Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune in to the light within.
问候!衷心地,我是 KejRaj(KayRy) 。这里所表达的信息是我的观点。因为所有的真理在你的心中等待着你。协调到内在的光
We have long past the point of no return on this journey of upliftment. Each and every day more and more souls are becoming open to new ideas, new ways of life. More and more souls are beginning to understand that what we have today, this way of life, is not normal at all, and that they have been purposely mislead to for millennia.
For every soul that begins to question this reality, this brings the collective closer to that which we aim for and all desire, world peace. The closer this will bring us all to the breakthrough, snapping out of the amnesia, dissolving the old illusion, and assisting Creator by being ready for his/her purest form of light/love. For receiving the wave of the most refined light from the heart of Prime Creator through the Great Central Sun of the soon to be Golden Rose Galaxy(Milky Way), to Earth and humanity, uplifting all into a new world, new reality.
每当有一个灵魂开始质疑这个现实,会带集体更加接近我们所目标的、渴望的,世界和平。会带我们更加接近突破,走出失忆,溶解旧的幻象,协助造物主,通过为他 / 她最纯净的爱与光做好准备。因为接收来自最初造物主之心的最精炼的光之波浪,通过大中央太阳而来,很快会成为金玫瑰星系(银河系),对地球和人类来说,会把一切提升到新的世界,新的现实
As we move forward, with the energies intensifying moment to moment, the most important thing we can do is concentrate on the heart. Stay heart centered, focus within. We say this because the outer world is a reflection of your inner world.
As the light increases so does the speed at which the 3D Earth Matrix is deconstructed.
随着光的增长, 3D 地球矩阵的瓦解也会加速
What is happening now is the letting go of the old, and making room for the new.
Mother Earth is doing this through changes in weather patterns, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes and other ways, that are becoming more frequent and noticeable to all of her inhabitants.
While humanity is releasing through anger, in all its different forms. The things that you held on to for so long, hate, fear, anger, judgement, and all the outdated popular beliefs of humanity, all is quickly collapsing from WITHIN YOU, that is why you see what you see in the OUTER world.
Once again, all of this is leading to the one powerful wave of energy that many have come to know as the Event. When this wave of energy is released from the Creator’s heart, at that moment, the veil will be lifted, and a splitting of worlds will occur here. There will be many who will transition from our world, and will incarnate on other planets.
There will be those that ‘fully’ ascend, they will realize in an instant that they are in the new world. They will become invisible to many that remain in the 3D Earth Matrix. Than there will be the ones that know they can ‘be free from 3D Earth’ at the moment of their choosing, but they simply choose to stay behind to assist the rest.
还会有“完全”扬升的人,他们会瞬间意识到他们处于新的世界中。他们会对留在 3D 地球矩阵的人来说不可见。然后会有些人知道他们可以“自由于 3D 地球”,当他们选择,但他们选择留下来协助其他人
Earth is now fully ascended into her 5D Body/Matrix. She has completed her transition into the 5D Body. What this means is all of her inhabitants are also in the 5th Dimension. However, it is only a memory, their old concept of the old world that remains of 3D. They are simply perceiving a 3D world that is no longer present, and refuse to release the attachment out of fear. It is but a matter of time that even their memory of the old will begin to become blurry, they will realize that the Earth 3D Matrix has been dissolved.
地球现在已经完全扬升到她 5D 的身体 / 矩阵中。她已经完成进入 5D 身体的过渡。这意味着她所有的居民也在五维中。无论如何,现在只是一个记忆,他们对旧世界的旧概念存留于 3D 中。他们只是在感知不再存在的 3D 世界,拒绝释放依附,出于恐惧。这只是一个时间的问题,即使他们对旧事物的记忆也会开始变得模糊,他们会意识到 3D 地球矩阵已经溶解
Many will come to understand that one must completely free the self of the old in order to experience the new. For in the new reality of the New Earth, there is no room for hatred and division. We must release or BE released WITH the old. Once again, it is all a matter of choice.
We say to you there is no turning back, let go of all fearful concepts, hold your light as we move forward. You are in for some great surprises, one after another. Wave after wave we are reaching the shore, sooner than many may think.
From heart to heart, KejRaj.
衷心地, KejRaj.
翻译:Nick Chan