【Karen Downing】灵魂使命和人生目的
作者:Karen downing
Inside every one of us is a dropof the Divine. Our soul mission is to learn about the Divinity within us and togrow it. The beauty of this process is that each soul carries a differentDivine drop. For some that drop is about compassion, for others it is wisdom,or peace, or joy, and so on. Our Divine drop is often called our Soul Essence.And, it is the Soul Mission of each one of us to learn to utilize our ownDivine drop to its Highest benefit, both individually and collectively.
You have heard this before, and itis important to reiterate here: We are all One. That means how you utilize yourDivine drop affects the whole of humanity (as well is the whole ofconsciousness). As you discover the unique essence of your Divine drop, andgrow it through your unique Soul Mission, you not only live your purpose, youbecome a positive light for others as well.
From an energetic perspective,your Soul Mission is to grow this Divine drop within you. That sounds simple,and it is. In order to grow your Divine drop, all it needs is love andnourishment. To provide love, you only need to learn how to unconditionallylove and accept yourself. To provide nourishment, you have to uncover thespecific Essence of your unique Divine drop, so you can give it the nourishmentit needs. For example, if you Divine Drop is one of creativity, one part ofyour nourishment is to provide yourself with time for artistic pursuits.
While the words make it soundsimple, sometimes the practice of it is not always so. This is because in themany incarnations leading up to the now, you have worked on growing your Divinedrop. Sometimes you were successful and sometimes you were not (each one of uscan say that.) You can learn more about your Soul Mission, and what you havelearned in previous lifetimes, by understanding your Past Life Patterns. Thesepast life experiences added more information to your Divine drop, as everyexperience is all about learning. But, the confusion lies in that some of theinformation and experiences from your past lifetimes can contradict each other.Take the Past Life Quiz to find out more.
So, in order to provide the propernourishment for your Divine drop, you must strip away all of the beliefs,self-talk and behaviors that detract from its Divinity. Examples would beself-defeatist behavior, negative expectations, and so forth. Your Divinity is yourbirthright, it is a part of you that cannot be separated from you. It is withineveryone. However, it is up to you, the process you choose to grow it. When youenhance your natural gifts and talents of your Soul Essence, you ARE livingyour Soul Mission.
Your Soul Mission is much morethan your life purpose. Life purpose is changeable, and is based on manyfactors. Your Soul Mission can be boiled down to a few words. With theknowledge of Your Soul Mission, you are able to apply it to creating a life purposethat fits your life now, and at each moment of the future. Life purpose isoften equated with job role, and it can most certainly be used in your careerpath, but life purpose is changeable to your life circumstances, and may notalways be connected to your career.
你的灵魂使命( soulmission )的内容比人生目的( life purpose )的内容多得多。人生目的是可以变化的,建立在许多因素之上。灵魂使命可以被归结为几个词语。用你的灵魂使命的知识,你能够应用它来创建符合你现在生活的一个人生目的,以及未来任何时刻的人生目的。人生目的经常被等同于工作角色,当然它最可能被用在职业路径上,但是人生目的是根据你的生活环境而变化的,并不总是与你职业有关联。
Let’s say your Soul Mission is tobe an Energy Clearinghouse. This means that your Soul Essence is of positivetransformation, and your Soul Mission throughout all incarnations has been toassist humanity and the planet in clearing out stagnant energy. So, how doesthat translate into life purpose?
Well, as a child you might havebeen very sensitive, prone to cry or have angry outbursts. This is because youwere transforming (clearing) the energy associated with your parents orschoolmates, or both. Then move ahead to your teenage/young adult years, andyou get your first job. You will end up working in a space where you arecontact with A LOT of people, maybe at Starbucks or Target. Your purpose atthat time is to clear the energy of your customers and fellow co-workers.Perhaps you stay there and move up in the company, or move into another jobrole where you remain in contact with the general public in a different way.
儿童时期,你可能一直非常(能量)敏感,容易哭闹或愤怒爆发。这是因为那时你在转化(清理)与你的父母或同学有关的能量。然后,随着你长到十几岁 / 青少年时期,你找到你第一份工作。你可能最终会工作在一个你需要接触许多人的地方,也许是在星巴克咖啡或塔吉特公司(美国折扣零售店)。那时你的人生目的是清理你的顾客和同事的能量。也许你待着这件公司然后升职,或跳槽进入另外一个工作角色,其中你以不同方式仍然与公众接触。
At some point during your adultlife, you may get burnt out with so much in-person contact with the generalpublic, and want to begin working for yourself. This is the point when you willusually begin to seek out what your life purpose is. The thing is, you havebeen living it all along! It is just that now you are exploring what you want todo in this next phase of your life, and how you want to do it.
Let’s say, you have decided tobecome a Reiki practitioner. This is still aligned with your Soul Mission, andnow you are working at helping people, and transforming their energy, on your terms.You have much success in this, and you add more certifications to yourpractice, all assisting with your innate gifts of transforming energy inothers. Eventually, you teach others how to become healers themselves. You maychoose to retire someday, and your Soul Mission will still be there. At thattime in your life, your life purpose might be to volunteer your time, or useyour energy to assist your neighbors, grandchildren or other family remembers
例如,假设你已经决定成为一个灵气( Reiki )从业者。(译注:灵气, Reiki ,一种能量疗愈方法)。这仍然与你的灵魂使命相一致,现在你在致力于根据你自己的条件帮助人们,并转化他们的能量。你在这其中取得了许多成功,你给你的实践添加了更多认证证书(译注:指学习了更多专业疗愈技能),这些都协助你与生俱来的转化他人能量的天赋。最终,你教授他人如何成为疗愈师。有一天,你也许选择退休,你的灵魂使命仍在那里没变。在你人生的那个时间里,你的灵魂使命也许是贡献你的时间,或用你的能量来协助你的邻居、孙子孙女们或其他家庭成员。
This is how life purpose changes,but through it all you can see the thread of your Soul Mission, guiding allthat you do. When you learn about your Divine drop, the core of your SoulMission, you are much more able to provide it with the nourishment it needs. Asyou grow your Divine drop, it begins to speak louder and louder to you,prompting your Soul Compass to guide you on each leg of your Soul Mission.
译注:1. 你可以做这个“前世模式测试”来了解你的前世模式和如何使用它们。
2. 另一个有关灵魂使命的例子。一个人的灵魂使命是“同情心”,他 / 她可能在某一世经历缺少其他人对他的同情心,(比如留守儿童缺乏父母关爱生活困苦);可能在另一世经历有很多他人对他的的同情心,(比如有人替代父母关爱他或无私供养他生活);可能有一世经历没有对他人展示足够的同情心(比如由于某种原因拒绝帮助他人);可能有一世经历把这种同情心带给世人(比如创办公益学校公益组织等等)。我们在同一主题同一灵魂使命经历了很多世经历,为了更好的学习这个主题,我们选择经历了这个主题的正面、反面、里面、外面,重反反复复直到掌握它。
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音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5aExVq_wOM