
2018-03-13 xiaohaozi0716 nannvshen爱情魔法



一位读者最近请Karen Downing老师清理了脉轮,并同意把脉轮清理报告分享给大家。非常感谢这位读者愿意分享,希望能帮助到更多人。











I begin by going through each of charkas from the Earth/footchakra up. In each chakra, I will describe what the chakra looks like, what Isee in it to be cleared and healed, any past life or present life details, andwhat actions I took to accomplish the clearing and healing.








Earth/foot chakra

The foot chakra is very strong and anchored deeply into theplanet. Your chakra at this foot area is very strong and healthy. No work needsto be done here.





Rootcenter (where old heart chakra has merged with old root chakra)

Thischakra is very small and underactive. It is approximately 25% of the size thatit should be. The energy in this chakra is grey and cloudy instead of brightred and vibrant. This is caused by both past life and present life beliefsregarding sexual energy and romantic connection with a relationship partner.Many lifetimes ago, there was a very traumatic experience for you, where as aman you were forced to become a Eunuch, and you had your sexual organs removed.This caused deep anger within you, and feelings of extreme powerlessness. Youwere very angry at the person who did this to you, but because they were theEmperor of the region, you could not act out your vengeance against him. Inthat lifetime, you made a choice that you would never allow anyone to see youas weak, vulnerable, or effeminate in any way. You did not have thosecharacteristics in your nature anyway, but you felt that was how other peoplejudged you because of you being a Eunuch. You also judged emotions of love tobe a weakness, and you made a vow to yourself that no one would ever se you asbeing vulnerable again for all of entirety. This vow extended through all ofyour lifetimes. The issue is that without vulnerability, you cannot form aconnection of trust with another person. It is impossible for you to doeverything yourself. Everyone needs to learn to trust, whether that be trustingin a business partner, or a relationship partner. You are making good progresslearning about trust in your lifetime now, but it has been a very challengingarea to learn in. Another piece of helpful information is that in your presentlifetime, you were taught to be negatively judgmental of sexual energy, and youhold guilt and shame surrounding this topic. All adults are meant to feelsexual energy in some way, it is a normal part of life. Now, I will work onclearing the energy of this chakra… Ok, I have taken your scroll with the vowon it from the Akashic Record, and sliced through it with a sword. That pastlife vow is no longer active. I have also now opened up the chakra more toencourage it to grow to its normal size. I have spun the energy of the chakrafaster, and this will help to break apart the guilt and shame to release itfrom the chakra area. This release can continue for up to 5 days after thisclearing.














BellyButton (included old sacral and solar plexus chakras)

(Iworked on this after the Universal Love chakra.) There is a good flow of theenergy her, the size and placement are correct. The coloring of this chakra isnot correct though. There are dots of heavy energy mixed through the BellyButton chakra. These are small pieces of unworthiness left over from themerging of the solar plexus and sacral chakras into this belly button chakra.This unworthiness is from the Eunuch lifetime, as well as the Monk lifetimefrom the Universal Love chakra write-up. I adjusted this chakra to a fasterspin, in order release all of these pieces of unworthiness. You couldpotentially feel a need to cough or sneeze to release this energy from near theabdominal muscles. The color is now a brighter and more solid golden lightcolor, as it should be.










Thehands chakra is very strong and healthy. It has correct color, placement andenergy flow, both when the hands are placed together, and when they areseparate. No work needs to be done here.





