


Dear Onesthere are going to be times when you find yourselves uncomfortableout of alignmentresistantfeeling frustrated or angry.All emotions are part of the human experienceand no human being is going to stay balanced and positive all of the time.



You may find an energetic shift particularly challenging.You might get busy and forget to practice the things that help you stay in balance.As a human on the planetyou are always being exposed to different energies and changesand there will be some circumstances you may find more difficult to deal with.That is quite normal.



So what do you do about it? If you are finding yourself suddenly feeling uncomfortablethe first thing we recommend is that you don't push against it.Resistance will only dig you deeper into the energies you are finding undesirable.Think of quicksand.The more you fightthe more you get stuck.



Just stop.Still yourself.Recognize you have landed in a place that is not your preference.Be kind and gentle with yourself.This is not the time to berate and abuse yourself! You are not bad or stupid for landing where you are.You are now in awareness and can do something about it.



Recognize that by focusing on what is unwanted you cannot create change.You can use the realization that where you are is not a match for youbut you must move your focus onto a lightening of your situation.You do that by recognizing that even though you are uncomfortablein this right now moment you are ok.You are breathingyou are lovedyou are capableand you get to choose again.



Start to give immediate feedback to the universe about what is wanted.Even if your life is far from what you would likethere is much to be grateful for.Are you warm? Is you body functioning? Is there clean water? Are you clothed? Get back to basics.Start to challenge yourself to find more and more things around you that work.From this simple but profound shift of attention you will immediately change the direction of your path.



Call on your guides and surrender into the flowand allow yourself to be led.Watch for the signs and synchronicities.Ask for our help! Move in some directionany direction.It does not matter if it is the right direction because the flow is self-correcting.Your guides and helpers will quickly step in and sweep you in the direction you need to gobut you cannot guide something that is not in movement.



We love you and we honour you for your mindfulnessyour serviceand your sweet and tender hearts.With your sensitivities we understand things can feel difficult.We remind you to always get back to basics to bring comfort back to your lives if things get too intense.Self loveacceptancegratitudealignmentsurrender and flowfaith and trustDear Onesare the key to it all.~Archangel Gabriel






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