原创: 银河联邦 新纪元扬升之光 今天
Channel:Star Blossom
Beautifulbeing that walk the earth. We are benevolent beings of love and light calledthe Galactic Federation. We as you know are speaking to you with pureintentionto shed light on issues and send our love so you might align withwisdom and peace.
There is much turmoil in the world and with the latest outbreakof violence in the school in Texas but againthere is unbalance.
Thecontrolling forces aim there atrocities too often toward children. It isbecause they are venerable and hit home for people to get angry and vibratefear and hate.
Thesecontrolling forces that have kept humanity prisoner will do all they can tokeep the public with invisible hand-cups and thusly feed off that energy.
Theywill NOT WIN and must be stopped with your love based actions and focus inmind. Therefore we ask of you a few things.
1)Do not get trapped in anger and fear. Better focus on ways to vibrate and alignfor balance during this time. Better put your energies to knowing it is purgingthe last remains of the dark.
2)Feel what you need to feel if it brings up sadness or discontent for the waysthings are or even tears. Let it flow for you are healing something perhapsfrom even a past life. Know it will pass as you ground with God’s light knowingthings are unfolding for a reason.
3)Send out love in your thoughts to the families that are grieving. They needyour support. They need to know they are not alone. Also understand that guncontrol is not the answer for you can just imagine the carious that would ensueif the cabal had guns in their control.
4)Release prayers that the shadow government and those who take such actions ofviolence be stopped quickly. It has gone on too too long. And do make a pointto send gratitude for those who are the white hatters and others who aremonitoring the darks actions.
5)take the responsibility to seek out truth via alternative news avenues on theinternet. Remember the local news is run by those who alter and orchestratenews to fit their needs. It is NOT truth.
5) 通过互联网特殊信息渠道,承担起寻找真相的责任。记住,地方新闻是由修改和编排新闻以满足他们需求的人所管理的。那些不是事实。
6)Vibrate love, compassion, and the dream of living in a peaceful world free fromlies, deceptions. Hold that vibration the best you can.
Thisnew event is more than what it seems. It is an attempt for the powers that beto hold onto their rein of terror and control. If it was up to them we would bein war right now. Not only do they feed both sides with their past wealth byselling guns and other tools of destruction BUT they feed off the grief anddeaths that occurs.
Thecabal/shadow government are like vultures who feed off fear, violence death andsacrifice. They need to be released from their role as it no longer serves thenew earth that is one of peace inside the 5th vibration of love.
Yesthis is but another false flag. An orchestrated even with a dark agendaorchestrated by the shadow government. Another act before the new money systemand GESARA will be activated. It was expected knowing all attempts would befoiled. It only adds more nails to their coffins so to speak.
Fraudwill be a thing of the past along with war and hidden agendas. The judicial systemas well of course the money system is being cleaned and reseeded to grow a newway of being.
TheRVis at the cusp of happening so keep your dreams alive light workers.Look intoyour hearts as final steps being activated for the good of mankind.
Earthand all who live on her is being birthed and going through the birthing/growingpains. Move with it inside the grace that you are.
Thename of the game presently is to open hearts and eyes. Speak your truth fromyour investigating the truth and stay grounded. The name of the game is also toride the storm and don’t get caught up in the drama for that energy leeds to aloss of power of self.
Finallythe name of the game now on earth is to align with source energies and to moverepairing the old model of rules of humanity that has blindsided many. Oncedone the world will to begin to live the way it is meant to with PEACE, JOY,HARMONY, ABUNDANCE AND FREEDOM.
Weleave you now as you tackle these requests and look within to the wealth ofself waiting to be harvested. Remember you are all strong and capable ofgetting through this time. (even with all their struggles).