




A survivor of a near-death incident asks Sadhguru howto experience life more intensely. Instead of waiting for your car to crash,says Sadhguru, you can be alive to life in every moment.



Q: I had a near-death incident when I was saved from being hit by a car by seconds. In those few seconds, I experienced everything in extreme slow motion and in extraordinary detail. Why were those seconds experienced in that way, and can I experience life in that level of detail consciously?



Sadhguru: This happened – two old men met in a tiny little town in Indiana, in a local bar. Both of them were sitting grumpily at two different tables, drinking. Then one guy looked at the other and saw a birthmark on the other person’s temple. He looked at him and said, “Hey, are you Joshua?” “Yeah, who are you?” “Don’t you know? I’m Mark. We were in the war together.” “Oh my God!” and they lit up suddenly. “In World War II, we were together. It’s been fifty years since then.”

萨古鲁:曾经发生过这样一件事 —— 两个老头子在印第安纳州一个小镇的酒吧里不期而遇,两个人都郁郁寡欢地坐在各自的桌位上喝着酒。然后其中一个看了一眼另一个,瞥见那人太阳穴上的胎记,他瞧了瞧,问道,“你是不是约书亚?”“没错,你是谁?”“你不知道吗?我是马克,咱们一起打过仗啊。”“噢,天哪!”他俩立刻容光焕发。“二战的时候,咱们是战友,离那时候都五十年了。”


So, they sat down at one table and started drinking, talking, eating. They had seen about forty minutes of action in World War II in Europe. Forty minutes of blitz. They talked about this forty minutes in so many vivid ways for over two hours. After they were done with all this talk, one guy asked the other, “What have you been doing since then?” He said, “Oh, I’ve just been a salesman.” Forty minutes of war, they spoke for two hours with great excitement. Forty years of life – “I’ve just been a salesman.” That is all that happened.

就这样,他们坐到了一块儿开始喝啊聊啊吃啊。他们在欧洲二战中目睹过四十分钟的战斗,就四十分钟的闪电战,这四十分钟的事儿他们以各种各样生动的方式谈论了两个多小时,终于尽兴之后,其中一个问另一个,“在那之后你都干什么了?”那人说“哦,就干了销售。”四十分钟的战事,他们亢奋地说了两个小时,四十年的生活呢 —— “我就干了销售。”仅此而已。


Practicing for the Grave





Unfortunately, for a whole lot of people, they come alive only when you threaten them with death – whether it is war, or a car crash. When mortality confronts you in a big way, that is when you become fully alive – unfortunate! When you truly, genuinely confront your mortal nature, you understand that your aliveness is the most important thing.

遗憾的是,太多的人只有在受到死亡要挟的时候才活过来 —— 比如战争,或者车祸。死亡声势浩大地来挑战你的时刻,才是你的生命全然跃动的时刻 —— 这真是遗憾!当你真正地、实实在在地对峙自己的必死性,你就会明白,保持鲜活才是最重要的。


When you truly, genuinely confront your mortal nature, you understand that your aliveness is the most important thing.



When I watch people, it looks like they are all practicing for the grave – what kind of pose, what kind of facial expressions they must have when they are in their grave. They do not understand they are mortal. They think they are going to be here forever, so they are practicing death when they are alive. But when you threaten them with death, they will become alive. Why do you think Krishna chose to give his teaching in a battlefield? Not in the quietness of an ashram, not in the beautiful jungles of India, not in the Himalayan cave, but on a treacherous battlefield – because without being threatened with mortality, most human beings do not have the intelligence to look at their life.

我观察到,人们好像一直在为死做准备练习 —— 摆什么姿势、入棺后脸上必须是哪种表情。他们不明白他们是终将消逝的,他们还以为自己会永远存在下去,所以就在活着的时候练习死亡。可是一旦被死亡威胁,他们又会活过来。你以为克里希纳为什么选择在战场上教诲他的学生?为什么不在修行所的静谧环境里、美丽的印度雨林中、或者喜马拉雅的石洞里,而偏偏在变幻不测的战场上呢?——因为如果不被死亡威胁的话,大多数人没有直面生命的智慧。


I think when these self-driving cars come, a lot of people may get realized! After some time, maybe you will learn to sleep on it, that is different, but initially, you do not know whether it is going to brake or not. You do not know whether it will stop in time or it will crash. I think in the first few months after self-driving cars become legal, there may be some realization on the planet! We must be ready for some enlightened people.



Coming Alive to Life





Do not wait for a car crash. You must know you may collapse and die right now. I am not wishing this on you. I will bless you with a long life. But it is possible. Every day so many people die like that. Sitting, standing, lying down – they die in all kinds of postures.

不要等到车祸。你必须知道现在你就可能会倒下、死翘翘。我不是期待你发生这样的事,我祝你长命百岁,但是死是可能的。每天都有那么多的人就那样死了,坐着的、站着的、躺着的 —— 姿态多样。


Right now, your cerebral drama is overlapping upon everything. That means your silly creation is overlapping the magnificent creation that we are living in.



When you realize that you could die, suddenly you value life, becoming alive to it. I keep reminding people, in this life you cannot fail, everyone shall pass. You never saw anyone who was detained because they did not do life properly. Everyone passes. But most will pass without ever knowing what they passed through.



When you were about to crash, for a few moments you knew what you were passing through. The rest of the time, you do not know. Right now, your cerebral drama is overlapping upon everything. That means your silly creation is overlapping the magnificent creation that we are living in. When your silly creation broke, when you could not think or emote because of the sheer danger of the situation, suddenly it felt like you were truly alive. We are teaching you yoga, we are initiating you into so many processes just to help you distance yourself from your own drama, so that the cosmic drama comes into your perception. Without this, there is nothing to this life.







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