


你的心轮位于你胸部的中心 . 透过你的心轮你能够调频进入宇宙之爱,超越分离的经历,还有体验跟神性,灵性指导,天使们和扬升大师们直接连结.而祂们在你的道途上一直支持着你.


心轮是你连结天堂与地球的地方 , 是治愈理性与情感,灵性与物质的中心.当你的心轮是平衡跟打开的,这会帮助你在每件事情之下看见神性秩序.这会帮助你透过爱的镜头去审视你的人生体验,还有提升较低的震动能量跟体验,因此你能活在跟爱,慈悲,和平,跟平衡协同中.










19 个打开你的心轮的方法 :


1. 找时间到户外,调频进入大自然的疗愈力量.


2. 祈请天使们协助你释放恐惧与苦痛,打开你的心,还有调频进入 更多的光与爱.


3. 大声说出或写下肯定语"我爱我自己,我认同我自己."


4. 专注在你心的中心.当你呼吸时放轻松,观想在每个呼吸间,心的中心闪烁和充满更多的光.


5. 练习给自己更多的爱,更多的滋养和关照.


6. 让自己调频进入宽恕的能量,为你自己,还有放掉过往别人曾经伤害你的痛苦.


7. 让自己自由的去爱,真诚的去爱,不去期望任何回报. 


8. 调频进入感恩.


9. 练习瑜珈,使用咒语,练习气功,让自己活在当下,让能量流经你的存在,放下所有阻碍心的事.


10. 跟天使一起运作将过去的痛苦释放,在此刻去做改变,把情绪的伤治愈. 


11. 祈请圣母玛利亚协助你治愈和打开你的心,让心打开去看祂的协助是如何发生. 


12. 让泪水流下,让痛苦跟着泪水一起离开. 


13. 全然彻底的专注在"爱"这个字.想着每件事关联着爱,让"爱"这个字的震动开始去扩展你心的中心. 


14. 祈请天使将爱注入你的震动,帮助你去了解神性之爱的真正含意. 


15. 不管任何情绪或是回忆出现时,做深呼吸. 


16. 允许你自己追随你的喜乐,用自己的方式将更多的欢乐跟爱带入你的生命中. 


17. 练习调频进入接受的能量,这并不是说你要喜欢或是认同发生的事,只是接受,透过接受让事情变 ok . 


18. 在此刻处于当下,让过去让它过去,让未来存在于未来.你的力量还有所有宇宙的爱在此刻都可是你可以运用的. 


19. 在你的内在跟周围寻找爱跟至善.


当你设定要打开心的意愿.整个宇宙会协同你,让它成真.发出你的意愿.用开放的心,你会体验到更多无法克制的爱还有满满的祝福流进你的生命中. #




作者: 天使訊息傳訊者 Melanie Beckler

譯者: 向光之羽




Your heart chakra is located in the center of your chest. It is through your heart chakra that you’re able to tune into universal love, transcend the experience of separation, and experience your direct connection with the Divine, and with the spirit guides, angels and ascended masters who are supporting you on your path.




Your heart chakra is your link between heaven and earth.


Your heart chakra is a center of healing, both mentally, emotionally , spiritually, and physically. When balanced and opened, your heart chakra helps you to see the underlying Divine order within everything. It helps you to view your life experiences through the lenses of love, and to rise above lower vibrational energies and experiences so you can live in alignment with love, compassion, peace, and balance.


As the angels often say, an open heart is the master path of awakening An open heart also allows you direct access to the angels and to the Divine. 


But for many people, challenging life experiences have led to broken hearts and then the creation of a wall around the heart to protect the heart from being broken again.


Walls around the heart are created out of fearA blocked heart chakra can make you feel tired, energetically drained, defensive, critical, and like life is hard. If your heart is closed you may feel attached to ideas, or other people, and youre likely to feel separate, alone, and afraid to let go. 


The good news is… A closed heart can be opened, walls can be taken down and dissolved. Pain can be released and Divine Love and goodness restored as the foundation of your experience.


But how?


In addition here are 19 Ways to Open Your Heart Chakra



Tune into the healing power of nature by spending time outdoors.

Ask your angels to support you in releasing fear and pain, opening your heart, and tuning into more love and light than youve ever experienced before. 

Say aloud and write out the affirmation I love and approve of myself.” 

Focus on the area of your heart center, and as you breathe and relax imagine it glowing and filling up with more light with each and every breath you take. 

Practice being more loving towards yourself, nurturing yourself and taking care of you. 

Allow yourself to tune into the energy of forgiveness, for yourself and letting go of the pain attached to others who have hurt you in the past. 

Let yourself love freely and openly, not expecting or anticipating anything in return.

Tune into gratitude.

Practice yoga, use mudras, or work with Qi Gong to become present and flow energy through your being, letting go of all that is blocking your heart.

Work with your angels to release past pain and make changes in the present to heal emotional wounds.

Invite Mother Mary to help you heal and open your heart, and then be open to how her help appears.

Let your tears flow, and with them let any pain go.

Focus on the word love fully and completely. Think of everything you associate with love and let the vibration of the word love begin to expand your heart center.

Ask the angels to infuse your vibration with love and to help you understand what Divine love really means.

Breathe through whatever emotions or memories rise to the surface.

Give yourself permission to follow your bliss, and take steps to bring more joy and love into your life in a way that’s just for you.

Practice tuning into the energy of acceptance. This doesn’t mean you have to like or approve of what’s happening… Just accept that it is, and through that let it be ok.

Be present in the moment, letting the past be in the past and the future be in the future. Your power, and all the love in the universe is available to you right now.

Look for love, goodness and beauty within and around you.

When you set the intention to open your heart… The entire universe will conspire with you to make it a reality. Be willing… With your heart open, you’re able to experience increased love which cannot help but overflow blessings into all areas of your life. 

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