I am Raphael and I have come today in order to bless this world that now is starting to be born on Earth. It is a ceremony that is being done in order to mark that a new shift has taken place on Earth. It is a clear sign that the old now is finished and that the new is taking over. From now on the old can no longer get a hold, which they seek, instead the light vibration is taking over more on Earth. You can feel it. You can experience it and you can manifest it. It is here now dear children on Earth. You have built a bridge to the light that is now pouring in over your planet. You are in the ascension and your journey of light is irrevocable. Feel it in your heart, feel it in your aura, feel it all around you – it feels like a mild breeze and you can feel how it vibrates in your body. Perhaps you heart beats a little faster – be then in stillness and ground yourself to Mother Earth. It is important to feel the connection to your Earth now. You ascend together and as her heart beats your heart beats. She has taken you under the protection of her wings so that you will have the opportunity to come along at the pace that your bodies adapt to the light. Everything is according to your free will. Those that follow, follow and those that do not want to will follow another path. Everything is perfect and wonderful and everything is exactly the way it should be for each soul. You all have different journeys to complete and you choose according to free will, which you make together with your guides and mentors.
Your Kingdom of Heaven is on its way down to Earth now dear children. Your new Kingdom of light and love is here now. A new Era has started and you can now manifest in love and goodness. Understand that you are strong creators of the world that it now is starting to bloom here and there in the world. We can see changes, we can see large changes that have taken place on Earth and we can see yet larger changes that will take place going forward. It is a time for some rest and calm now dear friends before the large work starts up, which will give you the breakthrough that you all have been longing for. The Earth is also longing to receive a large cleansing of its surface so it can reach a better balance.
Be in your heart now dear children on Earth, be in your heart and act from your heart. Do not hesitate when the heart asks you to act. You might then fall into old patterns and it can give you large problems since the old now belongs to the past. It is towards the light which we now should act – the light who’s flame in our hearts has received a mighty force and which now wants to help you to return to your true self, a being of light and love. It is in the service of the light that we now should act dear Earthlings. It is in the light of your soul that you now will speak. One who speaks with a false tongue will soon loose their power as the light that now floods into and over Earth has a much higher power of light. The heart feels with trepidation its strong power and rejoices once again over being in the service of the light and to be one with its Father/Mother God and all that is. You are on your way to your own Kingdom of Heaven dear Earthlings, and there are thousands of light beings around you now. It is easier to descend down to Earth today and there are many who wants to help with bringing in the light to your world. You have many light beings around you that help and protect you now. They strengthen the light in your heart and give you the courage you need to move on now in your own light.
I let my healing light shine over Earth today.
I love you so much,
大天使拉斐尔 20171211 这是巨大的工作开始之前休息的时间
通灵:Ann Dahlberg
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16UXodDSBdk