Pearl翻譯 │ 2018-06-06
本傑明·富爾福德 2018年6月4日 新聞快訊
Takedown of Israel may be imminent as NATO withdraws protection
Benjamin Fulford, 4 June, 2018
Tectonic shifts in the geopolitical landscape continue at a dizzying pace around the world as the satanic Khazarian mob is being systematically removed from all world power centers, multiple sources agree. The situation has proceeded so far that the Khazarian big Kahuna, Israel, may soon be liberated from the satanists, Pentagon sources say.
In Europe the changes of government last week in Italy, Spain, and Slovenia mean that only a rump of France, Germany, and Holland remain under Khazarian control, the sources say.
The liberation of the West is necessary to ensure that the East/West negotiations taking place in Singapore next week do not result in a one-China world order replacing the Khazarian mafia at the top of the world, the sources say.
Let us start by looking at the situation in Israel, where top satanist leader Benjamin Netanyahu, like his predecessor Adolf Hitler, is now holed up in a bunker as he prepares for his inevitable defeat. The public statement last week by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that the alliance wouldn’t come to Israel’s defense in case of attack by Iran was a visible sign of the imminent regime change in Israel.
More important is what was left unsaid, according to Pentagon sources, which is that “NATO will not defend this illegitimate Zionist entity from the [Russian] bear.” In any case, Netanyahu and his regime have lost the support of most real Jews (as opposed to closet satanists) because of their murderous behavior.
This public denouncement of Israel comes as Saudi Arabia prepares to announce Mutaib bin Abdullah as its new ruler, replacing Zionist stooge Bin Salman, who was assassinated on April 21st, Pentagon sources say.
This is important because it means control of the Saudi oil, the mainstay of the petrodollar, has fallen out of Zionist hands, the sources say. For sure, Bin Salman, who was in the press daily until gunfire erupted in his palace on April 21st, has vanished from public view. A public announcement will be needed, though, to confirm what these sources are saying.
However, a different Pentagon source came forward last week with related news that could affect the management and ownership of most publicly listed Western corporations. According to this source, the military backers of the Trump regime are considering giving Leo Wanta and his people control of the $26 trillion in funds they claim were illegitimately taken from them by the Bush faction of the Khazarian mob. Wanta has been invited to Washington, DC this week to discuss these funds, the source says. “If they are going to get this money for Wanta, they are going to have to take it from Vanguard,” the source says. Vanguard (Bush?), together with State Street (Rockefeller?) and Blackrock (Rothschild?) control most major Western corporations.
The U.S. military move to take over Vanguard, and possibly State Street as well as Blackrock, may be in preparation for a showdown with a Eurasian alliance over control of the world’s financial system.
In this context, the summit next week between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, is about far more than just peace in the Korean peninsula. According to the Gnostic Illuminati, Kim Jong-un is in fact the leader of an alliance that controls China as well as much of East Asia.
Regardless of whether or not this is true about Kim, a look at the overall world situation leaves it beyond a doubt that the U.S.-dominated Western military-industrial complex and a Eurasian alliance are negotiating a new way to run the planet.
The key as to who will come out on top looks increasingly like it is being held by India. India has a young population roughly equal in size to China’s rapidly aging population. That’s why the U.S. side has been trying to convince India to join an alliance with itself, Japan, Australia, and Indonesia to “contain China.” The U.S. last week renamed their Pacific Command the Indo-Pacific Command as a part of their appeal to India.
The Chinese, however, seem to have the upper hand, in that India has joined with Russia and China as part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a Eurasian military and economic alliance.
Last week Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking at the Shangri La dialogue in Singapore, made it clear that India was not interested in playing great power games, saying “Asia of rivalry will hold us all back. Asia of cooperation will shape this century.” We recommend reading Modi’s not-too-long speech in its entirety at the link below:
In any case, the Shangri La meeting in Singapore is just one of several high-level gatherings taking place in the run-up to the Kim/Trump summit next week. This week will also see a G7 (public Western government) summit meeting in Canada, as well as a Bilderberg (secret Western government) meeting in Italy, as the West tries to coordinate its stance in the big power negotiations with Asia next week.
