I am your Sananda. I am here at this time to continue to assist you and guide you along the way. just as all of us have been doing. Not only through this channel, but through many other sources as well. As we continue to bring further understanding, so that you are more equipped to be in the higher vibrations. That you are more prepared to be in the higher dimensional frequencies.
But in order to do that, we have been working with you diligently to bring you to the point where you begin to understand more and more that it is all about the attachments that have held you back. It is all about the programming that holds you to this third-dimensional illusion.
And once you are able to free yourself of the programming and find yourself in that perfect moment in the NOW moment, and no longer focused on the past, and no longer looking only to the future, but being in the very perfect NOW, and in that neutral state in that now moment—that, my friends, is when you ascend.
When you are able to hold that frequency, hold that higher frequency in that now moment–that is when you find yourself not only in the Ascension process, but in the full Ascension, in that first wave of Ascension that has been spoken of. That is what you are all being prepared for, those of you in this group, as well as all of the many other groups that are meeting across the planet, and all of the individuals that are finding the higher levels of knowings within them coming back to them.
当你能够保持那个频率,在那个当下保持那个更高的频率 --- 这是你发现自己不仅处于扬升进程中,还从属于所说的第一波扬升的时刻。这是你们都在为之做准备的,在这个团队中的人,以及世界各地其它团队中的人,所有人都在发现内在更高水平的知晓在返回
And I say now “coming back to them,” because you have all had it before. You have all been in the higher vibrations before. You have all been in the higher dimensions before. You have allowed yourselves to come down to let yourselves be brought down into this third-dimensional illusion because that was what was necessary as you volunteered to come here.
You have heard this many times. You volunteered to come here. You volunteered to be a part of this evolutionary process, to be able to assist those that are here, those that are not the ones that come from the stars, but those that are here. And you are here to assist them. To bring them into the higher vibrations with you.
Can you bring them all with you? No. You will not be able to do that. But that is not up to you. Because if you believe that you have to hold onto that understanding that you can bring everyone with you, that in itself is an attachment. You cannot bring anyone with you that is not ready to come with you. But understand that everyone will be accommodated, are being accommodated, in the realm that they need to be in those moments.
So just let it go. Let it all go. Go with the flow, as you have heard many, many times. And just be yourself. Do not try to be something that you are not. Do not worry about being the savior of all of mankind, because you cannot be, unless it is destined for you to do so.
There are certain ones that rise above the rest. Not in terms of lower or higher, but in terms of coming to a higher level of knowledge and knowing within themselves so that they can reach out to their brothers and sisters more and more. And those of you in this group and, again, many other groups, are attempting, or are learning to do so, are remembering how to do so. Remembering that you were, and are even, at your higher vibrational selves, you are already commanders. You are already ambassadors and emissaries from other worlds. You have already done that. And you are already going to be going back to that if that is what you wish. Because it is all about choice.
And the choices that you have, you have been held back from for so long to be able to make the choice for freedom. And I speak now of freedom. Freedom to make your own choices in every moment of your lives in your entire existence. That is what free choice is.
And all of you will have that opportunity. You have it now, but you do not yet realize that you do. But no one can make you do anything that you do not want to do: no one. And that is what you have to come to understand. Because when you do, you come into your power. And when you come into your power, you speak that power out. You speak the god source, the power within you out. And no one, when they hear or feel that power coming from you, can do anything to assuage you from being who you are in that moment.
And in that power, in that moment, you can do much to assist others and to guide others into coming to their power as well. And that, my friends, is what this Ascension process is all about, is coming to the remembering of the power within yourselves, and to assist others in coming to the power within them as well.
For it is no longer about the love of power. It is now the power of love. That is what this is all about. And when you fully come to understand that, there is nothing, and I say nothing, and no thing, that can stop you. Just as there is no thing that can stop this plan from moving forward.
All of my peace and love be with all of you. I am Sananda, and I am always with you, just as many of the others of us are always with you. We are here and ready to assist you, and you only need to whisper our names, and we are here with you.
Peace and love to all of you.
传导: James McConnell
翻译: Nick Chan