As we all know the underlying field of intensity with these new frequencies are being felt and seen by many.We're seeing it being played out on the world stage as if it were a playground controlled by controllers using bullying tactics.The ego does this when it senses a loss of power.
Many people in the spiritual world still speak of saving Mother Earth as if we must give our energy to save her but she needs no saving.She has passed that irreversible line of distortion of the 3D density and has moved on to the 5D from her cleanse and there's nothing anyone or any Geo-engineering organization can do to stop it.
许多灵性世界的人仍然在谈论拯救地球母亲,好像我们必须付出我们的能量来拯救她,但她不需要拯救。她已经通过了不可逆的 3D 密度扭曲线,并从她的清理工作转移到了 5D ,没有任何人或任何地球工程组织可以阻止它。
Gaia is holding enough space for enough souls to unwind themselves from this 3D density so the shift will be as gentle as possible.Don't get distracted by the insecurity shown by the controllers of society which is being reflected by the chaos on this planet.
盖亚持有足够的空间,让足够多的灵魂从这个 3D 密度中解脱出来,所以这个转变将尽可能的温和。不要被社会控制者表现出的不安全感分心,这正反映在这个星球上的混乱之中。
Because,the current world leadership has zero effect on this shift or transformation to a higher consciousness all they're trying to do is delay it.They are trying to keep the human race from this leap in evolution by making the shift loud,noisy and full of distraction to keep you from looking within to where the real truth lies.
Remember,no one can box your soul in and this shift is an internal one and is determined by you alone.But,also remember,it's not about disconnecting from the theater,it's about playing your role in it.😉
记住,没有人能把你的灵魂封闭起来,这种转变是内在的,是由你自己决定的。但是,也要记住,这不是要脱离剧院,而是要在其中扮演你的角色。 😉
The actions of the controllers will get bolder and more destructive but remember they will have to answer to those Karmic knots they have created for themselves.Don't get blinded by the drama or hoodwinked into believing it's more important than it really is.
For millions of years the change on our planet has been relatively gentle and progressive.From occasional big shifts and five mass extinctions.We are now witnessing one of the greatest transitions possible in Gaia's history meaning the rapid shift in higher dimensional consciousness.It'll only get stronger and more clear as the old 3D reality dissolves.Hang on!
数百万年来,地球上的变化是相对温和和渐进的。偶尔的大转变和五次大灭绝。我们现在正在见证盖亚历史上最伟大的转变之一,这意味着更高维度意识的快速转变。随着旧的 3D 现实的消失,它只会变得更加强大和清晰。坚持!
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/41723.html