UniversalLove chakra (Replaces heart chakra at heart center)

Thischakra has two spirals of energy instead of one. They are each flowing at 50%capacity, but instead should be one spiral at 100% capacity. One of the spiralsgoes forward, out the the world, as it should do. The other spiral flows off tothe left side of the body. This split in the Universal Love Center is caused bya deep past life energy where you felt unworthy of the Love of Source/God. Youwere always concerned about how your actions and thoughts will impact yourkarma, and even how they will affect others. This is a healthy concern, butonly when in balance. Because of past life experiences, you are so worriedabout angering God or not feeling good enough to receive God’s blessings, orthat you haven’t done enough to make your ancestors happy, and so forth. Thesource of the split in the chakra is from a past life experience when you werea Monk. You lived in a monetary where the rules were stricter than most othermonasteries. This monetary was very isolated in the mountains of Europe, andwas a form of Christianity that has now disappeared. It was thought in thisexpression of Christianity that one needed to make oneself suffer in order tobe closer to God. This was not a belief system based on truth, and yet in themonetary it was treated as though it was the law of God. Every day you wereconcerned that you were not suffering enough, you felt that you were not worthyof the love of God, and you would even physically hurt yourself in order toprove your loyalty and to show your adherence to the religious doctrine. I willnow heal and repair this chakra…I pulled the left portion of the spiral tomerge with the forward portion, starting from the part of the chakra closest tothe body first. As I wrapped these two portions together, there was someresistance in merging them at first. I did a second round of connecting themtogether, and this was successful. Then, I worked to position the chakras so itwas centered and not positioned on the left side.


Ø   宇宙之爱脉轮(在中心取代了心轮)







我现在要疗愈和修理这个脉轮… 我拉动这个螺旋的左边的部分来将它与前面部分融合,从脉轮中最接近身体的那部分开始。当我把这两部分缠绕在一切,起初,有一些阻力不愿意融合。我又做了第二轮将它们连接到一切,这次成功了。然后,我调整脉轮的位置,所以它被调整到中心而不是处在左边的位置。


SpiritualCommunication chakra (upgraded throat chakra at throat center)

TheSpiritual Communication chakra is functioning properly. It is in a growth phasein many people on Earth right now, and it is expanding correctly within you.The color, placement and energy flow all look healthy and in alignment withthis growth phase. No work needs to be done here.






TheNasal chakra is strong and functioning properly in the management of taste,hearing, sight and smell. No work needs to be done here.






Thirdeye chakra

(Iworked on this after the Ultimate Being chakra) The third eye chakra has a verynice color and proper flow, however it is anchored in front of the chakra area,and not fully connected to the physical body. Instead, it connects at layer 2of the aura. The aura has seven layers, plus the physical body. This disconnectwas caused by the disfunction at the crown center. Now, that the disfunction inthat area is addressed, this can be healed. I have pulled this chakra throughlayer 2 to layer 1, and through layer 1 to the physical body.





UltimateBeing Chakra (Upgraded crown chakra at crown center)

Thisarea has a shield blocking the flow. The energy wants to expand below theshield, but the shield is blocking the energy from reaching up to connect withSource. The flow of the chakra itself is actually very good, however thisshield is what is causing you the issues with head swelling or headaches whenyou are doing meditation. This shield was placed in your energy field manylifetimes ago by a negative energy being. That negative energy being has nopower over you and no power on the planet anymore. It can no longer harm you.The energy being has been banished from Earth, and it is safe to remove thisshield. The reason why this being placed the shield there was to attempt tocontrol your thoughts and actions. It was a past life at the time of Atlantis,and the negative energy being was directing you to do scientificexperimentation on other humans. You were very upset about being forced to dothis work, and so this is when this shield was implanted in your energy. Thisshield prevented you from feeling any connection to Source in that life, andalso prevented you from feeling empathy toward the people you wereexperimenting on. You were 100% controlled by these negative beings, so you didnot create any negative karma, because your actions were not your own. I willwork on removing the shield now…First I hit it with sounds waves to crack itapart. Then, it begin to allow more of the crown energy through. Next, I pushedthe shield off to the side. Underneath the shield was a multi-dimensionalenergy field that accompanied it. This took some further directed sound waves,and I asked for AA Michael to assist in its removal. We pulled this energyfield back, like peeling off adhesive tape, and it brought all layers of thisout. AA Michael took it away. You may feel a headache for today and tomorrow.The crown area will gently adjust to having unrestricted energy flow, it willtake about 5 days in total to feel the full effects.

















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