The New Perspective – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
In the shifting of your consciousness, you have taken on a different perspective. The new perspective allows for there to be greater diversity. The new perspective allows others to make choices that are different from yours. The new perspective is not one of control. It is not one of need.
In your creation of the new perspective that you have taken on, you have not needed to abolish any of the old perspectives. You have not needed to bury them underneath anything to make them go away. This is worth recognizing and noting because in your creation of the new, there is no need for you to destroy that which has been.
There is no need for you to take down any person, any religion, any corporation, or any government. They all still get to exist in the new reality, but you do not have to choose to experience any of them. So the new perspective that you are taking on is inclusive. It does not see itself as better, and it does not see any other perspective as worse.
The new perspective that you are taking on recognizes that it is in a constant state of change and it accepts that. There is no need to cling. There is no need to write down lists of rules and regulations. There is more flexibility in your new perspective. There is more room for growth, more room for experience, and ultimately, more room for love.
Love gives you the ability to hold more than one perspective at once, to see them both as valid, and to see yourself as simply the experiencer. That which you are shifting to creates new opportunities for knowing yourselves as all perspectives, and that is the ultimate in expansion.