Past Life Patterns – The Agent
This is the description of one of the 16 Past Life Patterns. These patterns were developed by Karen Downing, inorder to help you understand how past life experiences affect your life today.Each person carries 3 to 5 past life patterns in varying levels of influence.By understanding your unique mix of patterns, you can more easily build up yourstrengths and transform your challenges. Past life patterns are the key touncovering your Soul Mission.
这篇是16个前世模式之一的描述。这些模式是Karen Downing总结出来的,为了帮助你理解前世经历如何影响你今生的生活。每一个人都携带着3-5个前世模式,他们有不同程度的影响。通过理解你个人的独特的前世模式组合,你可以更容易地增强你的力量并转化你的挑战。前世模式是发现你的灵魂使命的关键。
The Agent Description –The Agent relishes having rules and structure in their life, and worries aboutthe consequences if they break those rules. Because of this, they also fearauthority, more specifically, someone who is in authority over them. Thatauthority figure could be a parental figure, teacher, supervisor or anyone elsein direct daily contact with the Agent. The Agent’s fear is that they are thetarget of a greater plot taking place. The Agent is slow to trust by nature,but can develop deep meaningful relationships, just as long as their loved onesunderstand they may always stay aloof and cryptic in their communication. Theysimply do not know how to give a straight answer.
The Agent’s life is one of mystery and intrigue, evenif they create that mystery and intrigue for themselves. If their profession isnot feeding their strengths of investigation, tradecraft and strategy, thenthey will transfer this skill set to other areas of their life, likeinvestigating their family members, neighbors, or any suspicious individual.
In the Agent’s past lives, they were a tax collector,spy, government scribe, communication officer, police officer, federal agent,or other similar role where they worked as an Agent of their government. TheAgent craves structure, and fears the repercussions that they expect will takeplace if structure is not followed. There is a desire within the Agent tofollow up every lead, and they rely on their intuition of when something feelsoff. However, they cannot turn their investigative nature off, and it can makethem overanxious and nervous if not kept in check. If you feel a strong desireto adhere to rules and are compelled to investigate events or people in yourlife, then you display the past life pattern of the Agent.
Expression of the Agent Pattern in Your Life Now –The Agent worries about being watched, monitored and surveilled. They willoften censor their discussion and actions in unfamiliar surroundings. However,they also feel an inner desire to inform others about all of the secret,behind-the-scenes things they think should be common knowledge. The topics ofthat discussion will vary depending on the focus of their specific past lifeenergy and can include; food production, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing,government theories, financial conspiracies, political angst and so forth. TheAgent plays a game of life, learning the “rules” for many different situationsand then applying those rules to their own life in a way that works for them.Because of this adherence to the rules, the Agent will have difficulty withauthority, and tends to hold onto a great deal of anger about power and controlissues. That anger is expressed differently based on the expression of theAgent pattern.
There are two ways that the Agent theme revealsitself; The Paranoid Agent and the Overcompensating Agent. If you resonate withThe Agent pattern, you might discover that you can possess qualities of one, oreven both, of the ways that The Agent pattern is expressed. Often in one areaof life you can feel one way, and in another area of life feel another way.
The Paranoid Agent –
The Paranoid Agent is constantly checking over theirshoulder for someone watching them. This belief comes from past life situationswhere they were under surveillance as a part of their role as an Agent. Even ifno one specific is monitoring them, they become consumed with the idea of BigBrother observing them through security cameras, and avoid any technology theyfeel could be exploited to discover information about them (credit cards,dedicated cell phones, web browsing cookies, online payment gateways, etc.). Ifyou are someone who feels a deep desire to look over your shoulder, does notlike to pay for things via the Internet, and is concerned about having yourcommunications monitored, then you showcase the past life pattern of theParanoid Agent. The Paranoid Agent’s biggest lesson is to learn unconditionalacceptance of how they interact with the topics that catalyze their inneranger. Unconditional acceptance is about learning to focus your energy andenthusiasm in a prioritized manner, and accepting that you cannot changeeverything today.
The Overcompensating Agent –
The Overcompensating Agent goes out of their way toremind everyone of how upright and well-behaved they are. They overcompensatefor their fear and anger by following the rules to the nth degree, talkingabout the rules and ensuring others are adhering to the rules. They keep a copyof every rule stated (sometimes even the unwritten rules), and unless that ruleis specifically voided by another rule, it remains their personal law. TheOvercompensating Agent also carries an inner expectation of being rewarded forbeing so great at following the rules. They are challenged by thinking “outsidethe box,” get overly wrapped up in worrying about how to handle a new task, andrelish repetitive duties. If you are a stickler for the rules, have difficultyin understanding what to do without clear guidelines, and feel as though youare not recognized enough for the hard work that you do, then you showcase thepast life pattern of the Overcompensating Agent. The Overcompensating Agent’sbiggest lesson is to relax and learn that everything will be okay, even if afew rules have to be bent or broken from time to time.
Past Life Pattern Breakdown:
Believes conspiracies and power-plays are a driving force in society
Enjoys rules and structure
Innately suspicious of others
Secretive about the details of their personal life
Affirmation – “I startthe process of unconditionally accepting my own power. I will no longer live infear about being judged and controlled by authority figures.”
Learn moreabout how the Agent pattern is showing up in your life by enrolling in theOn-Demand video course, ExploringPast Life Patterns.