
 A Hathor Planetary Messag

e Through Tom Kenyon

Transition States of Consciousness 意識的過渡狀態

譯者: laoguo2

  【Hathor信息】《意識的過渡狀態》 (上)



Collective Transition States of Consciousness





The human collective, from our perspective, is currently like an immense cosmic serpent shedding its old skin, writhing and twisting, scraping off old encumbrances. Some of these take the form of economic turmoil. Some of them are political in nature. Some of them are the collapse and transformation of cultural institutions. And some of these writhings and twistings are related to earthquake and volcanic activity, as well as aberrant weather patterns.





As natural and manmade disasters increase, more and more of you will find yourselves entering transition states of consciousness. Obviously those who experience an earthquake, volcano or destructive weather directly are the most prone to enter transition states, but those of you who are empathic in nature can experience the brunt of a natural or manmade disaster as if you were physically present.





Indeed as the veil that separates human consciousnesses from one another dissolves, more and more of you will experience the changes taking place in the world at a visceral level.





We now wish to address the question of a new creation for those of you who may find yourself in the aftermath of a natural or manmade disaster, such as an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, or destructive weather patterns.





If the destructive force is strong enough, the perceptual markers of your former reality may no longer exist. Your home or place of business may no longer be there. You may find yourself dealing with shortages of food and water, and there are any number of variables that can come together to create a state of shock and overwhelm.





We wish to be very clear in what we are about to say. Shock and overwhelm in the face of disasters are a natural mammalian response, and if you are to transcend and transform the moment you must reach upward to higher dimensions of your own existence, your own being, to those realms of consciousness that are beyond time and space.





To the extent that you are able to incorporate the transcendent aspects of your being as part of the equation for your survival, you will be able to mitigate the shock and overwhelm.





The central feature that needs to be identified in the midst of chaos, any form of chaos, is the portal of opportunity .





This opportunity for survival or for a new life may present itself in ways you do not expect. This is because the perceptual markers are no longer in place and your consciousness may not recognize an opportunity when it presents itself.





There is a deep-seated human habit, or tendency, that wishes to conform new realities to those of the past. This would be an unfortunate habit to engage in these situations.





There is much we could say about the hyper-dimensional realities involved in choice making during chaotic events, but we wish to “cut to the chase” and give that which will be most practical. Perhaps some other time we can share with you our philosophical musings about your infinite nature and the infinite possibilities that reside within you. However, for now, let us be a little simplistic and give you a formula to recognize and create opportunities for new life and a new destiny when they present themselves to you.





Assuming that you have entered a transition state of consciousness and that you have befriended the void point and are more or less comfortable with the great uncertainty of your situation, this is what we suggest.





Be curious and expect miracles.





By entering a state of curiosity you engage an aspect of your mind that is free to move unfettered by expectation. It becomes very much like the mind of a child, and it is this innocence—which is not the same as childishness—that allows you to enter a vibratory state of consciousness, which greatly benefits you.





By holding the expectation of miracles you release the power of creation within you, and to the extent that you accomplish this you will find increasing incidences of serendipity, coincidences of benefit and unexpected treasures, whether they be physical in nature or mental and emotional.





This combination of curiosity about what will happen next joined with an expectation of miracles will move you rapidly from the void point to a new life, a new creation, regardless of what might be happening for those around you.




During collective transition states of consciousness it is helpful to remember that each person is the creator of his or her own reality, and in the midst of chaos people will make different choices and enter different personal realities.





Do not be swayed by those who enter lower vibratory realms. You cannot save them from themselves. Look upward and live upward with curiosity and an expectation of miracles, and even in the gravest of situations miracles can, and will, occur for you.




Physical Death





One of the greatest difficulties for embodied beings is the transition state of consciousness you call death. This is due to the fact that all perceptual markers, including the five senses, disappear. If a person identifies solely with his/he​​r material existence, he or she will find this transition state to be most difficult. This is because what she or he identified with no longer exists.





Although the physical world continues on, there is no input into consciousness from the five senses. It is as if the world has vanished and the body along with it. The great I Am, the central feature of transcendent consciousness, no longer receives information from the body, the five senses, or the external world. This can be deeply disturbing and disorienting for someone who has not directly experienced the other realms of his or her being.


