新纪元扬升之光 2018-07-15
Mother Divine: It is Time To ManifestYour Dreams Via Karen J. Vivenzio,
DearestKaren, child of light, it has been a long time since we last saw your light.You have been hiding in the background dear child, so it is time we must tellyou to step out into the light once more and put yourself and your message ondisplay.
Brilliant and focused your light must be – full of strength andwisdom for eternity.
Forhere is a message which you can spread far and wide – blessings flowing in onthe incoming tide:
Childrenof light, it is time to take flight. Set your dreams in motion and do not beafraid to fly, for we will catch you this time. You are near enough to us nowthat we can monitor your every move and follow your line of thought to allowyou to move freely and speak up – the time for hiding is no longer your truth,for you have been hiding since your early youth. It is time to step up andallow your true self to shine through.
Thelessons you have been learning are all through. It is now time for miracles tobe worked through you. You are our hands and our hearts on the ground, dearchildren of light, and it is time that you make your hearts open and shine farand wide. For those that ridiculed you and made you feel foolish sometimes, nowthey are up for opening their minds. It is they who will seek you out comesummer time, when late in the season the news starts to fly – of cover ups andconspiracies of which you have been told, the truth will fly forth, ever sobold. New earth is coming and it is a sight to behold.
Thereis time now dear children of mine, to put forth your desires, let the dreamsflow forward, floating on the ethers of desire to come to fruition when itborders on your own admission that you have been holding yourselves back, itall stems from you. Are you ready for a brand new truth? Are you ready to seethe brilliance of your own light shining ever bright, every time you shine yourlight? For there are many secrets locked deep inside – time to delve into thedepths of your own heart and mind and clear the debris that is clouding yourlight / life. Wipe away the grime and misery for we are coming upon a changingtide where the waters will clear the cobwebs and disease and the new world iswaiting flowing in on the breeze. It is beautiful here – are you ready toshine?
Waitingfor you, dear children, to flow in on the incoming tide, back to the truth thatlies in your own hearts and minds.
Foryou were meant for more than what you have readily explored. Of fantasy andfiction the truth lies within, the books you have been reading, read themagain. Look for the clues hidden in them. For you are powerful beyond merewords. Super-natural creatures – know your own worth. It is time to step upinto the power you have given in – to take back the reigns and create the newworld you want to flow in.
Swimin it. Bathe in it. Breathe it all in. This is the way of new creation. Whatever you desire, it is yours my dearfriends. This is the way the new world begins. If you can dream it, you canbring it in.
Floaton the waters of dreams and watch them flow in. Float. Be at peace.
Knowthat we are near.
Thisis your Mother Divine and you are all my children, my friends.
Takea moment and breathe it all in.
Itis time to Manifest Your Dreams
Areyou ready for it?