So let us turn back now to the situation in the West, starting with Europe. First of all, it is probably no coincidence that the Bilderberg meeting this year is taking place in Italy, since the new regime there is opposed to the Euro and is thus an existential threat to the Union as it now stands. In basic terms, the economic math makes it very obvious that Southern Europe (Spain, Italy, Greece, and Portugal) would be better off without the Euro, and this is a reality the secret elite will inevitably have to face. Furthermore, the fall of the Nazi house of Bush means there is no longer any serious Western military-industrial backing for the German-centered EU project as it now stands. The collapse, however, will take place in slow motion.
The other issue there is that Slovenia (Melania Trump’s homeland) has now joined Poland and Hungary in electing a regime that is opposed to the current EU policy of mass immigration, mostly from Muslim countries. The overall trend is that central Europe is now joining Southern Europe in moving away from EU domination by Germany (plus French lackeys), albeit for different reasons. The UK, with its Brexit, has also already said no to the EU. Clearly, a deeply divided Europe is in no position to represent the West in big negotiations with the East.
The other key G7 power center, Japan, is also in deep disarray, because the regime there is viewed by the Asian underworld as a colonial slave government. The North Koreans are seen as the legitimate government for Korea and Japan, Japanese right-wing sources say, and that is why the Japanese have been excluded from U.S./North Korean negotiations. Furthermore, the Bush proxies like Richard Armitage (Barbara Bush’s cousin) have lost power, meaning there is a vacuum in the U.S. colonial control grid in Japan.
It is in this context that we must look at Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on European as well as Japanese and Canadian steel and aluminum. The aim is use this measure to force a change in the economic governance of the West. In a sense, Trump is right to say that if the U.S. has a trade deficit of $800 billion a year, then winning a trade war is a no-brainer.
However, what he is just realizing is the U.S. economy was allowed to be hollowed out by huge trade deficits because the owners of the current petrodollar-centered financial system were mostly either not American, or else not patriotic Americans. Our sources suggest that’s why the move with Wanta, if true, may be a sign that Trump is finally finding the right target. If Trump can get control over the system that is based on the U.S. dollar, Euro, and yen, he will be in a much stronger position to negotiate a new global financial/political architecture with the Eurasian alliance. His regime just needs to round up a few more oligarchs and he might just be able to pull it off. On that front, steady progress continues, Pentagon sources say.
For one thing, “The #2 leader of sex cult NXIVM, actress Allison Mack, may have sung to take down Hollywood and Bronfmans,” the sources say. The Bronfman family got rich selling booze to Al Capone and now is one of the main controlling families of media giants like AOL - Time Warner.
The other big Zionist media entity under attack is Disney. “ABC’s Roseanne Barr was ‘martyred’ to take down [Barack] Obama handler Valerie Jarrett and her defender Disney CEO Bob Iger, and her cancelled show may be picked up by Fox,” say Pentagon sources. Furthermore, they add, “Harvey Weinstein and his former employer Disney et al. may be charged with RICO violations for running a criminal sexual enterprise, as Trump may even nationalize that cultural icon to protect children.”
Also, in Washington, DC, “Deep state and Zionist agents are history, as the Department of Defense takes over the security clearance process for the whole of government to allow only white hats and patriots,” the sources say.
What all this means is that the military government behind Trump is solidifying its position as representative of the West in negotiations with the Eurasian alliance.
However, Trump needs to learn that bullying and table-pounding do not go over well in Asia. China has made it clear it will meet the U.S. halfway, but that any attempt by Trump to bully his way into a deal will backfire, issuing a statement that read, in part: “All economic and trade outcomes of the talks will not take effect if the U.S. side imposes any trade sanctions, including raising tariffs.”
Nonetheless, all the moves described above represent a fundamental change of direction in how the world is governed now that the Zionist apocalyptic nightmare is ending. Humanity is being freed.
