When we look at the larger Galactic picture of consciousness enslavement we see the negative alien agenda targeting the brain,the central nervous system,our thought forms through the promotion of trans-humanism brought on by the hybridization and synthetic integration of our species.All to keep control over our central nervous system and brain.
But,what's becoming apparent is that our brains are neurologically wired with empathy which connects us to higher consciousness that has a spiritual connection.This negative Archonic agenda is made up of artificial intelligence synthetic infected beings and are missing the bio-circuitry that gives them empathy.
They are targeting our central nervous system with toxic chemical agents and low vibrational frequencies trying to create a human being without empathy.Like I've said many times as long as we are an emotional being they cannot completely control us.
An artificial intelligence network will try to mimic the functions of the central nervous system and brain of living things people and animals.Basically,we continue to fight this genetic modification/manipulation by beings on and off planet.The genetic modification of the human being is big business and very dark business.It's called bio-neurological enslavement.So,when the human race realizes that the beings of this very dark agenda who are coming from a very non-empathetic way...it's very easy to understand and it becomes very apparent how they can do this to us.
一个人工智能网络将试图模仿人类和动物的中枢神经系统和大脑的功能。基本上,我们继续与地球上和地球外生物的基因改造 / 操纵作斗争。人类的基因工程是大生意和非常黑暗的生意。这叫做生物神经奴役。所以,当人类意识到这个非常黑暗的议程的存在,他们来自一个非常非同情的方式 ... 这是非常容易理解的,并且它变得非常明显,他们可以这样对待我们。
The escalation of corruption,bribery and technological abuse that is being forced upon us by the controllers are somewhat difficult to observe via the deceptive marketing practices and the clever use of intimidation to force us into suppression into the larger agenda of bio-neurological manipulation.
People are being intimidated to allow their own babies to be used as experimental guinea pigs to make way for a future generation of disconnected Biotech drug consumers.We are in a transitional time and we must realize that we need to stop feeding into this global consciousness enslavement and mind control.We must take back our consciousness power through informed consent meaning people need to wake up and start researching and ask questions to why and what is being done to us.
What's being done to the human race is not something random this is all an unethical,methodically planned out agenda and we all need to wake up to it.We need to wake up and see very clearly what's happening to our central nervous system and brain.
We need to realize that our bio-neurological functions are directly responsible for our interconnectedness to our spiritual bodies.And if our bio-neurological bodies are hacked it disconnects us from emotions,heart and soul.Are you seeing the bigger picture now why they're trying to do this to us?😉
我们需要认识到,我们的生物神经功能直接负责我们的相互连接到我们的灵性身体。如果我们的生物神经系统身体被黑客入侵,我们的情感、心灵和灵魂就会被切断。你现在看到大局了吗 ? 为什么他们要这样对我们?
A brain being controlled by bio-neurological artificial intelligence does not feel empathy or connection to life.The health of our central nervous system and the functions of our brain are extremely critical in properly transmitting DNA signals and frequency that work with the etheric network.
一个被生物神经人工智能控制的大脑不会感到同情或与生活的联系。我们中枢神经系统的健康和我们大脑的功能在正确传输 DNA 信号和与以太网络一起工作的频率方面是极其重要的。
During this Ascension cycle and those who are Awakening as well as the new generations being born are experiencing a positive range of genetic mutations that are impacting our nervous system development and brain processing.So what this dark agenda is doing to suppress this human awakening is to medicate all people that fall under a diagnostic label or umbrella term.If we continue to be bio-neurologically assaulted,implanted,drugged and overloaded with cocktails of energetic chemical toxins not only does this negatively impact our immune system and health it blocks messaging between the body,brain and our consciousness.
So basically these toxic chemicals that we are ingesting through food,water,air,pharmaceuticals and vaccinations are keeping us in an extremely low frequency that are blocking these higher frequencies all to hinder the messaging that is needed for our Ascension.
資料來源: http://www.pfcchina.org/%E6%96%B0%E4%BA%BA%E9%98%85%E8%AF%BB/23166.html
( 图文来自网络,版权属于原创 )
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