Beloved ones we greet you, An intensity will build within the 3rd dimension on your planet as you move through June and July. You are being asked at this juncture, within this transitional phase to let go and continue to align and link through the multidimensionality of your Heart space.
This multidimensionality is a natural aspect of you and you are being called now to realign by the sacred Higher aspect of your self. As you let go with the Conscious breath you are naturally aligned deeper within the sacred multidimensional tool of your Heart’s sphere.
There is nothing more important for you to achieve at this time than to move into a realignment of your Higher Self. Your movement towards your sacred aspect allows you to play an individual and essential role of creating a stabilization within humanity, and within your communities in which you live. Each time you open into a moment of reconnection within your Heart you forge a powerful anchored pathway for others to follow.
Each one of you is being called to develop this sacred anchoring through the Heart. No matter how things appear within 3rd dimensional drama, all is in hand and everything is truly in a state of perfection. You only need to link within the Heart to stabilize and move beyond the drama, beyond the illusion.
You can each be held within your unique God light consciousness, through the vast connection within your Heart. You can receive clarity and guidance in each moment for your awakening.
The Pleiadians.
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通灵:Christine Day
翻译:Nick Chan