Dear Ones,
You are used to predicting the future based on past events. But because so much is now shifting, you have no baseline for what is going to happen. Causing you to be frightened or more worried than necessary.
An infant learning a new skill has little angst about whether achieving that milestone will lead to another skill.
So it can be for you. For what was is no more. There are no measuring tools allowing you to know what is going to happen. Indeed, it is a waste of your time and for now, limited energy, to be concerned about what this skill or that action will lead to.
You are in uncharted territory, so you cannot predict your future direction or needs any more than was true for the European explorers who roamed the globe hoping to find one thing only to discover something entirely different.
Even though we, of the Universes, know you are destined to live in joy and peace, we have no idea what journey you require to get there. Such words may be frightening for someone has to have the ultimate plan, someone or something has to know where you are going and why. You are that someone.
Your true north, if you will, is to live in joy.A feeling that cannot be replicated or copied by anyone. Your joy is yours. And your journey is to find the most joyful path to joy.
The word journey indicates all will take years or decades for it does not seem possible that the current earth chaos or even your life can shift as rapidly as you would like.
Ah, what you have forgotten is you are on a joy discovery path. So it is you will never reach complete nirvana for each step is to be in joy. And as you complete one joy step, the next will light up, and the next and the next.
This transition is not like that of past human shifts, which required decades or centuries. This transition, created by you, is to take place within your current earth lifetime. For if you had designed a transition requiring hundreds of years, such would be little different from various religions proclaiming that heaven or nirvana can only be achieved in the earth afterlife.
Of course, you have faith in the outcome, as has been proven over and over throughout this transition. But you are also exhausted and need to see, feel, and experience rewards to continue your journey. For you have given your all to this transition, including ignoring friends and relatives, physically shifting, and letting go of beliefs because doing so felt right.
You now need to experience something other than sacrifice.
So it is you are beginning to truly claim your joy. For until now, most of you felt you needed to do or be more. Not because such was necessary, but because you were following 3D patterns of “If I give enough, maybe I’ll be rewarded.”
所以你开始真正地宣称你的喜悦。因为直到现在,你们大多数人感到你需要去做或成为更多。不是因为这是必需的,而是因为你在跟随“如果我付出足够多,也许我就会拥有回报”这样的 3D 模式
You have given, sacrificed, believed, projected, and worked beyond time for you to reward yourself.
This current phase is for you to determine what will give you joy. Not just a bit of joy, but what is it you require daily? Some will contend you merely need to see a flower or a friend. And of course, both can be joyful experiences. But what will make you feel as if your sacrifices have been worth your arduous efforts? That is the phase you are now in.
You are letting go of your belief that you have not done enough or been enough to be rewarded –one of your first steps into true joy.
你在放下你做得不够多还无法得到回报的信念 --- 你步入真正喜悦的第一步
For even though you might have rewarded yourself with a few minutes of daily relaxation or something similar, such rewards are not enough for you to continue your journey.
Many of you will beg to differ, believing you will continue just because.Such thoughts mean you have not yet let go of 3D martyrdom.
你们许多人不敢苟同,认为自己会继续,只是这样。这样的想法意味着你还未放下 3D 的殉道者
Reward yourself. Allow yourself to rest. Allow yourself to play. Most of all, allow yourself to be.
Because of your efforts and recent Universal energy flows, you are about to begin your joy journey. Not a 3D journey of a few minutes of relaxation, but your new 5D journey of joy and self-reward.
出于你的努力和最近的宇宙能量流动,你就要开始你喜悦的旅程。不是 3D 那种几分钟休息的旅程,而是你新的 5D 的喜悦与自我奖励的旅程
Allow that to be without concerns that your rewards limit the possibilities for others’joy or that you have overreached your current station in life.
Ignore everyone and everything except that which gives you joy. One step at a time –ignoring social mores, the needs of others, and your fears of being TOO much.
忽视每个人和一切,除了给予你喜悦的。一步一个脚印 --- 忽视社会习俗、他人的需求、对要求太多之类的恐惧
Start your joy journey. So be it. Amen.
通灵:Brenda Hoffman
翻译:Nick Chan