Past Life Patterns – The Victim
This is the description of one of the 16 Past Life Patterns. These patterns were developed by Karen Downing, inorder to help you understand how past life experiences affect your life today.Each person carries 3 to 5 past life patterns in varying levels of influence.By understanding your unique mix of patterns, you can more easily build up yourstrengths and transform your challenges. Past life patterns are the key touncovering your Soul Mission.
这篇是 16 个前世模式之一的描述。这些模式是 Karen Downing 总结出来的,为了帮助你理解前世经历如何影响你今生的生活。每一个人都携带着 3-5 个前世模式,他们有不同程度的影响。通过理解你个人的独特的前世模式组合,你可以更容易地增强你的力量并转化你的挑战。前世模式是发现你的灵魂使命的关键。
The Victim Description –The Victim can easily get into a behavioral cycle where they view themselves asthe target for outside forces, people or conditions The Victim has lived manyincarnations where they felt disempowered for a wide variety of reasons, andthat belief is still held strongly in their life today. The Victim tends togive others both credit and blame, and often draws situations into their lifethat perpetuate their victimhood beliefs. You will know if you or someone youknow expresses the Victim pattern, because the Victim focuses on the problems,instead of looking to solutions. The Victim is often someone who experiencesthe “worst luck” and no one can figure out how come everything seems to gowrong for them.
For example, if the Victim is looking for a new placeto live, they will notice many things wrong (or with potential to go wrong)with the home. The Victim expects life to be problematic and of suffering; theyhave a difficult time believing that something can turn out well. So, in anattempt to feel like they are more secure in the process of life, the Victim willgather information on all the potential issues in order to avoid them. Thistactic comes from a place of needing to feel safe and secure; the Victim ischasing those sensations, but never feels they really have in their life. Thelesson for the Victim is to learn how they are contributing to thecircumstances around them.
Some of the typical past life experiences of theVictim are: being the victim of a serious crime (theft, arson, rape, kidnappingand murder), being forced into slavery, experiencing abuse or mutilation, beingjailed for a crime they did not commit, being in an accident that causedserious injury or death, losing their family or possessions by unexpectedcircumstances, and/or dying of starvation, neglect or malnutrition. If you everworry about disaster, danger, something bad, or other negative outcomes so muchthat you have become overly stressed, worried, and anxious, then you exhibitthe Past Life Pattern of the Victim.
有一些典型的受害者的前世经历有:作为一项重大犯罪案的受害者(如盗窃、纵火、强奸、绑架和谋杀),被迫成为奴隶,经历虐待或(身体上的)残害,冤狱,经历事故引起严重受伤或死亡,意外境况造成失去家人或财产,或 / 和死于饥饿、疏忽或营养不良。如果你曾经如此担心灾难、危险、某些坏事或其他负面结果以致于你已经变得过度紧张、担心和焦虑,那么你展示了受害者前世模式。
Expression of the Victim Pattern in Your Life Now –The Victim lives their life in preparation for the next “disaster.” Theirdefinition of disaster may not be the standard one, as they view any situationas having the potential to be disastrous. This is why the Victim is alwaysprepared. They will be the individuals who have everything in their car orhandbag, “just in case.” The Victim also has a tendency to ask many “what-if”questions. As in, “what if this or that happens?” The Victim, despite what theyhave been through in past lives, typically has a very open heart, and wishesfor themselves and others to seek out contentment and happiness. However, thiswanting and wishing for others can cause them to become out of balance whengiving advice. If you express the Victim pattern, you have to be watchful ofhow you give advice, as it can tend to be about taking action on assumptionsand jumping to conclusions. For example, if your friend is dating someone, andthey have a bad phone conversation with this person, you will be more inclinedto tell your friend to abandon the budding relationship, instead of using theconversation as a tool to learn about communication as a couple. Extremeexpressions of the Victim pattern can lead to unhealthy emotional detachment,phobias and paranoia.