儘管物理世界還在繼續,但卻不再有輸入從五感進入意識。這就好像這個世界已經消失了,並且自己的肉體還與其留在一起。那偉大的“我是( I Am )”,那超驗意識的中心要素,不再從肉體--從五感或者從外部世界--接受信息。這會讓一些--從未直接體驗過他或她之存在之外的領域的--人們感到深深的困惑和不知所措。



Metaphorically speaking, you are like a vast tree, a Tree of Life , with many branches and many, many leaves and blossoms, and your current physical existence is just one of these leaves and one of these blossoms.





When a person passes through the transition state of consciousness you call death there are several options. If you are in a spiritual tradition the central figure of which is a guru, avatar or savior, you can follow the path of this being into the vibratory realm of his/he​​r consciousness. In some religions this is known as heaven.





If you follow the path of a guru, avatar or savior understand that you are entering into his/he​​r heaven, her/his vibratory attainment, and by necessity you enter also into his/he​​r limitations in consciousness.





From our perspective the universe is infinite in nature, and by this we refer not to external space but to the interdimensional realities of your universe, and there is no single being in existence, from our experience, who understands and embraces all that is.





If, however, you wish to join your guru/avatar/savior in the death realms we have a few suggestions. One is to mentally call upon his/her name. This is an ancient understanding encapsulated in the Egyptian term Ren , meaning name. When you call upon the name of a spiritual being an aspect of him/her is compelled to move toward you.


不過,如果你們希望在死後的領域加入你們的大師/聖者/救世主之中,那麼我們有幾個建議。一個是在內心中呼喚他或她的名字。這是一個古老的理解,被涵蓋在埃及人所稱之的 Ren 裡--意思就是一個名字(譯註:這裡的 Ren 不是某個人的名字,而就只是名字的意思)。當你呼喚一個靈性存有的名字,那麼他或她的一個部分就不得不來到你們的面前。



If, in that moment of encountering your guru/avatar/savior, he or she deems you worthy, you will be taken by him/her into his/he​​r heavenly realm.





For those of you in eastern spiritual traditions there are mantras connected with specified deities. Chanting these mantras mentally during death, or in the death realms, has the same effect.





For those of you who are not part of a spiritual tradition that follows a guru, avatar or savior, then the transition state of consciousness called death offers other possibilities.





As with the other two transition states of consciousness, the death realm has a void point, and its dominant features are stillness (silence) and darkness. All possibilities exist within the Void, but no actuality is in existence. It is like the acorn of an oak tree. The oak, the giant tree itself, is potentially within the acorn, but it does not yet exist.





So when you find yourself in the Void, which you will recognize by the fact that you are utterly alone in darkness and utter stillness, know that you are in the central nexus of your creative powers.





What you choose to create next will determine the course of your destiny and what worlds you will inhabit or realms of existence you will reside in. This is a critical juncture.





Many persons frightened by the darkness move to the light prematurely. And what they do not realize is that in their yearning they create the light. A portal opens before them, like a tunnel, and they can move into this tunnel of light, encountering those they have known before, thereby entering back into embodiment or other vibratory realms of existence without having fully understood the consequences. This is certainly one option open to you, and one that is often taken.





Another option, however, is to remain at the void point, residing in the Void itself, becoming aware of your Self as pure consciousness —transcendent to all phenomena.





If you reside in this state of awareness long enough without the need to create something, you will discover your identity as the great I Am. And from this point of awareness you can choose the circumstances of your embodiment. You can choose the worlds you will inhabit or the realms of consciousness where you will reside.


如果你們停駐在這個覺醒的狀態足夠長時間,而不是需要去創造些什麼,那麼,你們就將發現你們自己的身份是那偉大的“我是”。並且,從這個覺醒之點開始,你們就能夠選擇你們的具現化的形式/命運/情況( circumstances )。你們能夠選擇你們將要棲息的世界,或是將會居住於其中的意識的領域。



This latter method gives you the greatest opportunities, though it is the most difficult for most people. And the reason for this difficulty has to do with the fact that most humans find it uncomfortable to not have a body. The yearning for a body and the experience of the material world often draws a person from the Void prematurely.





In summation, due to the intensifying phases of the Chaotic Node many of you will find yourselves in transitional states of consciousness. Regardless of what level you find yourself engaged in, whether it be your personal life, the collective experience, or the transition state you call death, know that you are the creator of your reality.




The Hathors

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

通過Tom Kenyon所傳遞的Hathor的行星信息。


譯者: laoguo2



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