Past Life Patterns – The Utilizer
This is the description of one of the 16 Past Life Patterns. These patterns were developed by Karen Downing, inorder to help you understand how past life experiences affect your life today.Each person carries 3 to 5 past life patterns in varying levels of influence.By understanding your unique mix of patterns, you can more easily build up yourstrengths and transform your challenges. Past life patterns are the key touncovering your Soul Mission.
这篇是16个前世模式之一的描述。这些模式是Karen Downing总结出来的,为了帮助你理解前世经历如何影响你今生的生活。每一个人都携带着3-5个前世模式,他们有不同程度的影响。通过理解你个人的独特的前世模式组合,你可以更容易地增强你的力量并转化你的挑战。前世模式是发现你的灵魂使命的关键。
The Utilizer Description –The Utilizer is passionate about making the best use of everything in theirlife. This comes from a predominance of past lives where they had to base theirsurvival on utilizing the resources around them. The Utilizer is in their happyplace when they are developing creative ways to connect with people andresources. However, because of their past life patterning, the Utilizer has adeep fear of becoming dependent on others.
For example, the Utilizer could take up a stance oncomposting, becoming passionate that all in the neighborhood get on board withthis method of processing household waste. The Utilizer’s deepest fear is thatsomehow, someway, the resources made available today will not be theretomorrow. The Utilizer makes a wonderful innovator and project manager, as theyhave great and different ideas about how to best accomplish a given aim.However, if the Utilizer’s energy is not being used toward a specific aim, theycan have a tendency to unleash that passion onto those closest to them, who maynot often match the Utilizer’s fervor for a shopping trip at the junkyard.
Some of the typical past life experiences of theUtilizer are: being a farmer, prostitute, logger, artisan, bricklayer, orworking in some way with the resources you had around you. If you have deepfear of depending on others, running out of resources, being unable to performhousehold chores or life responsibilities, and worry about potential situationswhere you will be forced to fend for yourself, then you exhibit the Utilizerpattern.
Expression of the Utilizer Pattern in Your Life Now –The Utilizer is a very self-sufficient person who usually possesses greatconfidence in their own abilities. However, they can have a difficult timemoving out of their own perspectives and beliefs. Because the Utilizer fearsnot being able to do something on their own, or fears not having something theyneed, they can become so detached from listening to others, that they have adifficult time cooperating or working collaboratively. Many people when talkingwith the Utilizer, would classify them as being confident, knowledgeable,resourceful, innovative and creative.
If you express the Utilizer pattern, you will want tobe mindful of your tendency to passionately express your viewpoint, as othersmay not share your beliefs. There is a time and a place for everything, andsometimes it is not the best time or place to talk about waste disposal duringa luncheon. Learn to pick the times when you speak up and the times when youdon’t. You will discover that by doing so, your knowledge and resourcefulnesshad the most impact when others are in a frame of mind to listen to what youhave to say.
Because of the past life pattern of being soresourceful, you can have a tendency to become very upset about lifestyles thatcontribute to consumer waste. You also can be classified as being veryself-sufficient, so much so that others may not see how they can fit into yourlife. This feeling can also be amplified by the fear of dependency. You willhave to learn to relax and practice working with others, in order to establishhealthy relationships in your life. Extreme expressions of the Utilizer patterncan lead to hoarding, doomsday planning and isolationism.
There are two ways that the Utilizer theme revealsitself; The Secretive Utilizer and the Passionate Utilizer. If you resonatewith The Utilizer pattern, you might discover that you can possess qualities ofone, or even both, of the ways that The Utilizer is expressed. Often in onearea of life you can feel one way, and in another area of life feel anotherway.
The Secretive Utilizer –The Secretive Utilizer is concerned with saving for a rainy day. They can seethe potential use in everything, but only save what they feel they may have ause for. If you are someone who has a garage full of food, a basement filledwith tools, and/or an extra closet of clothes, then you showcase the SecretiveUtilizer past life pattern. You do not necessarily show the passion for sharingyour ability to transform resources with others, but instead slowly build up aninventory of all that you could ever use, and more. The Secretive Utilizer’sbiggest lesson is to let go of those things they no longer need, and to learnto not be ruled by a fear of not having something “just in case.”
The Passionate Utilizer –The Passionate Utilizer shares their drive for “proper” use of resources withas many people as they can. It is not enough to practice it for themselves,they also feel a strong desire to share their expertise with others. This canbe great, when it comes to a business model that is aligned with this past lifeexpertise. However, the Passionate Utilizer can also have a tendency tooverstep their boundaries, and from time-to-time can push their beliefs aboutrecycling, reusing, re-purposing, etc., onto others. This comes from thePassionate Utilizer’s desire to share as much information as possible about howto best use life’s resources. The Passionate Utilizer’s biggest lesson is toallow others to live in the way that they choose best for themselves.
Past Life Pattern Breakdown:
Fears depending on others
Focuses on not having enough resources
Is worried about illness/injury and not being able to perform duties
Feels that everything has equal value, and thus has difficulty in letting some things go.
Affirmation – “I trustthat the Universe supplies me with all that I need and more. I release allexpectations of lack and struggle.”
Learn more about how the Utilizer pattern isshowing up in your life by enrolling in the On-Demand video course, ExploringPast Life Patterns.