Enormous physical changes are occurring within the planet and will continue for three months – until mid-May – which will be extremely unsettling for all, and will lead to intense suffering for many.
I want you to know and understand that all sentient life is safe, is protected, because you are immortal beings of Light. Many will lay down their physical bodies. They incarnated to do this to provide a major wake-up call to humanity. Love is the way forward, so judgment, blame, shame, bitterness, resentment, and hatred must cease.
You are all beautiful beings of Love, and you need to become aware of that now – you must know that Love is what you are – and release or discard anything to which you are clinging that is not in alignment with Love. The time for being blind to Love, unaware of Love, ignorant of Love, in denial of Love has passed.
Love is the divine field of conscious awareness in which is contained All That Exists. There is nowhere that is not Love, and all illusions of something other than or apart from Love will just fall away.
Any who continue to cling to illusory ideas that deny or avoid Love will suffer intense pain until they let go and surrender to Love, to Reality, to their True Nature.
You, John, and many, many others are now called to demonstrate Love constantly and continuously whatever may arise in your lives of form. Life will become very intense, so keep resetting your intent to be only loving whatever occurs, knowing you are fully supported in every moment, and knowing that you will succeed most magnificently.
It’s a little like a snake shedding its skin, it’s perfectly normal but unsettling and uncomfortable, but all is exceedingly well.
Be in Joy, be in Faith, be in Love, be in God.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
通灵:John Smallman
翻译:Nick Chan