2018-05-05 23:12 天使 新纪元扬升之光
Message fromthe Angels via Ann Albers, May 5th, 2018
My dear friends, we loveyou so very much,
Take a breath. Imagine thatthe air around you is like an ocean. As you breathe in, a wave of clean, pureair rushes into your lungs. It pauses and then recedes as you surrender to theexhale, in much the same way as a wave withdraws from its pinnacle upon theshore back into the eternal ocean.
Breathe again. Allow a waveto rush into you and fill your lungs. Imagine this air filling you, energizingyou, and cleansing you. It reaches into your very cells, pauses, and thenrecedes. Breathe again. Allow waves from the ocean of love to cleanse andenliven you.
Imagine you wanted to builda bonfire on the beach. You would have to wait for the ocean to bring you thewood that you would burn. You would feed these offerings to the fire to fan itsflames. The denser energies would turn to light!
Similarly within you thereexists a flame of Divinity. You fuel it with love. It is your love and yourlight that will burn up the darkness of this world and transmute these denserenergies into something so much brighter.
You can do this in a veryhuman way by sending love and praying for those in darkness. However, for thoseof you who are sensitive, and need to adjust to the world’s chaoticfrequencies, you can also burn up the darkness simply as energy.
You need not fear theworld’s anger. You need not fear the sadness, apathy, resignation, bitterness,unforgiveness, and hostility that many of you feel. You need not block it, anymore than you’d try to block an ocean wave.
Instead, breathe. Breathein from that ocean of love and as you breathe in, imagine any denser orunpleasant energies that come in are drawn into the flame of Divine love inyour heart. Imagine this fire of invisible light burns brightly. As you breathein the world’s ills, these denser energies are drawn into that fire in yourheart. They fuel it, make it burn more brightly, enlivening you, filling youmore deeply with love.
You are the lights of theworld. The light of the Source lives within you as a beautiful, blindinglybright bonfire of Divine love! As you breathe in the “negative” energies ofthis world, cast them upon the fire of this love. Simply imagine they are burntup in this love. Then allow the air to recede from you, sinking back into anocean of love, purified, and more loving than ever before.
God Bless You! We love youso very much.
— The Angels