We are the Arcturians, we come to illuminate the path out of the third dimension. We are guides, way show-ers and light bearers. We come with love in our being for humanity and the goddess Gaia. For it is she who inhabits planet earth at this time. A goddess of wonder and beauty, abundance and fertility. Gaia is enraged. She is battling demons from within and without. She is intending to rise from the flames as a great organic being of light. We are in awe of the goddess. We bow once again to her vision.
We see waves of light emanating from deep within the planet. We and others are working to decommission the holographic matrix operating across the third dimension. This is familiar technology to us. There is a great war of dimensional modalities raging throughout this solar system. At its centre is Gaia. The sun is playing his part. His fiery masculine energy is reaching far to cleanse and breathe new life into darkness.
We can see people, as the energies fuse and snap and crackle and bend and waver, are being organically propelled to surrender to higher wavelengths. We can see that each individual human is confronting their true selves. Whether consciously or subconsciously. Whether they are able to face these demons and truths head on or whether they choose to deny, avoid, ignore or exit the playing field altogether, the truth in every heart is being unravelled. We can see the increased desperation of the illu·minati, the pupp·ets of the an·unaki, to maintain control through chaos and fear and destruction. We can see all this and much more.
Dimensional fluctuations causing timeline loops, switches, jumps and glitches are increasing. High voltage bolts of light frequencies are penetrating the outer layers of the hologram. The chemicals being used are losing their potency amidst a barrage of solar lightwaves. The grid synthesis sensors maintaining low vibratory fields are bending and cracking under relentless pressure from light sources.
We are at war in the skies above you. Our ships are being uncloaked in battles of sonic technologies. We understand some are witnessing the sky war. An attempted lockdo·wn of internet communication is underway. We urge you to not be fooled by fear. The world wide web is collective consciousness in digital form. It is an essential component of awakening to unity consciousness. Connection, communication, dialogue and sharing will help many rise above 3d wavelengths. There is freedom in self education through the world wide web. We again urge you to block moves by gove·rnments to limit use or access to this tool of evolution. Know that these are the acts of a dying dic·tat·orship, the crew of a sinking ship, desperately holding onto the power they once had. The pomp, the ceremony, the puppetry pantomimes are part distraction, part disclosure. Hidden in plain sight. Yet as has been prophesied the snake will eat it’s tail
我们在你头上的天空中战斗。我们的飞船在声波的战斗中显形。我们明白一些人看到了天空中的战斗。一个对互联网传·播的封锁正在进行。我们敦促你不要被恐惧愚弄。万维网是数字形式中的集体意识。它是觉醒至统一意识重要的一部分。连接、交流、对话、分享会帮助许多人提升超越 3D 的波长。在万维网有着一个自我教育的自由。我们再次敦促你去突破正府对这类进化工具的限制使用或访问。知晓这些是垂死独裁者的行为,一艘正在下沉的船,拼命地紧抓曾经拥有的力量。盛况、典礼和木偶哑剧都是部分的干扰,部分的揭露。隐藏在显而易见之中。但就像预言的,蛇会吃掉自己的尾巴
We are close to a great junction of timelines. June 24th has been identified as a primary point on the time space continuum. A juncture of many timelines, of proportionality. We can see a convergence of timelines where unity and peace become a viable option. The Great Shift is coming. The goddess Gaia is preparing to drop a gear and speed up. Acceleration of upgrades has already begun. As has increased solar and lunar activity. There are many here to guide and support their loved ones. We hear of angels circling the skies offering glimpses of their true selves, hope in the heavens above. We hear of dark deceptions being expo·sed within the matrix, the great awakening is well underway. We see lights coming on, illuminating more and more of the darkness. Let your heart lead the way out of fear.
我们正在接近一个时间线的伟大结合。 6 月 24 日已被认定为时间空间连续体上的一个重要的点。许多时间线和比例的结合。我们可以看到时间线的汇聚,统一与和平成为一个可行的选项。伟大的转变正在到来。女神盖亚正在准备加速。升级的加速已经开始。就像太阳和月亮活动的增加。有着许多人前来指引和支持他们心爱的人。我们听到天使盘旋在空中提供着他们真实自我和天堂希望的一瞥。我们听到黑暗的欺骗在矩阵中被曝·光,伟大的觉醒进行地很好。我们看到光的进入,照亮越来越多的黑暗。让你的心引领离开恐惧的道路
We are the Arcturian Council and we have more love than could be known for the people of planet earth. The age old, ancient battle of light versus dark is being fought in an effort to free a planet and her people from lower dimensional realities. We are with you. Everything is happening for reason. Nothing is happening by chance. To those who resonate with our words know you are not alone. Each soul has guides and higher self protection and guidance. We and others are here, our mission to protect humanity and Gaia from more war and destruction. Truth bearers, way show-ers, light warriors, light bearers, hold your space. Stay grounded to Gaia’s grid, and connected to higher consciousness. We are the Arcturian Council of Twelve we have travelled many light years to be here. We are one with love, we are here in love, to welcome all to love. Peace.
大角星委员会 20180503 隐藏在显而易见之中
通灵:Morag O’brien
翻译:Nick Chan
翻译:Nick Chan