Pearl 翻譯
北約不再保護以色列 猶太國可能將被消滅
北約秘書長斯托爾滕貝格( Jens Stoltenberg )上週發表的公開聲明稱,如果伊朗發動襲擊,北約將不會保護以色列,這是以色列政權即將發生變化的一個明顯跡象。
( 北約秘書長表示,如果伊朗發動攻擊,北約將不會保護以色列 )
北約秘書長斯托爾滕貝格(Jens Stoltenberg)
五角大樓消息透露,就在以色列遭公開譴責之際,沙地阿拉伯正準備宣佈穆塔布•亞都拉( Mutaib bin Abdullah )為新的統治者,以取代 4 月 21 日被暗殺的猶太復國主義者史圖哥•薩勒曼( stooge bin Salman )。
穆塔布.亞都拉(Mutaib bin Abdullah)
然而,另一名五角大樓消息人士上週透露了相關消息,可能會影響多數上市西方公司的管理層和所有權。據這位消息人士說,特朗普政權的軍事支持者正考慮給里奧·萬達( Leo Wanta )和他的人民控制 26 兆美元的資金,他們聲稱這些資金是被布什政府的可薩暴徒非法奪走的。
該消息人士說,萬達本週已受邀前往華盛頓討論這些資金的事項。消息人士表示:「如果他們想把這筆錢給萬塔,他們就必須從先鋒手中奪走。」先鋒集團( Vanguard )、道富銀行( State Street )(洛氏?)和貝萊德(羅氏 ? )控制着大多數西方大公司。
( 這 ' 四大 ' 公司控制著世界,但你可能從來沒有聽過它們 )
美國軍方接管先鋒集團以及道富銀行和貝萊德的行動,可能是為了準備與歐亞聯盟( Eurasian alliance )就控制全球金融體系問題攤牌。
然而,中國似乎佔了上風,因為印度已加入俄羅斯和中國,成為歐亞軍事和經濟聯盟 -- 上海合作組織的一部份。
七國集團的另一個重要權力中心日本也陷入了嚴重的混亂,因為在亞洲黑社會看來,日本政權是一個殖民奴隸政府。日本右翼人士說,朝鮮被視為韓國和日本的合法政府,這就是日本被排除在美國之外 / 朝鮮談判的原因。此外,像理查德·阿米蒂奇( Richard Armitage- 老布什夫人芭芭拉的堂兄)這樣的布什代理已失去了權勢,這意味着在日本的美國殖民控制網中形成真空。
正是在這種背景下,我們必須看到特朗普決定對歐洲、日本和加拿大的鋼鐵和鋁徵收關稅的原因。其目的是利用這一措施迫使西方改變經濟治理。從某種意義上說,特朗普說得對,如果美國每年有 8000 億美元的貿易赤字,那麼贏得一場貿易戰就很容易了。
我們的消息來源暗示,這就是特朗普與萬達的舉動的原因,如果是真的,可能表明特朗普終於找到了正確的目標。如果特朗普能夠控制以美元、歐元和日元為基礎的金融體系,他將在與歐亞聯盟談判新的全球金融 / 政治架構時處於更有利的地位。五角大樓消息說,他的政權只需要再圍捕幾名大咖,可能就能成功。在這方面,穩定的進展仍在繼續。
首先,消息人士說,「邪教的第二號人物,女演員艾利森·麥克( Allison Mack ),可能是為了打敗好萊塢和布隆夫曼家族( Bronfman )。」布氏家族靠賣酒給阿爾·卡彭( Al Capone )發了大財,現在是美國在線 -- 時代華納等媒體巨頭的主要控股家族之一。
另一個受到攻擊的猶太復國主義媒體實體是迪斯尼。五角大樓消息說:「美國廣播公司的羅斯安妮·巴爾( Roseanne Barr )「犧牲」了奧巴馬的經紀人瓦萊麗·賈勒特 ( Valerie Jarrett )和她的辯護者迪士尼公司首席執行官鮑勃·艾格( Bob Iger ),她取消的節目可能會被福克斯電視台選中。
這一切意味着特朗普背後的軍事政府正在鞏固其在與歐亞聯盟( Eurasian alliance )談判中作為西方代表的地位。
【原文】2018-06-04 Benjamin Fulford
Takedown of Israel may be imminent as NATO withdraws protection
Tectonic shifts in the geopolitical landscape continue at a dizzying pace around the world as the satanic Khazarian mob is being systematically removed from all world power centers, multiple sources agree. The situation has proceeded so far that the Khazarian big Kahuna, Israel, may soon be liberated from the satanists, Pentagon sources say.
