completion you will all be able tomove forth in the new life you create on the planet and beyond. You will allrealize that this journey has been one that has brought you all to the truth ofwhat you are capable of. You are in the throes of being able to see what thosewho have done what they’ve done are in the process of giving it back to youall. They are seeing that it was a part of what you all came to experience.They are seeing how miserably you all reacted to the unknowing that they had ofwhat was being done, and now they have learned that they were not acting theirtrue power. They were taking their steps in ways that responded to what wasoutside of them, and now they see that it was always outside of them. That iswhy it was always such a chore that they were caught up in. They look back andsee how so many of you are acting in Love, rather than in the fear that theysaw so much, not only in some of those they walked against, but in themselvesas well.
It is now coming tothe stream of openness and freedom of being able to walk forth, dance together,and sing the songs of utmost freedom of peace Love and joy in all that is doneon earth and beyond. They are seeing that now that they have been taken out ofthe make believe existence of Love, that they were never in the real world ofLove in the expression that would have given them a different way of livingtheir lives here on earth. Yes, you will all see how it is to be able to havethe freedom to create your worlds in the way that says that you are all family,in love with all that you represent. It will be soon in the guidelines of yourinner knowing what you will be doing with the funds and the freedom to flowforth in the usage of them, with all of life in harmony in every step.
I leave thisone now in the Peace, Joy and Love that you are all in the process ofexpressing as the freedom of the coming times is in your present moment. See itas that moment to be now, and you’ll awaken all of the Love within every livingessence upon and within this earth. I am in celebration of what I see coming inthe next moment, and the next, etc forevermore. Love is all there is, in theexpression and living of it in so many ways. You are the Love, and I am withyou in every step you take in Love, Peace and Joyfulness of the freedom you areexpressing.