受害者过生活就是为准备下一个 “ 灾难 ” 。他们对灾难的定义也许不是一个标准的定义,因为他们把任何境况都视为有潜在可能成为灾难性的境况。这是为什么受害者总是(为任何可能的状况)准备好。他们会是那种把每样东西都放进车里或手包里的人,“只是为了以防外一”。受害者也总是倾向于问许多“假设分析性”问题。比如,“如果发生这种情况或那种情况那怎么办?”受害者,即使他们经历了前世里的那些(受害者)经历,但通常他们有开放的内心,希望自己和他人寻求满足和幸福。然而,在他们给予建议时,这种想要( / 欠缺的心情)和祝福他人(的心情)可能会变得失去平衡。如果你表达受害者模式,你必须要注意你给予建议的方式,因为它可能倾向于在假设基础上采取行动或过早下结论。例如,如果你的朋友正和某个人约会( / 恋爱初期阶段),并且和这个人在电话中有了一次不愉快的交谈,那么你会更倾向于告诉你的朋友放弃这段萌芽期的友谊,而不会用这个不愉快的交谈作为一个工具来学习情侣间的沟通交流。受害者模式的极端表达可能会导致不健康的情感上的超然、恐惧症(译注:指非理性的恐惧或憎恨,如恐高症、社交恐惧、特定动物恐惧等)和(被害)妄想症。
There are two ways that the Victim theme revealsitself; The Passive Victim and the Proactive Victim. If you resonate with TheVictim pattern, you might discover that you can possess qualities of one, oreven both, of the ways that The Victim is expressed. Often in one area of lifeyou can feel one way, and in another area of life feel another way.
The Passive Victim – ThePassive Victim tends to be shy and fearful of making deep connections withothers. They need to take new situations and relationships very slowly, as thishelps them to feel as though they can be more in control of avoiding potentialnegative outcomes. The Passive Victim exhibits a great deal of avoidance intheir life, not wishing to discuss or address issues that they consider to bedifficult. The biggest lesson for the Passive Victim is to recognize that theyare the central figure in their own life.
The Proactive Victim –The Proactive Victim is what people often call a “Negative Nelly.” It seemslike they can pinpoint the negatives of every situation. They are called theProactive Victim, because of their need to identify the problems, before thoseproblems could arise. Because of this nature, they can be forceful of theiropinions and feel a need to defend themselves. They hold onto vast caverns ofanger from so many past lives of mistreatment. The Proactive Victim’s biggestlesson is to understand is that it is impossible to anticipate everypossibility. Once they stop focusing on anticipating problems, they willrealize they have a much better handle on in their life than they once thought.
主动型受害者是人们通常称为“消极者”的人( Negative Nelly :消极负面的人,不看事情好的一面并不停抱怨的人)。好像他们可以精确地找到每一个境况中不好的一面。他们被称为是主动型受害者是因为他们有在问题可能出现之前识别出那些问题的需要。因为这一本性,他们可能会使他们的观点非常有说服力(译注:他们会使自己的观点坚强有力以迫使他人接受他们的观点)并感觉到一种要为自己辩护的需要。他们紧紧抓住来自于这么多前世经历里的(身体上的)虐待所造成的种种深深的愤怒。主动型受害者的最大功课就是要理解根本不可能预料每一种可能性。一旦他们停止聚焦在预料问题上,他们会意识到他们在生活里比他们曾经以为的那样能更好地处理(生活中的事情)。
Past Life Pattern Breakdown:
- Expects the worst in nearly every situation
- Does not fully recognize their role in their own life
- Tends to jump to conclusions
- Focuses on problems instead of solutions
Affirmation – “I willnot repeat the circumstances of my past. I move into the future, knowing that Iparticipate in my reality. I no longer need to hold onto my expectations ofnegative situations.”
Learn more about how the Victim pattern isshowing up in your life by enrolling in the On-Demand video course, Exploring Past Life Patterns.