In Europe the changes of government last week in Italy, Spain, and Slovenia mean that only a rump of France, Germany, and Holland remain under Khazarian control, the sources say.
The liberation of the West is necessary to ensure that the East/West negotiations taking place in Singapore next week do not result in a one-China world order replacing the Khazarian mafia at the top of the world, the sources say.
Let us start by looking at the situation in Israel, where top satanist leader Benjamin Netanyahu, like his predecessor Adolf Hitler, is now holed up in a bunker as he prepares for his inevitable defeat.
The public statement last week by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that the alliance wouldn’t come to Israel’s defense in case of attack by Iran was a visible sign of the imminent regime change in Israel.
More important is what was left unsaid, according to Pentagon sources, which is that 「NATO will not defend this illegitimate Zionist entity from the [Russian] bear.」 In any case, Netanyahu and his regime have lost the support of most real Jews (as opposed to closet satanists) because of their murderous behavior.
This public denouncement of Israel comes as Saudi Arabia prepares to announce Mutaib bin Abdullah as its new ruler, replacing Zionist stooge Bin Salman, who was assassinated on April 21st, Pentagon sources say.
This is important because it means control of the Saudi oil, the mainstay of the petrodollar, has fallen out of Zionist hands, the sources say. For sure, Bin Salman, who was in the press daily until gunfire erupted in his palace on April 21st, has vanished from public view. A public announcement will be needed, though, to confirm what these sources are saying.
However, a different Pentagon source came forward last week with related news that could affect the management and ownership of most publicly listed Western corporations. According to this source, the military backers of the Trump regime are considering giving Leo Wanta and his people control of the $26 trillion in funds they claim were illegitimately taken from them by the Bush faction of the Khazarian mob.
Wanta has been invited to Washington, DC this week to discuss these funds, the source says. 「If they are going to get this money for Wanta, they are going to have to take it from Vanguard,」 the source says. Vanguard (Bush?), together with State Street (Rockefeller?) and Blackrock (Rothschild?) control most major Western corporations.
The U.S. military move to take over Vanguard, and possibly State Street as well as Blackrock, may be in preparation for a showdown with a Eurasian alliance over control of the world’s financial system.
In this context, the summit next week between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, is about far more than just peace in the Korean peninsula. According to the Gnostic Illuminati, Kim Jong-un is in fact the leader of an alliance that controls China as well as much of East Asia.
Regardless of whether or not this is true about Kim, a look at the overall world situation leaves it beyond a doubt that the U.S.-dominated Western military-industrial complex and a Eurasian alliance are negotiating a new way to run the planet.
The key as to who will come out on top looks increasingly like it is being held by India. India has a young population roughly equal in size to China’s rapidly aging population.
That’s why the U.S. side has been trying to convince India to join an alliance with itself, Japan, Australia, and Indonesia to 「contain China.」 The U.S. last week renamed their Pacific Command the Indo-Pacific Command as a part of their appeal to India.
The Chinese, however, seem to have the upper hand, in that India has joined with Russia and China as part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a Eurasian military and economic alliance.
Last week Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking at the Shangri La dialogue in Singapore, made it clear that India was not interested in playing great power games, saying 「Asia of rivalry will hold us all back. Asia of cooperation will shape this century.」 We recommend reading Modi’s not-too-long speech in its entirety at the link below:
In any case, the Shangri La meeting in Singapore is just one of several high-level gatherings taking place in the run-up to the Kim/Trump summit next week. This week will also see a G7 (public Western government) summit meeting in Canada, as well as a Bilderberg (secret Western government) meeting in Italy, as the West tries to coordinate its stance in the big power negotiations with Asia next week.
