Greetings friends! We are the Pleiadian Collective here ever in service to humanity’s ascension, bringing you news. The threshold that you have been longing for for vibrational frequencies has been reached allowing yet more of our light and assistance into your realm.
Keep the high vibes up friends for it is working! We see you as surfers riding the biggest wave of your career, and you have had many varied careers over your many lifetimes. Soon you will see us just as we see you now, in the flesh, in form, just as we see you, friends. Much change is foot and the dark ones are running scared, for scared is all that they know and all that they have left to go on. It’s quite sad really that they should be missing out on the biggest ascension that has yet occurred. But we all have choices to make. And certainly you are all choosing excitement and ascension and love and it warms our hearts as we gaze with intense love upon all of you.
You will see your third eye opening more and more. You may have some frontal headaches just as this one is now experiencing as we download, always with permission. So please give us your permission to download our light and wisdom and to happily upgrade you so that you can withstand the coming love wave that will carry and soothe away every tear and ascend you into the – quite literally – higher vibrations of life and light that you previously referred to as heaven from your 3d perspective.
Where do loved ones go when they die? Many places, but mostly higher realms, higher dimensions of light and love for most of you reading these words, and other realms where further learning is required so that cause and effect and karma may be fully experienced. What goes around comes around, that’s all that karma is, it is nothing to be feared, it is simply a tool of reference and of understanding, a grand teacher if you will. For if we are all one, and we are, when you show love to others you show it to yourself, which is how this universe of causality responds to love, to action, for every action has a reaction. And we see you, human friends, reacting to these intense energies with profound love and openness which makes your heart centers spin a bit more widely to allow a bit more light.
Would you like us to assist you further? Please ask. We are eager to assist for we are so excited and proud of our ground team that has done an outstanding job and you have proved your mettle. Now is the time to shine brightly, brighter than ever before and to love and laugh more brightly than ever before and to show mercy and love to those who need it. And who doesn’t? We all love love! It is who we are! It is our nature! We Pleiadian Collective had had our fair share of darkness and tribul·ations. We have had numerous what you have called holo·causts and we have learned and learned and experienced and we would be most honored if you would but allow us to assist you with your own remembering and re-awakening. For it is our pleasure to do so.
We love you. We are the Pleiadian Collective, always in service and we behold you with utmost respect and love. We are you. We are one.
昴宿星 20180606 升级
翻译:Nick Chan