


原创 nannvshen爱情魔法 2018-05-16

SheldanNidle 20180515更新




Selamat Jarin!We return, dear Hearts, with much more to discuss with you! The ongoingstruggle between Light and dark in this realm is approaching a crucial point.Many events in the past few weeks have created an opening for the Light.Indeed, the comprehensive strategy is to provide our Earth allies much-neededbenefits. The inevitable defeat of the cabal continues. One cabal strategyafter the other is falling away. As the cabal weakens, its membershipdiminishes. Meanwhile, the Light strengthens as the puzzle pieces fall intoplace that will ensure your freedom. Peace, prosperity and new governmental orderare growing closer each and every day.




   As you know, your mainstream media ignoresmost of the good works achieved by the BRICS countries and our Earth Allies.This moment in history is a transcendent turning point for you. The dark hascontrolled this reality for nearly 13 millennia. The reality in which you liveis transforming gradually. Our Earth allies are working with extreme diligenceto ensure that the wealth of your world is distributed to those who are deeplydedicated to the proper allocation of these funds for humanitarian projects.




   Global peace is about the creation of abetter reality. It is based on an organic network of consciousness, created byan ever-enlarging sense of self and initiated by the inner workings of theLight. The result of this burgeoning awareness is a multi-tiered systemdesigned to energize cooperation, peace and cultural reciprocity. Each nationhas an enduring obligation to provide its people with food, shelter, clothing,health care and a sustainable, pollution-free environment. Most importantly,they are charged with protecting the freedom and personal sovereignty of eachcitizen. These are every person's unassailable rights.




   As we have discussed in previous messages,you are being prepared for the activation of three new chakras: the "wellof dreams" in the back of your head; the thymus, located in the upperchest above the heart; and the diaphragm, just above the solar plexus. Thesenew chakras may begin with mild discomfort and the potential for flu-likesymptoms, as well as headaches, periodic loss of balance, and body temperaturefluctuations. Integration of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritualbodies is entering a new phase. The continual flow of higher frequenciesbombarding the Earth at this time is accelerating the refinement andintegration of your new 13-chakra system. These alterations to your physicalbody, which prepare you for our arrival, are to 'switch on' your naturaltelepathic abilities, making it much easier for us to streamline ourinteractions with you.




   Greetings, we are your Ascended Masters. Wecome this week to talk to you about Communion, which we define as the sharingor exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when that exchangeis on a spiritual level. Communion creates a sacred community of believers whomaintain a common consciousness about themselves and their lives. It allows youto build a collaborative dynamic field designed to nurture each individual andthe collective whole. Communion allows every participant in the group dynamicto nurture the potential of each member.




   Members of this ever-growing community cometogether and discuss what their inner beliefs truly imply to the society as awhole. This spiritual accord frees you to renew who and what you are, and howyou carry out your daily affairs with each other. As your shared consciousnessgrows, it produces an inner aura of support and spiritual relaxation. Thisshared energy dynamic further enlarges the consciousness field, allowing it toachieve its own full and unique potential. You can understand why Communion issuch a significant step in the creation of your new galactic society.




   This dynamic field enables an organic systemto develop, enhancing innovative ways of community problem-solving. Communioninvolves a daily renewal of the many spiritual perceptions the individual andthe collective graciously share with one another. One way to implement this isthrough ritual. However, Communion is more than simply a spiritual ritual.While for many, Communion may seem slightly out of place, to us, it is apractice that keeps the community in an ever-expanding and spirituallyfulfilling practice. It is a holistic means of expanding your consciousness, ofwatching each member grow in new and powerful ways. When you intend the bestfor yourself and others, only the most positive events can inevitably manifestin your reality.




   Today we discussed some of the situationsthat affect you. Momentous events are settling into place that will transfigureyour world and, in doing so, turn it away from the horrors of the dark, towardthe joys and graciousness of the Light. Know, dear Ones, that the countlessSupply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It!Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


今天,我们继续讨论了一些影响你们的局势。极重大的事件正在解决就位,会使你们的世界改观,在这样的情况下,使你们的世界远离黑暗的恐怖,朝着光的喜悦和仁慈前进。亲爱的人们,请知晓天堂数不尽的供应和永无止境的繁荣确实是你们的!去这样成为它!Selamat GajunSelamat Ja!(天狼星语,成为一!处于喜悦中!)






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