So let us turn back now to the situation in the West, starting with Europe. First of all, it is probably no coincidence that the Bilderberg meeting this year is taking place in Italy, since the new regime there is opposed to the Euro and is thus an existential threat to the Union as it now stands.
In basic terms, the economic math makes it very obvious that Southern Europe (Spain, Italy, Greece, and Portugal) would be better off without the Euro, and this is a reality the secret elite will inevitably have to face.
Furthermore, the fall of the Nazi house of Bush means there is no longer any serious Western military-industrial backing for the German-centered EU project as it now stands. The collapse, however, will take place in slow motion.
The other issue there is that Slovenia (Melania Trump’s homeland) has now joined Poland and Hungary in electing a regime that is opposed to the current EU policy of mass immigration, mostly from Muslim countries.
The overall trend is that central Europe is now joining Southern Europe in moving away from EU domination by Germany (plus French lackeys), albeit for different reasons. The UK, with its Brexit, has also already said no to the EU. Clearly, a deeply divided Europe is in no position to represent the West in big negotiations with the East.
The other key G7 power center, Japan, is also in deep disarray, because the regime there is viewed by the Asian underworld as a colonial slave government. The North Koreans are seen as the legitimate government for Korea and Japan, Japanese right-wing sources say, and that is why the Japanese have been excluded from U.S./North Korean negotiations. Furthermore, the Bush proxies like Richard Armitage (Barbara Bush’s cousin) have lost power, meaning there is a vacuum in the U.S. colonial control grid in Japan.
It is in this context that we must look at Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on European as well as Japanese and Canadian steel and aluminum. The aim is use this measure to force a change in the economic governance of the West. In a sense, Trump is right to say that if the U.S. has a trade deficit of $800 billion a year, then winning a trade war is a no-brainer.
However, what he is just realizing is the U.S. economy was allowed to be hollowed out by huge trade deficits because the owners of the current petrodollar-centered financial system were mostly either not American, or else not patriotic Americans.
Our sources suggest that’s why the move with Wanta, if true, may be a sign that Trump is finally finding the right target. If Trump can get control over the system that is based on the U.S. dollar, Euro, and yen, he will be in a much stronger position to negotiate a new global financial/political architecture with the Eurasian alliance. His regime just needs to round up a few more oligarchs and he might just be able to pull it off. On that front, steady progress continues, Pentagon sources say.
For one thing, 「The #2 leader of sex cult NXIVM, actress Allison Mack, may have sung to take down Hollywood and Bronfmans,」 the sources say. The Bronfman family got rich selling booze to Al Capone and now is one of the main controlling families of media giants like AOL – Time Warner.
The other big Zionist media entity under attack is Disney. 「ABC’s Roseanne Barr was ‘martyred’ to take down [Barack] Obama handler Valerie Jarrett and her defender Disney CEO Bob Iger, and her cancelled show may be picked up by Fox,」 say Pentagon sources.
Furthermore, they add, 「Harvey Weinstein and his former employer Disney et al. may be charged with RICO violations for running a criminal sexual enterprise, as Trump may even nationalize that cultural icon to protect children.」
Also, in Washington, DC, 「Deep state and Zionist agents are history, as the Department of Defense takes over the security clearance process for the whole of government to allow only white hats and patriots,」 the sources say.
What all this means is that the military government behind Trump is solidifying its position as representative of the West in negotiations with the Eurasian alliance.
However, Trump needs to learn that bullying and table-pounding do not go over well in Asia. China has made it clear it will meet the U.S. halfway, but that any attempt by Trump to bully his way into a deal will backfire, issuing a statement that read, in part:
「All economic and trade outcomes of the talks will not take effect if the U.S. side imposes any trade sanctions, including raising tariffs.」
Nonetheless, all the moves described above represent a fundamental change of direction in how the world is governed now that the Zionist apocalyptic nightmare is ending. Humanity is being freed.
翻譯: 醒覺大勢頭