2017-12-10 xiaohaozi0716 nannvshen爱情魔法
【Karen Downing】突破临近了 ABreakthrough is Near
作者:Karen downing
How do you know when you areapproaching a significant breakthrough? There are 3 main signs that you canlook for externally and internally. The difficult in pinpointing these signsoften lies in how they are expressed: in balanced opposition.
The universe is a finely tunedbalance of all things, at all times. And so, when a breakthrough is near,everything is amplified. This means that you can experience confusion alongwith clarity, heightened emotion along with detachment, calm along withurgency, and so forth.
A breakthrough is an enhancement,and as humanity is primed to burst into a new reality, the foreshadow of thisupcoming breakthrough can feel both bumpy and calm at the same time. It hasbeen said by many that the planet has been experiencing steady waves of energyin these last few years. It is important to remember that these waves, like theocean, create an ebb and flow.
Ebb and flow are in balance, asone cannot occur without the other, therefore they are merely differentperceptions of the same concept. Same goes with all concepts kept in balance.Ebb is flow, clarity is confusion, urgency is calm. When you can recognize eachof these energies as two sides of the same coin, then you are ready to cash infor your breakthrough.
The equinox is the perfect time todo just that.
So, how do you spot thesebreakthrough energies? Look for the natural cycles moving between what many mayfeel to be polar opposites.
Many of you reading this messagemay find yourself moving between states of high clarity and focus into state ofconfusion, mistrust and not knowing. The first step to understanding what ishappening is to realize that this is a natural cycle. The reason it is comingto your attention now is because, like all cycles, the ebb and flow here hassped up.
Understand that both clarity andconfusion are states of connection. When you are connected and fully in tunewith your spiritual body, you feel clarity; when you are disconnected, you feelconfusion. During this time, humanity is climbing a staircase of Ascension, andeach time you step up one stair, you are slightly out of body. Then, as yourest upon that stair, you are brought back into unison. And, on and on it goes.You normally don’t notice this process so much, because long pauses are takenat each stair. However, when a breakthrough approaches, a rapid climbing takesplace, and you can move up several stairs a day, bouncing quickly between thesetwo states of connection.
To find your way through thisjourney, try to remain hyper-aware of the now. This can be done by sayinginternally what you are engaged in at the moment, “I am walking, I am opening acupboard, I am grabbing a cup, I am putting the cup on the counter, etc.” Asthis connection process continues to speed up, this hyper-awareness of the nowwill be your best navigation guide.
Second, look for enhancedexpression of emotions in yourself and others. As a breakthrough is near andthe energy increases, it acts like a magnet to draw out all emotional energy.During this time, there will be some people experiencing very strong emotions,as well as others who act as if nothing fazes them. Again, these are two sidesof the same coin. Both are equally valuable paths to understanding yourself,why you feel what you feel, where your emotions come from, and if thoseemotions are still serving your highest needs today.
There is nothing wrong withemotions, they contain a massive inventory of valuable information. Thechallenge occurs when emotions overrun your life, and cause you to act on pureemotional impulse. Think of emotions as your own personal movie, they provideyou with your life context, your perspective, and lead you to the nextimportant segment of your story. Those are all helpful on your life path.However, like a movie, you are meant to experience your emotions throughimagination, discussion, healthy release, and other such methods. But, you arenot meant to live your emotions as if you are the movie itself.
When a breakthrough is near, itcan become very difficult for some people to separate their emotions from theirreality, thus causing rants, blame, victimhood, and other such patterns to beexpressed much more intensely. If you are around someone who is experiencingheightened emotions in such a way, give them space to process, do not engagedirectly in their emotional movie, but instead encourage them to release theiremotions safely, by writing, watching a movie, reading a book, taking a walk,visiting a therapist, or any other way that would be an appropriate release forthem as an individual.
Third, you will feel the energeticmomentum building. As humanity continues forward, you will feel a crescendo ofenergy. This energy can be felt of in one of two ways. One will be freeing andjoyful, a like making it to the end of a long race. The other may feeloverwhelming, urgent, or stressful. These are two different expressions ofalignment. When you are aligned with your life path and God’s path for you(God’s will), you will feel free, joyful and in sync with life. Synchronicitieswill pop up again and again, circumstances will work themselves out, and thereis an overall ease to any experience.
When you feel overwhelmed andstressful, you are trying to exert your control on your life. You areforgetting to trust in yourself and the path that you already set in motion.You are forgetting to trust in God/ Spirit/The Universe. When you are not inharmony with your life path, you still feel that momentum building, but pushagainst it with fearful thoughts, such as: that it will not happen, not be wantyou want, not be when you want, not be enough, will happen for everyone elsenot you, etc.
当你感觉势不可挡或有压力,你正尝试对你的生活施加控制。你正忘记信任自己和信任你已经开始的道路。你正忘记信任神 / 灵性体 / 宇宙。当你与自己的人生道路不协调时,你仍会感觉到势头正在建立,但是在用恐惧的想法推开它,如它不会发生、不是你想要的、不是你想要的时候、不够好、会发生在每个人身上而不会发生在自己身上,等等。
When you are out of alignment, youcan experience things not going well, being clumsy, miscommunication,frustration with you wanting things to be your way (even if you cannotrecognize it). If you just got frustrated with that last statement, then youare not in alignment.
Another way to represent God’swill is the idea of unconditional acceptance. This is more than simplyaccepting everyone else for who they are, this is also accepting events,places, experiences, situations and everything else as it is. No need to driveaggressive in traffic, it is what it is. No need to be angry with the wait foryour dinner, it is what it is. No need to track down that package, it willarrive at the right time. No need to interject to tell someone what to do, theyare who they are. No need to force a conclusion to occur, it will take place inGod’s time.
When you start from a place ofacceptance, then you are automatically in alignment, and will intuitively knowwhat to do or say. But, when your pride tells you that you are entitled tosomething now, or that you know better, then you will find yourself trying topush against the very momentum here to assist you.
All in all, a breakthrough is anexpanding balloon of energy, enhancing every aspect of life, so that it can befelt in extreme. In the extremes of connection, emotion, and alignment, youwill learn about yourself. That learning is the impetus for a personalbreakthrough. When millions or billions of personal breakthroughs occursimultaneously, it is indeed the large-scale transition shift of the ages.
【Karen downing】20171102译《如何冥想——常见问题问答》