当听到这些深入意识的方法,像是「升级」,「 DNA 活化」,或是「从宇宙下载密码或是资讯」时,你会感到异常兴奋。你们都喜欢这样的经验。但是!从这些方法可以得到的,或是我们大天使可以给你的,或是你的外星 (ET) 朋友可以给你的,都远远不及你自你内在的力量可以完成的!
Letting New Perspectives Take Hold – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
Before you open any gateway into your consciousness, you must allow for yourself to experience all that is before you in a new way. This requires you to stretch, to take yourselves beyond where you have believed you were capable of going.
When you hear about upgrades, DNA activations, and the downloading of codes and information, you get very excited. You all enjoy these types of experiences. But what you can do on your own is so much more powerful than any thing or upgrade you could receive from those like us or from your extra-terrestrial friends.
The power that you have within you is the power to perceive from a new perspective that which already is. You exercise this power by granting yourselves permission to do so. If you are attached to seeing the world through one particular lens, you will limit your growth potential. And as soon as you allow for the new perspective to take hold, and as soon as you are willing to accept it, you open that gateway.
You become more of who you are. You create new pathways in your brains, and you know yourselves more as multidimensional beings. What we are suggesting that you do is let go of your firm grip on the version of reality that you have often clung to as being the one right way to see it, to know it, and to be in it.
When you are willing to take on a new perspective on something that is very old, something that has played out millions of times on planet earth, you not only open the gateway to your consciousness, but you allow others to do the same through the power of your example. And that is just the type of thing that creates a worldwide shift in consciousness.