This is a gift from me to you, a ‘tip’for how to ride the immense waves of energy that are soon to flood your planet.
A surfer would not dive into a storm without practicing the skills they require to stay on the board. I’m telling you how to learn to surf my tsunami of love, so that the energetic jump will lift you up easily, rather than overwhelming you in its waves.
Your bodies are the doorways of miracles, and very soon they will transform from the heavy, often burdensome, forms you know, to the most magnificent, light-filled crystalline forms.
Although both you and we have prepared for this shift, it will still be an enormous leap and your full, active cooperation in this final preparation phase will make that process much easier on you physically by lessening the side effects of realigning imbalances.
You know that all change begins in the spiritual realms and then moves down through the denser realms, the emotional realm, the mental realm and only then does it manifest in the physical realm.
Your prayers, your thoughts, your fears, these are also elements of this flowing energy. Money is only one symbol of flow, of ease, of hydration, of divine energy moving to where it is required. It is also the most dense and energetically misaligned expression of this energy flow.
If you believe that you can change the world once you have money, I would ask you to consider changing the world before you have money.I would ask you to begin, like me, in the subtle realms.
Become aware of your thoughts, which are often the sum total of your fears and projections. Old energy creates old patterns; whether it’s with money or thoughts, the outcome is the same, only the speed is different.
I would invite you to consider your physical bodies: the chalice of your spirit, the sacred temple of this lifetime. Would you leave a beloved temple, mosque, church or alter untended? Littered with discarded wrappers? Would you allow wilted flowers to remain in the vases? Dust to settle?
No, my beloveds, you would not and I know this so well. You would and do tend to your sacred spaces.
Your body is a sacred space.
My invitation is to bring the sacred flow of life, of energy, into your bodies consciously every day. Thank your liver, thank your skin, thank your blood, thank you eyes…. Allow my healing tsunami of love to flow through every cell in your body with even greater ease, with even greater effectiveness.
When you do this, you increase the energy of every cell, aligning it to a higher vibration, a vibration closer to mine and further from 3D.Not only are increasing your vibration in quantum leaps, you are hastening the process for everyone on this entire planet, for all is One.
Spending time in this way, even if only a minute or two as you awaken, fall asleep or wait in a queue, is exceptionally powerful.
Many of you have been brought down so low, you are so tired and dejected that you wonder why you persevere. My darling children, the end is within touching distance.
Begin to revive yourselves now. Begin to put into yourselves the energy, love and sparkle that the long road home has taken out of you. The path has not been glamorous. It has been rocky and hard. This is the end of times, you are so close to the miracles of heaven manifesting on your planet and in your lives.
Begin to refuel yourselves now, so that when my energy of love cracks open the final heart and love spills across the planet, you are not so exhausted that it bowls you over.
Recuperate now, by making your body energetically lighter and stronger, a little each day, so that you will be able to stand in this unprecedented outpouring of divine love. Your practice will have familiarised your cells to this higher vibration, ensuring that energy jump will be rapidly recognised and assimilated. It will uplift you, rather than knock you out.
Surf my beloved children! Fill your bodies with the energy signal of final tsunami of love, so that the greater energies that are just about to arrive will pass through you with grace and ease.
Send love, light, gratitude, pink light, rainbow light, appreciation or affirmations, it matters not, send those positive thoughts to your bodies, to prepare them, in this the final stage.
通灵:Jennifer Crokaert
翻译:Nick Chan