(2017-05-03 09:34:51)
God said:
天父说 :
The way to open your heart is to open your heart. Keep your intellect out of it, and opening your heart will be a cinch. When it comes to love, your intellect is to take a break. Intellect complicates. Your heart doesn't do well when the intellect supervises it. Your heart will open without your intellect's interference.
Your intellect puts your heart on a scale and weighs it. The intellect says: "Is this a good deal for you/us? Will it all come out all right? What will your parents think about this? Think well before you act."
理智会将你的心放在天平上称来称去。它说 :“ 这交易划算吗?结果没问题吧?父母会怎么看?要三思而后行。 ”
The intellect takes the joy out of opening your heart. Your mind has a long-range goal in mind. Your mind is attached to a specific outcome. Your mind says: "This is good so long as it comes out the way I want it to."
理智会让 “ 开心 ” 的喜悦大打折扣。你头脑中尽是长远打算,锁定在某个特定的结果。它会说 :“ 只要如我所愿,就是好。 ”
The intellect sees love as an investment upon which you must have a return. The intellect believes that Life must go by certain rules, or you are making a mistake.
Look, don't interpret opening your heart only with a guaranteed return. You are not being wayward by letting your heart feel as it feels, loving as you love, even if for one moment. We're not talking about your taking advantage of any other or your being foolish and out of your mind, nor are you being just trendy. Reliance on your intellect isn't necessary. Odds are your intellect will make you cautious. Being cautious restricts you. Your Life does not depend upon what you think about it - I take that back - your Life does depend upon what you think about it.
注意,不要抱着回报想法去理解心的敞开。任心去感受它感受的,这不是任性,当爱则爱,哪怕片刻也好。我们不是在说你要利用谁,或傻到疯狂,也不是仅为追风。不必依赖理智。理智往往会让你谨慎,而谨慎会限制你。生活并不取决于你对它的看法 —— 我收回 —— 生活确实取决于你对它的看法。
It's okay to let your heart have its say about Life. You are alive and living, not studying a manual.
生活若让心来做主就 Ok 。那你是在活力中生活,而不是照本宣科。
The intellect has the idea that you are to be suspicious. You know what? You can be suspicious and be a fool. Of course, we don't have to be talking about some great romance. Great romances have also been lost because of great caution. Do not play games with Love.
Anyway, we're talking about openness to Love. Openness to Love doesn't have to be about romance whatsoever. Don't put a price on opening your heart. You are opening your heart when you smile at a young child. You are opening your heart when you offer a smile to anyone. Being friendly is opening your heart.
不管怎么说,我们说的是向 “ 爱 ” 敞开。它无关浪漫。不要为敞开心扉明码标价。对孩童微笑时,你的心自然是开的。送出微笑,你的心就在敞开。善待他人就是在敞开你的心。
It isn't that your heart has to be totally ajar for anyone to walk into it and set up camp. Simply, you come from friendliness. You don't count scores any more than you count scalps. You don't have to be supreme anything. We are talking about baring your heart and not barring your heart and limiting it as you may presently. You and your heart are unlimited. So be it.
No matter who you are, you are eligible for giving great Love from your heart. No one has to think you are great. You just want to be the Greatness you are. You are not to bottle up your Love and put a corset around it. You simply let your Love be. You don't saran-wrap it, nor do you snip it.
Let your Love be free enough to live in the world.
Have a little joy. Give a little joy. You don't have to beat the band and lead a parade. Just let your heart be warm. Your Love doesn't have to do fancy foot work. Your Love can be just a breeze. It doesn't have to be a big storm or tropical heat wave. Love doesn't have to be a big deal. It doesn't have to be a production. It doesn't have to get all dressed up. It doesn't have to be the Love of the century. Love just has to be the Love it is.
Love doesn't have to be counted. Love doesn't have to be promoted. Love doesn't have to be a stand-out. Love doesn't have to be a blockbuster novel. Love just has to be what it is for as long as it is. Love is your gateway to progress. Be the Love you are. Love.
传导:Gloria Wendroff 发布于2017年4月30日
翻译:天堂竖琴 http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1554109041
如是說痞客邦: http://russ999.pixnet.net/blog
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